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  1. #71
    PSO-W leаder AND оwner Sp-24's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    On this blue planet


    This has nothing to do with "us" - PSO2 is oriented on Japan first, and this includes plot structure and delivery and character templates and development that Japanese (apparently) like more than we do.

    This plot is one of so many reasons why I think that the international version of the game is going to be a throwaway piece of crap, and yes, I'm going there again, sorry.

  2. #72
    Sinless Bromeliad Renvalt's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Ashland City, Ganymede


    Quote Originally Posted by Sp-24 View Post
    This has nothing to do with "us" - PSO2 is oriented on Japan first, and this includes plot structure and delivery and character templates and development that Japanese (apparently) like more than we do.
    Given what I've seen of a good amount of today's gamer population (remember, we 90s gamers don't exactly count anymore, at least not when it comes to the money makers in the marketing schemes), the only plots that interest them only work if a single character looks good, is male, preferrably has some derpy attack (read as Naruto/Bleach) - OR, it tends to use its plot as a scapegoat for wars that never make sense (looking at you, CoD)....

    I read a story a bit ago about how women gamers are speaking out about how sexually biased the industry is (this article is unrelated to the topic, well, sorta), and that men seem to view the females of the virtual world as nothing more than sex symbols. It shows a pretty good picture of most American gamers (I can't say for certain that stuff like this happens in Japan as bad as it does over here) that they think video games are for men only, and that any women who play games are rare treasures that they apparently "fight" over to get the right to "claim" them, if you know what I mean.

    It's really sad. People's minds refuse to embrace creativity, or the desire of someone to try something different. It's like we desire this "image" of perfection that must always be maintained, lest some hacker dweeb decide to say "Do wut I say or ur server goez down cuz mah bother taught me how to take down servers" and then actually have the intelligence (or lack thereof) to follow through on it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sp-24 View Post
    This plot is one of so many reasons why I think that the international version of the game is going to be a throwaway piece of crap, and yes, I'm going there again, sorry.
    I can agree with you there - only because I think Americans are divided into two groups - those who are nostalgia fags and those who worship CoD/WoW as the pinnacles of gaming without, y'know, really giving a damn to get good at said games.

    There will be those who will play it as Mystery MMO X of the Year and then there are those who will play it expecting the possible rebirth of Nei/Rika/Alys/etc. and not get it. Both will quit, but for totally different reasons.

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