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  1. #301


    "Oh ha ha very funny, You forgot the Fifth one wise guy." I glared at him. "That one happens to be the one were you!" I pointed at him. "Actually give a damn!" I lowered the lance, closed my visor and charged full force myself.

  2. #302


    Surprised to see that a Guardian wanted to talk rather than point a weapon at her, Sasha prepared a soliloquy to respond to Enforcer with. "We cannot forget what you CASTs and the other races had done in the past. You rose up against us, leading to a violent war. Once the war was over, you CASTs oppressed us for decades through some twisted 'eye for an eye' mentality. Things really started going to Hell once the SEED had invaded in search of A-Photons. If the natural order of the Gurhal System hadn't been shaken up through the uprising, then maybe we could have been better prepared for the SEED invasion. Maybe you Guardians wouldn't have had to send your base on a collision course with Old Rozenom City."

    Sasha continued her lecture. "I had no choice but to join the Illuminus. The Guardians just don't seem capable of restoring this universe to its former glory. Things may seem peaceful, but I'm fairly sure that the CASTs want to regain their power over Humans. Hell, there was one point where I feared that I could not even put my faith into the Illuminus. Howzer seemed to grow more and more insane as time progressed until it was revealed that he was one of the SEED. But I stuck to the roots of our organization and helped the Illuminus recover from the damage Howzer dealt to our organization. Today, we wish to return to normalcy, return to how the world was before this storm of chaos and death rolled in. And only Humans are fit to lead the Gurhal system to recovery. You may not like it, but the truth hurts. And because you lot hide your heads in the sand, we have decided that it is time for a reality check."


    Eyes red with fury was right. Mary's eyes glowed with seething hatred as she seemed to erupt from the rubble. "HOSTAGES ARE IRRELEVANT. DAMAGE EXCEEDS 50%. ENGAGING RAGE PROTOCOL x5. DEATH! DESTRUCTION! REST IN PIECES!" The hasty reprogramming of B700DE-M4R33 began to rear its ugly head upon that first statement. Regardless, Mary switched to another Photon Art and leaped into the air, unleashing a relentless rain of stabs on her opposition.

  3. #303


    Using the skills he already possessed along with Nirifta already casted minutes ago, Adam dodged the rain of stabs that Mary used on him and Kayusto. He then ran extremely fast and was able to traverse on the wall while firing from his pistol actual rounds rather than stun rounds, considering that Mary had a particularly strong cast armor plating.

    As soon as he had to reload, he rushed into cover and casted Shifta and Deband on himself and Kayusto. "Do your thing, man! Tear her to bits with those new weapons you got from the mall!", he yelled to Kayusto.

  4. #304
    Buff-Talking RAcast Daak's Avatar
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    Nov 2010
    Earth I gues


    ``Dam´´ Garon said `` Tekk you catch up to us I´ll see you later´´ I can’t let Enforcer down Garon thought to himself...
    Five minutes later he was on top of a large building across the city center, with his incredible eye sight he saw the town hall and the motion that was going on there he made out a person with a spear and two dead targets near him, after he unpacked his rifle he looked back at the entrance which was now swarming with Neo Illuminus ... `` Time to shine´´ Garon said out loud...
    He laid down on the floor and pulled his beloved anti material sniper rifle from where he had put it down earlier, he reloaded it with photon covered six centimeter bullets, Garon smiled at the sight of his beloved gun this was all he ever kept from his time in the AMF special forces and he loved it. He looked through the visor and zoomed onto the entrance. He realized the Newman with the spear was Atli, he knew him from Enforcer who talked to him on his comm...
    The situation seemed bad there were quite allot of enemy targets surrounding Atlis and a smaller guy with claws. He kept looking Enforcer was talking to someone but he could not see who as the person was too deep into the building `` Smart huh ´´. Well time to show you people that you have some back up and as Garon pulled the trigger twice two of the guards moving towards Atlis and his friend fell bleeding to the floor with a hole through their head. After that, five more people fell to Garon’s sniper. Then something caught his eyes from both sides behind the building SEED where moving towards the entrance. ``Dam´´ Garon snapped it was a trap they were surrounded form one side by SEED and form the other by Neo´s. Garon stood up and pulled the trigger twice killing two humanoid SEED. The last one was to warn Enforcer and his buds `` Sorry Enforcer ´´ he pulled the trigger the last time before all ten bullets were used and the bullet made its way right next to Enforcers left leg `` I hope he turns around ´´ Garon thought to himself as he ran down the stairs…
    Once Awsome .... Alwasy awsome !!!
    B-) Life is just one big party B-)

  5. #305
    "Of their own accord" Enforcer MKV's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Somewhere, being an old man again, apparently.


    I bullet zinged into the ground next to my left leg. I glanced back, and noticed movement on both of my sides. "A trap...huh, seems familiar." I looked back at Marr.

