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  1. #31
    The James Franco of PSO2 NoiseHERO's Avatar
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    Talking about that can't walk past opened doors script?

    I thought PSO2's fields and missions were all generated as you move along them, so.... if there any doors in this game...?

    edit-did I post this in the wrong thread? e_e
    Last edited by NoiseHERO; Oct 28, 2011 at 08:07 PM.

    AYY. All you nillas days is numbered.

  2. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by Garnet_Moon View Post
    Until you found out mobs won't follow you outside a door. I hope they follow you back to the city if you decide to run this time around. That'd be awesome, and less cheap by ducking in, taking potshots, then running out before they get close. Repeat... :\
    Only reason that worked was because the enemies would move back to their starting positions whenever you left the room. If they didn't do that, door camping would just screw you over.

  3. #33


    They do that in every game though. They aren't allowed to leave their area, probably because if they could chase you throughout the entire level, they'd have serious resource issues and more glitches to account for than they probably want to.

    I think the biggest thing here will be how adept enemies are at chasing you onto platforms. Lets hope the enemies have HALFWAY decent AI this time.

  4. #34


    No, I mean if they didn't return to their starting positions, and just instead froze in place the minute you left their room (which you couldn't attack through due to PSO's targetting limitations) you'd be stuck behind a door with a wall of monsters. It would be a horrible strategy then and instead you'd have to tough it out in the room or trap yourself.

  5. #35


    that would be hilarious

    I dont know, they probably didn't do it because you'd get yourself into situations where you'd probably get destroyed as soon as you stepped into range. And since multiple enemies attacking you at once did stupid damage in PSO, it'd just be constant suicide to ever leave the room.

    But it was funny when they DID stay in place at times, and you walked in and they'd walk in circles setting their trajectory towards you.

    Im not too worried about PSO2's AI. They need to alter some of their attacks from what ive seen, but it looks like enemies such as the Savage Wolves could be very, very dangerous were they to attack in packs. They move around, and jump really far. Fighting a swarm of them would actually take some positioning to not get blindsided everytime you swung at them.

    Im really curious as to how many enemies will be allowed on screen at once. This is a PC game, so any max less than like 15 would be quite disappointing.
    Last edited by RemiusTA; Oct 29, 2011 at 12:35 AM.

  6. #36
    Kagajibaris are Dezorians Omega-z's Avatar
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    Actually RemiusTA & everyone, there was a game that had a monster that was super hard to beat and would follow too, normally you were fast enough to get away. But there was a group of guys, for a prank had a character that was just fast enough not to get attacked but not to fast to get away ether and lured 1000's of the same monster in all the cities and towns and killed everyone in them. ppl would log on and instantly die on arrival, and those that saw the carnage logged off. It shut down the game for 2 months while the staff and GM's had to clean it up. So, it has happened BF, It's not good and brings the game down, But it is sure funny tho.

  7. #37
    The James Franco of PSO2 NoiseHERO's Avatar
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    I think there should be rare monsters...

    Ones that aren't just pinatas...

    Ones that can 2 hit kill the whole party and it's super hard with like a lot of HP or something!

    And just entering an area where it's suspiciously quiet and you hear the monster/enemies voice and there's only one of em. and it pops up behind you and starts kicking your ass.

    But it always drops something nice if you put in the effort to kill it

    AYY. All you nillas days is numbered.

  8. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by Omega-z View Post
    Actually RemiusTA & everyone, there was a game that had a monster that was super hard to beat and would follow too, normally you -snip
    That wouldn't really be an issue in a game that has instanced dungeons separated from non-combat zones.

  9. #39


    Oh boy, PSO weapon memories? Mine weren't so hot. I remember being being on my Oran Hunter trying to the 1975 Agito to turn it into the Oriotiagito... Or however you spelled that thing. As Oran it was basically impossible to get this thing, as it dropped off Nano Dragons, and the drop rate was like.... 1/214000+ or something stupid. But, being a 16 year old I tried anyway! I focused on doing the quest Addicting Food, as it has the most number of Nano Dragons(I forgot to mention I was an offline only player, didn't have a BBA.). I did over 160+ Addicting Food runs before I finally just gave up and decided to level up a Whitill section ID character, never got around to getting that character to ultimate Lost my memory card shortly after that too.

    So my first and main character never got to feel the power of that katana before he was put to rest... /tear.
    Ship 2 - Sayrah - Level 54 Hunter/45 Fighter

  10. #40
    Kagajibaris are Dezorians Omega-z's Avatar
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    So true Macman, But I think they where wondering if it happened bf and how it would be if PSO2 was like that. I'm glad it's not, even tho it would be interesting tho. But I wouldn't want to wait two months or more for Sega to fix it, If it had been done that way.

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