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Thread: Episode 4

  1. #71
    Owner of the almighty n00b bat
    Join Date
    Feb 2003


    You should also be able to talk when paused. But.. this "pausing" method that you suggested would be a form of invincibility... Do that when monsters are crowded around you, they go away, you unpause and walk away/attack them. It'd also be extremely cheap in battle mode...

  2. #72


    Ok, lets say the enemies still stay there. Like when you are invinsible because of your mag, they attack , but can't hit you.

    Maybe you can only pause for a maximum of 15 seconds. More time is purchasable on an online quest for 5 seconds for 35k meseta.

  3. #73


    That is, when you "pause" your "time" counts down, like credits on a cell phone. Run out, and it unpauses, and you have to buy more.

  4. #74


    Instead of finding the same basic crap such as justys for greenill from everything they could put some more 'lesser' weapons to add a little variety to the constant stream of diskas of liberators flooding my bank.

  5. #75


    That would be ok....

    (OK?!?! NO MORE VARISTA'S!!!!!!)

  6. #76



    Example is say FOnewearls special is a more powerful megid. A skill charge based from that would allow her to cast a far more devastating version of megid so many times starting at a certain level. things like that

  7. #77

  8. #78


    I like the 'only target enemies, not boxes' idea, but i have a new one... didnt read Page 5 so sry if i stole someones idea, but i dont think i will. How about All Monsters drop their DNA... no... not wepun making DNA... DNA that alters your current Physical form. Like Final Fantasy 3 (i think) for the Game Boy. You turn into a monster and you can buy an item or get the skill that (re)turns you to your original form. Being a bringer would kick.... Flying through levels plowing through enemies without ease.

  9. #79


    what about this since their will still be sabers and partisans what about making the attacks longer like adding another into the combo limit an include the tilting fuction that would enable u to make more custamized attack patters intsead of the usuall attack, attack, attack. it would add more variety to attacks and make it more fun creating your own attack pattern.

  10. #80


    Hehe, I like Yoda's idea about the c-stick.

    That would be pretty useful actually,

    Jump Forward
    __¦ ¦__
    Dodge/roll left <- __ c __ -> Dodge/roll right
    ¦ ¦
    Jump Backward

    I reckon that would spice thing up a little. Jumping over a Booma, landing dierectly behind it, then unloading a bucket of lead with your yas 9k, and it didn't even know what hit him

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