    "....You know what? You're right. Mainly. If the Civil war between the races hadn't occurred, the SEED could have probably been handled better. What my race has done to the Humans, Neumans, and Beasts is horrible. I've been in fights with my own kind more than the others because I disagree with them so strongly. The CAST Supremacists can go to hell for all I care. The Holy Light has no need for them, in my opinion." I said, bitterly.

    "But. Is it really right to lump all of them together? Even the ones that fight to end the racism? And what does destroying this city get you? More death? And the SEED you speak of, being such a menace? You're using them to kill and menace people still? Washing blood with blood does not absolve anyone of their sins, it only piles them higher. I fear that once you use the SEED to destroy or subjugate the ones that don't agree - or look - like you, the SEED may turn on you. I have no interest in killing humans. I only want to destroy the SEED, and protect the people who only want to live in peace. A true peace. Fighting only breeds hatred. A peace built on the corpses of the innocent is destined to crumble. Humans are a wonderful race, as are Beasts, Neumans - even the CASTs, once they dispell the illusion of superiority. I think that none of the races are fit to lead over the others. Isn't the idea that Humans are the most fit to rule the same as the idea that Casts are most fit to rule, only a different group? How are humans better? Your faith in the Holy Light? I believe in the Holy Light as strongly as anyone, ma'am. I don't see how this fighting will change anything in the long run..." I took several steps towards her. "What is this fighting really accomplishing, other than ruining lives?
    Last edited by Enforcer MKV; Sep 30, 2011 at 07:32 AM.
    Enforcer MkX [TE/RA]: Critically injured
    Violet MkV [BR/HU]: On active duty

  6. #306


    "We wish we did not have to kill them, but it is a necessary measure for the greater good." Despite her apparently composed expression, her mind and soul were being torn by frustration. The codes and precepts that she had followed diligently for years were being torn to shreds before her very eyes! First the hostage, then her brother, and now this CAST! There was no way what she was fighting for was a lie, and she would remain faithful to the path of the Neo Illuminus even in the face of reason.

    "We cannot let anyone standing in the way of our goal live... It would just lead to another bloody uprising. We must... shed blood... to keep blood from being shed..." At that moment, the frustration began to leak into her expression. "I am not fighting for the wrong side" she assured herself.

  7. #307
    Trueblade 剣聖 Wayu's Avatar
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    West Coast of US


    Bullets began flying as Tia grew more interested in the conflict below.

    The defenders were getting quite numerous. In sheer numbers, it seemed to be a total of 100 or so people, androids, and creatures working in loose concert to suppress the attackers; who knew how many were not in plain sight.

    The attackers seemed relatively few, as combat was concentrated in a few select areas. There was one section in particular that seemed particularly violent, and defending forces moved to surround the area entirely before sending in reinforcements.

    After a few minutes of watching this, a few defenders got the smart idea to get some high ground. At this, Tia muttered, "About damn time, idiots," as a few more soldiers followed suit, carrying high-power rifles.

    The door to the roof of her building opened up, and a squad of 5 or so defenders ran up onto the roof. They stopped in their tracks when they saw Tia, and Tia blankly stared back at them.

    The awkward staring contest lasted for about a minute before Tia lost interest. A small scrawny soldier squeaked out, "Infidel?" The other four soldiers nodded in agreement before emitting some weird battle cry. Raising their sights, they squeezed off a couple of rounds at Tia...

    ...and hit nothing. A warm gust breezed past them as they stared down their sights at...well, nothing. The blonde lady they had just seen had disappeared. A sweat drop ran down the tallest soldier, and he shrugged it off. "Hot day, lots of stress. We must've been seeing things." The unit sighed collectively, relaxed, suddenly spasmed, then hit the ground unconscious.

    The warm wind subsided back into the cool sea breeze, and a large patch of air directly behind the downed unit distorted massively before revealing Tia, left hand raised in a karate chop fashion. Exhaling deeply, she confirmed that the soldiers were unconscious before confiscating their weapons. 3 assault rifles, a shotgun, a sniper rifle, as well as 3 handguns and a number of weird box-like things that she couldn't figure out how to open. They didn't carry much ammo either - probably expendable infantry that their top brass didn't care about.

    Leaving the bodies, Tia took a giant leap to the next building, taking great care to avoid detection by the rooftop snipers as well as the throng in the streets below, slowly making her way towards the fighting.

    Meanwhile, an intercom buzzed to life on one of the unconscious soldier's uniforms. "Sniper teams in position. Fire at will."


    A small group of Neo Illuminus soldiers strutted back and forth along the East Port. The eastern side of the city seemed comparatively peaceful to the western areas of New Rozenom, as the fighting seemed to be concentrated over there.

    One young soldier seemed to be quite enthusiastic about the situation. "The time for divine retribution on those disgusting filth has come!" he yelled in jubilation. "The Illuminus will shine the way for humanity's future to progress without a single smear of blight!" A number of other soldiers sat around and listened lazily - mostly new hands, but a number of guards seemed to hold veteran status, watching the newcomers with mild disinterest.

