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  1. #1

    Default Dolmdarls special attack

    Ok does anybody know if the dolmdarls special attack that covers you in purple and doesnt allow you to move do anything to your character other than not being able to let your character move?
    I am a kubara product.

  2. #2
    Dreams of surfing rappies NegaTsukasa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    over the river and through the woods.


    It's just a movement stun. you can still attack. but nothing else happens. it's annoying. especially when you're at a high enough level to block their attacks when they swarm you.

  3. #3


    the reason i ask is because i use the hell special to kill these guys and it sure seems like my special attack lands a lot less when i have that blue stuff all around me. Im thinking it might also affect ata.
    I am a kubara product.

  4. #4
    Dreams of surfing rappies NegaTsukasa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    over the river and through the woods.


    I wouldn't know any additional effects if there are any. never paid enough attention. and I never used many special techniques frequently up until later on in my game play.

  5. #5
    Battle Maiden of Ragol Lady Nadia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    the only other thing ive noriced during this special attack other than not being able to move is you are unable to change weapons until the effect diminishes.
    Ep3 - Nadia 381 Hunewearl, W-4782 L-191, King 32.
    Ep1&2 - Rika 200 Hunewearl, Sophia 200 Racaseal.
    BB - Nei Chan 200 Hunewearl.

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