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  1. #211


    Holy derail, Batman.

    I know in a lot of US game servers, foreign players will often flood servers with their language. When this happens, a lot of the players just tell them to "speak english" or "english only." Personally, it's easy to become alienated when you cannot understand the other players, especially when it runs out of control unchecked.
    I would wager that the Japanese harbor the same feelings towards us. Just learn some basic Japanese phrases and try not to flood the chat too much.

    There's always exceptions to this "rule" though, such as the segregated blocks/channels, which has always worked incredibly well. I wouldn't mind an official English translation and just have us play on overseas servers... but that probably won't happen, and the last thing we need is more speculation.
    megaoka | Kaz | Ship 2

  2. #212


    This went from JP people>People yelling at some guy about cheating or hacking or whatever>dubbed anime/voice actors>Page 21

    Lets see how long this will drag out.

  3. #213


    Ship 1's issue is that it has alot of chinese bots according to one JP poster at that one website whose URL I can no longer find amidst this sea of derailment.

  4. #214
    Waiting on NA server...
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Kaziel View Post

    There's always exceptions to this "rule" though, such as the segregated blocks/channels, which has always worked incredibly well. I wouldn't mind an official English translation and just have us play on overseas servers... but that probably won't happen, and the last thing we need is more speculation.
    I think the official word on the subject (correct me if I'm wrong) is that they plan on having separate servers for the english speakers. No, don't have the actual quote, you'll have to forgive me. I just see it brought up a lot in Sega's forum.

  5. #215


    Quote Originally Posted by holmwood View Post
    Ship 1's issue is that it has alot of chinese bots according to one JP poster at that one website whose URL I can no longer find amidst this sea of derailment.
    Oh yeah I remember it was a big problem back then, there aren't many of them around anymore, did Sega really banned Chinese IPs?

  6. #216


    Quote Originally Posted by エース View Post
    Oh yeah I remember it was a big problem back then, there aren't many of them around anymore, did Sega really banned Chinese IPs?
    I still see a couple roaming around the empty blocks. I heard that Chinese IPs were banned, but I dont remember if it was a rumor or not.

  7. #217
    Waiting on NA server...
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    Aug 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by holmwood View Post
    I still see a couple roaming around the empty blocks. I heard that Chinese IPs were banned, but I dont remember if it was a rumor or not.
    I've seen Chinese IPs getting mass-banned from MMOs a lot recently. It's not just one or two, it's dozens. So it wouldn't surprise me if Sega's enforcing something similar, but it won't stop somebody from proxying or using logins from the compromised accounts of their customers. Heck, it's probably the reason their ToS said "Japan only" in the first place.

    I feel old. I remember when RMT was some college kid or two selling plat or items from old EQ on ebay.

  8. #218


    Quote Originally Posted by Soultrigger View Post
    @Cypher_9: Do you even realize what you're suggesting? My point being was that you can't institutionalize a second language for many English-speaking countries because of ethnic diversity. It's not like you can't go to a second language school as a child. But forcing Spanish on Chinese kids when those kids are most likely learning English and their native tongue? Just think about what you're suggesting for like 2 seconds, please.
    Yes I know what I am suggesting, enable children to learn other languages outside of their own within the US. The word 'mandatory' was used loosely in this and for that I was just making a relation to how other countries 'have to' and not the US - more so make it 'available'; give that child a choice in their language education - instead of introducing it late. Cause goodness knows, when I was in a Spanish class, I was only there to get the elective credit but, it changed when my interest of it adjusted... too bad it came a bit late.

    For EVERY person in the world to learn English sounds like an agenda to me and is unfair to those countries who are - at the least holding on to their own culture; I don't want to go to another country just to see that it is JUST like the one I am getting away from (Malta being a perfect example - hated seeing a McDonalds there... LOL). I am sure you have heard of those indigenous tribes and people from US tried to conform them by teaching them that; yet they refused.

    From the looks of this, it appears to be a majority/minority thing... if that is the case then all of us should learn Mandarin/Chinese since they are the ones that top us in population... Someone made a joke out of that last I heard... LOL

    Other than that, everyone else above me already made the point... to just, learn it...

    Quote Originally Posted by Renvalt View Post
    Y'know, maybe not force it on them, but heavily encourage it and give incentives to those who put forth the effort to learn. And do make it more than just Spanish, please. As much as I REALIZE how useful it'll be to me when I interact with all those imported Repugnican slaves comin' from Texas Border Latinos in this country, I realize we are not a nation made up of three racial divides, but instead, we are a nation of many diverse cultures.

    Speaking of which, nobody brings up the Native Americans. Or the fact that we still have them trapped on these "reservations", which in my limited opinion is, well, a form of slavery. Not to mention a lot of Americans (white folk mind you) spit on their existence all the time when we call them "redskins" or "indians" - y'know, I doubt they feel happy about that at all.

    At least Japan's indigenous people, the Ainu, are respected by their country, even if some people don't consider them 100% Japanese (whether there are any that suggest such absurdity, though, is something I have no fucking clue on).

    Meanwhile, Americans? A good number of us are still acting like the friggin B.C.I.A. (British Confederate Imperialistic Assholes), thinking that we have an entitlement to rule the world.

    To these maroons, I have a message: Do us a favor - hurry up and die already. Sooner you meet your "god", the sooner this world can start healing the health and sanity cap you imposed on us.
    ^ THIS!!!

  9. #219


    language barriers are pretty primitive. with everyone connected, it's natural that the world will evolve towards a global language.

    I'm not sure why you equate culture with language so much.

    most schools in US offer spanish and french. many offer other languages. I'm still a teenager but I'm taking japanese and latin. but I'm pretty privileged.

    spanish is taught most in US because it's most useful for an american. not sure why you don't understand that.

  10. #220


    Quote Originally Posted by Emizel View Post
    I'm not sure why you equate culture with language so much.
    Maybe because, it is 'a part' of their culture... :v

    Again, thank the Tower of Babel for the barriers... also I am still for Gigawits idea... let the greatest of minds and a piece of paper come together to make ONE UNIFIED WORLD LANGUAGE

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