Does anyone know if the 16* rod god amatertsu(sp?) drops off the kamakaze in GHeroes (large neudaiz monster) they are only lvl 215 I am wondering if it requires lvl 225 because I have killed many of them maybe around 300 or so on infinity difficulty and only the 13* rod, so many I have 60% in all elements lol. I know the infinity jp wiki lists that it drops on its drop table for this mission but after many many runs and getting many ancient star rods (off the svaltia axe dudes) but 0 god rods I begin to wonder. So if anyone has found this rod in the new GHeroes mission let me know. Maybe its because I am playing story mode, I dont think that effects it?

Also I was wondering if infinity extending the psycho wand had any purpose? Because it only gains 25tech or so. Also is a ancient star rod with lightning boost better to use than the psycho wand with lightning boost? Also until I am strong enough to get a EPD (since im offline only atm) are there any other rods good to use other than psycho wand? Because it gets boring using the same rod all the time lol.

I started off as Hunter (Hunewearl) I have been playing FO now and I must say they are much funner, and the damage output is amazing FOVERSE. lvl 160 and rebirthed twice so far both at lvl 180. I didnt have the patience for 200 because I wanted the power to kill Dios and Olga on infinity difficulty. Now ill go for 200 this time.

Thanks for any tips and sorry for long post just thought Id hit everything at once.