    One guard's eyes flicked to the side and raised his weapon, gesturing with his hands. Three other soldiers nearby wordlessly did the same, and they quickly, quietly made their way to a street corner. Swiftly aiming his sights around the corner, the lead guard surveyed the area quickly. Street - clear. Rooftops - clear. Windows - clear. He motioned the others forward, and they dove out from the corner, swiftly taking cover behind a car and a destroyed section of the road.

    Nothing in sight other than a rat scurrying along the road. Fidgeting, but not removing his eyes from the sight the first guard said aloud, "False alarm. It was just some mouse. Let's go back." With that, the four guards lowered their weapons and turned back around the corner.

    As the guards left, the black-haired woman quickly rolled out of a nearby window, landing without a sound. However, the landing created a small gust of wind that caused a nearby paper to flutter back around the corner - which the four guards definitely noticed.

    Bolting back to the corner, with fingers at the trigger they scanned the area they had just cleared. Car, windows, under the car, behind the greenery, still not a single moving thing in sight. The mouse had moved even further away and dropped down into a sewer vent. Scanning the area for a short while more, the guards eventually cautiously left, their eyes darting back to the corner every few seconds.

    After the guards had left for good, a section of wall right next to the corner flittered for a brief moment before the black-haired woman suddenly appeared and dashed off soundlessly in the opposite direction of the guards, leaving but a whispered quip, "Too easy."


  8. #308
    "Of their own accord" Enforcer MKV's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Somewhere, being an old man again, apparently.


    If I had a human face, I would have smiled at Marr. "It isn't that simple Ms. Marr. Your objective is noble. Your methods....not so much. The damage from Howzer....has not been repaired. The SEED, as well as racism, are what has damaged the organization so. They're a corruption by nature. It isn't your fault. You shouldn't be blamed. A smart young women like you. If members of our individual races work together, we can make things work. I'm sure we could. There's no need for this fighting, this killing."

    I took another step towards her, "I'm saying that we should work together and reform things peacefully."

    Then a sniper round cracked and hit my shoulder. It didn't pierce, but left a dent.

    I looked at Marr, and shook my head. "We don't have to do this." I said with sincere concern.
    Last edited by Enforcer MKV; Sep 30, 2011 at 09:32 AM.
    Enforcer MkX [TE/RA]: Critically injured
    Violet MkV [BR/HU]: On active duty

  9. #309


    As if being quite hurt wasn't bad enough. Aye! But i to keep going blah blah i get it. "Rodger that Adam!" I pulled out the Polearm as i like to call it and used it as a Javelin to propel myself over a large distance with a front flip. "Check this!" I skidded on one side of Mary with Dual Crea Sabers in my hands which i not only dodged an attack, I damaged her left leg with both blades to the point were one more strike would make it easily fall of.

    "It doesn't feel good when you hit me with that Sword Rain of yours and it does a number on he Armor, So i hurt cha back!" I pulled out the Rifle and let loose a charge shot right into that hideous robotic face of hers sending me stumbling toward the ground with the recoil but i used that as a reason to roll back to my feet. "Is this your best?" Within seconds, i quick drawed at her inured leg as she fell again as i pulled out the pair of Claws and put them on my hands, ready for the next attack.
    Last edited by FOkyasuta; Sep 30, 2011 at 10:24 AM.

  10. #310


    "But the precepts... never... negotiate with..." Sasha was on the verge of hysteria, but she instead kept herself composed. "Show me. Show me that the Guardians and the AMF are worthy of protecting the universe. Prove to me that the Holy Light is with you instead of us."

    Sasha directed Enforcer's attention to the portals within the room and inside the doors. "If you can defeat me and my legion of some of the strongest fighters, beasts, and machines in the Gurhal system, then I may be inclined to believe you. There is a catch, however. Once you have fought the legion, only one of you may battle with me at a time. And the person who will face me first is Kory. Gather your strongest fighters, but keep in mind that the longer they take to arrive here, the less time you will have to defeat us."

    "Neo Illuminus, stand down for the moment. You may resume fighting momentarily" Sasha ordered. But the unexpected occurred;

    "Request denied, Sasha" said an unknown voice.

    "Don't you understand? An enforced pause in combat will stall them that much longer! We could use those precious seconds to get the bomb up and running! Even if they have two or twenty fighters, they will not survive the legion I have prepared for them."

    "Hm... interesting proposal. Very well then, the soldiers shall hold their fire for now. But if you fail here, it is your fault and you shall be punished accordingly."

    Outside the building, the crowd of Neo Illuminus soldiers stopped attacking and seemed to create a pathway that allowed Altis and Kory to enter the building. "Come, my brother and... whoever you are" Sasha's voice echoed, "We will settle this dispute inside."

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