Favorite Hunter: Don't use hunters much...but I'll say Relmitos
Favorite Arkz: Memoru
Least favorite Hunter: Glustar. (Hate how he looks(YOU'RE NOT ELVIS)hate his 3 TP, just hate him.)
Least Favorite Arkz: Creinu (for reasons explained below...)
Most favorite area:Tower of Caleum(love the music, and it's just awesome.)
Least favorite area: Ugh...gonna sound like I don't know anything here, but that first forest area that I can't remember the name of. It's tiny and boring music.
Most favorite creature: Pan Arms (Hey, I can make Guard Creature decks work. It's the only way I get anything accomplished with Memoru.)
Least favorite creature: Crimson Assassin (Against someone who knows how to use it that is...)
Most favorite Item: ...I don't use hunter side.
Least favorite item: ...Still don't use hunters
Most favorite action: HP Attack (Del Rappy with HP attack LOL)
Least favorite action: Split (luck.....)
Most favorite assist card: Dice Fever (Screw Luck)
Least favorite assist card: Immortality (No Creinu! Keep your slimes away from me!)