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  1. #21
    jack of all trades, master of none
    Join Date
    May 2003


    On 2003-07-13 08:24, Shapiro wrote:
    On 2003-07-13 07:51, Ness wrote:
    Time heals all wounds.
    And it doesn't matter how long it takes.
    well, if ur like 90 by the time u get over it, that would kind of suck.

  2. #22


    Thank you all for your support and concern. When i wrot this topic I thought people would laugh and call me an idiot or somthing but now I know that youguys are really decent people. I did cry last night and I called my friend Amy Shinatori in Madara
    she came over to my place and stayed the night and....well You know how it goes from there.

    Anyway youguys are great people and god bless you all for talking me through this.

    The love of friends is the power that makes you whole(book of the heart 4:16)

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Botosai_The_Rappy_Slayer on 2003-07-13 13:24 ]</font>

  3. #23


    On 2003-07-13 13:12, Botosai_The_Rappy_Slayer wrote:
    I did cry last night and I called my friend Amy Shinatori in Madara
    she came over to my place and stayed the night and....well You know how it goes from there.
    You played Twister and stayed up late DESPITE what your parents said?

    Wow...I'd say you have "recovered" rather quickly.

  4. #24
    Bounty Hunter Extraordinaire
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Celes city


    Well you can't really call it love if you get over it that quickly now can you.

    I know how love feels. I'd do anything for my girlfriend. I even took a bullet for her once. Now thats true love.

  5. #25


    Dont get me wrong Im still thinking of her, I was about to call and see if I could toalk to her but its like the say "if you love them so much then set them free let them be who they are and do what they do" oh and to let youguys know when I did amy that was because she came on to me and plus I've known her since we were 10.(I kinda knew she had it for me but I didnt know she would jump the gun like

    guys I live on my own..

  6. #26
    Bounty Hunter Extraordinaire
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Celes city


    Yeah I know. It just kinda happens. Especially if you've known someone for that long.

    The girl that i'm with now i've known since i was 12. But we didnt get together till we were about 15.

  7. #27
    jack of all trades, master of none
    Join Date
    May 2003


    did i read rite that u actually took a bullet for her? wat happend there?

    oh, and that was sooome recovery. hot dang.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Jehosaphaty on 2003-07-13 15:33 ]</font>

  8. #28
    The Dutchess of Dance
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Don't worry, if you need me, I'll find you.


    I don't think I'd try to talk to her just yet. Give it some time.... like a month... then try talking to her again. Let yourself emotionally heal from this first.

    Oh and to counterbalance the testosterone posting on this topic.... MEN SUCK TOO, YOU KNOW!!! Nobody's perfect.

  9. #29


    ...DAMN! That didn't take too long, did it? The only reason I'm i the state I am now is beacause of women (and lemme say, that's a pretty good state... I'm playing sports and going to the gym, something I never woulda done before I fell in love...). I have to say, I like women. Hell, I love women! And many women like me! And I like doing what I'm doing, too! So don't tell me not to change for women or any of that bullcrap, 'cause I like what I'm doing, dammit!

  10. #30
    White Mage... Bringer of Light
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Location: escaped from Lolita's kiddie-porn dungeon


    On 2003-07-13 03:18, hollowtip wrote:
    I know this is a little off topic, but this always has bothered me about high school, and I don't feel like making another thread dedicated to this specific topic.

    If I learned one thing in my life thus far, is that a lot of woman are really disgusting when it comes to relationships and treating men with respect in general. High School is by far the worst way to find this out, and it's the most prevalent in this environment as well. The strive for popularity and having "the time of their life" often outweighs what morals they were brought up with, and can skew decisions they may regret otherwise. Relationships beyond graduation never usually pan out because each partner almost inevitably goes their seperate ways, or even worse, treat the bond as only a 1-4 year "fling" (misleading the other partner for manipulation purposes) just to wreap enjoyment from high school's extra curriclar activities, and feel important to their peers. It's this conniving act that is a significant reason why I never got attatched to any woman in my journey over this major hurdle, and I saw it unfold first hand with one of my buddies. Attending all the school sponsored endeavors and with the lack of any verbal scuffles, it seemed like the perfect relationship for "John", but now as I look back on the situation, this conclusion couldn't be further from the truth.

    I won't bore you with all the details, just thought this would ease a little bit of your pain considering there are a lot of rotten apples in the world and your bound to eat one of them sooner or later. Just be thankful you it was sooner rather then later.

    "bros before hoes" - Your friends will always be there for you, woman come and go.
    Guys can be complete jerks too, you know. I found this out the hard way.

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