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  1. #1
    XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX XxGoregrinderxX's Avatar
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    Default Which Race should i take??

    I have PSZ now but i cant decide which race i should use.
    My favourites are:


    But i think Force is weak in PSZ.
    In PSO im a RAcast so i have experience.

    Any ideas??

  2. #2


    Yeah, HUnewearl...PP regen + resta=win. AND because the weapons in the game are different than pso...your MST with staffs/wands/blah blah take the place of you you really can't go wrong.
    Personally I use a HUnewearl....and haven't died once with it. higher levels brings faster PP regen so in the long run HUnewearl is great.

    Force are good in the higher levels and with a party, so if you want a party character then get a force.

  3. #3


    Forces weak in psz? overpowered you mean....

    But since you liked RAcasts in PSO you should start with that.

  4. #4
    In Optimus Curtz we trust Broken_L_button's Avatar
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    Forces are weak in PSZ? Wait...What? I...No...Wait...Nevermind.

    Anyways, you should go with Casts. Why? Because of the Cast Supremacy's beautiful ideals and doctrine. But if that doesn't sway your weak fleshie mind, fine, go with whichever character you feel looks the coolest. If you're aiming for something closer to a certain style of play though...

    HUcast/Caseal - Choose this one if you prefer simply rushing in and beating enemy skulls in.
    HUmar - Uhhh...if you want a HUcast with resta, or like prepubescent boys with shorts and ponytails, I guess?
    HUmarl - Same as HUmar, but slightly more accuracy, and, unlike him, seems to have started puberty.
    HUnewearl/HUnewm - These two are awesome for more "versatile" play styles. With the correct weapons, you can be a decent shooter, swordsman or technique user. Oh, and they can also be used in the same manner as the other hunters, but they do slightly lower NUMBARZ in damage.

    Ramar - He got a cowboy hat. Your argument is invalid.
    RAmarl - She got a classy uniform. Your argument is invalid.
    RAcast/RAcaseal - IMO, the best of the rangers because of their superior ATP and ATA and the fact that they're ROBOTS. Grab your gun and shoot stuff, then, if something doesn't feel like going down with a gun, grab your Gunblade and show it the manliness of Earth Bullet.

    Note: All rangers play the same, really. Shoot stuff weak to ranged damage, use your Gunblade/Saber on stuff weak to melee. The human ranger's MST is so crappy that it doesn't warrant trying any MST based build beyond the PA spamming slicer build, really.

    FOmar - He has glasses and rocks that MANrobe. His bonuses to foie/zonde/barta make him an impressive nuker, second only to FOnewm, which is only second to the FROnewm in that department. He can also rock a "battle mage" or melee force build pretty well.
    FOmarl - She's a nun...With a surprisingly extensive collection of mechguns. Kinda like the sisters from the ripoff church in Black Lagoon. Along with FOney, she's the best healer and her second highest MST makes her quite good with techniques too. She can do the melee force thing well too.
    FOnewm - THE nuker. Yes. If you give him an afro, he becomes one of the best characters in the game. Though, seriously, his bonuses to all offensive techs, his high MST and penalty to resta turn him towards the nuking role, just like in the PSO days. He CAN be a melee force as well, but, since he's blind (thanks to the sunglasses that come with his afro), you'll need lots of ACC adjustment on your weapons.
    FOnewearl - The other healer and official loli of the cast. She also has the highest MST and a bonus to megid, making her quite a powerful as a nuker too. She can also do the melee force thing, but since she's nearly as blind as FROnewm, she'll need to stick to either high tier daggers or high ACC adj. weapons.

    Note: If you ever do the melee force thing, for God's sake, be smart and use your buffs/debuffs.

  5. #5
    Space Hobobo Bo Bobo yoshiblue's Avatar
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    As much as i like CASTs, who do you think made them. Humans ftw! Even though my main is a RAcaseal lol.

    FOnewreal are said to be slicer queens.

    Human forces are said to be best for using guns, IF NEEDED!

    Human hunters are said to out damage CASTs unless they have said CASTs have buffs.(I myself dislike being hunters)

    CASTs get HP regen
    Newmens get PP regen

  6. #6
    XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX XxGoregrinderxX's Avatar
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    I think i will go Newman Hunter or FOnewm.

    Can i reach the "make 1800 damage" title with a HUnewm or FOnewm???


    Im making a HUcast.

    HUnewms have low Defense and i believe in the Cast Supremacie.
    Last edited by XxGoregrinderxX; Apr 11, 2011 at 09:56 AM.

  7. #7
    A Rappy with Skillz Keyblade59's Avatar
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    FOnewm most likely, as you have an arsenal of spells that are MADE for finding your foe's weaknesses. They also have 5 extra levels of techs (along with the other forces) compared to hunters and rangers.

    Also HUnewms make up with evasion so don't worry about that. They can also cast spells, and have a PP regen to top it all off.

    Betwen a HUcast and a HUnewm its pretty much your choice.
    PSZ characters:
    Frost: RAcast, lv1
    Soul: FOnewm, lv40
    Socks: HUnewm, lv1
    FC: 4726 8115 1533

  8. #8
    Radical Ranger cease_fire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yoshiblue View Post
    FOnewreal are said to be slicer queens.
    not really...Hunewreal way better...Fonewreal ACC just horrible to be slicer queen..

    as for ranger they are the one of the class that can use slicer(outside boss battle) without the worry of ACC.

    as for human ranger they got to use jellen which many people have underestimate it potential in battle.

    Level 100 Ramarl-Anastasia
    Level 100 Hucaseal-Vicky
    Level 78 Fonewarl-Alexis

  9. #9
    Space Hobobo Bo Bobo yoshiblue's Avatar
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    Lol thats why i said "are said". Human rangers are cool. Heal, resta and buffs. Awesome support is awesome.

  10. #10
    Worgen Pride Biatch!!! Clavat99's Avatar
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    The race you want depends on your play style.

    CAST's if you want to have an emphasis on ATP and DFP. And the RAcasts have some of the best ATA in the game. and HUcasts have the highest HP and ATP in the game and can use some of the highest DFP and ATP rated items in the game as well. They excell at being tanks (players who get the attention of all the enemies to keep other players from dying) and can be increadible melee DPS'ers. CAST's are more for players who like survival and getting up close and personal.

    Humans if you want a balance of ATP and magic. WHile humans lack the HP and sheer survivability of CAST's, they make up for it with the ability to use magic and can do well in any of the classes. Humans are for players who like a balanced, easy to play kind of style.

    Newmans if you want magic, magic, and more magic. They can do well as a HU, but they have almost zero survivability, and rely on powerful buffs and magic to do well. however, a FOnewm changes the game, they start out weak, but toward their higher levels they become WAAAAAY overpowered. The easily can deal the most damage in the game and can keep themselves alive with ridiculously huge heals and buffs. However, they still maintain the squishiness that comes with being a mage, and must stay at a distance to be effective. Newmans are for players who like big flashy spells.

    If you just want a charector for its looks:

    Humans if you want a more casual kind of look.
    CAST's if you want a robotic, armored look.
    Newmans if you want an exotic, high-tech look with a "mages Robes" kind of thing.

    I hope this helps!
    .:Soldiers of Eternity Guild Leader:.
    HUcasts FTW
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