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  1. #1


    Quote Originally Posted by Stickboy View Post
    How to barta?
    Barta as in the tech itself or ice techs in general?

    Quote Originally Posted by Magus_84 View Post
    Think we'll get more mixed-element techs like Zandeon in the future?
    Certainly so. When new PAs/techs are released in small batches (as has been done with this batch), more small batches are released (presumably with each following UQ) until all weapons and all tech elements get covered. Since Zandeon is a composite tech that covers lightning and wind, it is most likely that Sega will release two other composite techs to cover the remaining elements.

    Since Sega claimed that the intent of multi-element techs was to encourage Fo/Te and Te/Fo play (not that they could ever succeed with the latter), it is most likely that the other two composite techs will be a combination of a Force and Techer element. Meaning either Fire + Dark and Ice + Light or Fire + Light and Ice + Dark. My bet's on the former pair.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by LonelyGaruga View Post
    Barta as in the tech itself or ice techs in general?
    the tech itself, derp. i kept missing mobs that are running to the side. note that im still using my old ice motav 'cuz nepto rod is uber expensive for me. (heck, all element rods and talis are expensive)

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by LonelyGaruga View Post
    Since Zandeon is a composite tech that covers lightning and wind, it is most likely that Sega will release two other composite techs to cover the remaining elements.

    Since Sega claimed that the intent of multi-element techs was to encourage Fo/Te and Te/Fo play (not that they could ever succeed with the latter), it is most likely that the other two composite techs will be a combination of a Force and Techer element. Meaning either Fire + Dark and Ice + Light or Fire + Light and Ice + Dark. My bet's on the former pair.
    It'll be great if Sega will eventually release all 15 combinations (but that seems a bit too much). Going with the thought of them trying to promote the FO+TE combination (do they even need to promote this combination?), it's always possible that they'll have other combinations after the first 3 get introduced. That'll give us a total of 9. Doesn't seem as ridiculous as 15, but getting to 9 at this pace will still take like a whole year. I personally would want a "Twilight" Dark + Light one, but that's purely on Techter's tree, so it probably won't happen. And I, too, think it's going to be Fire + Dark and Ice + Light, for some reason.
    But having multiple of these techniques does seem a bit overpowered if they are able to be used independently of each other, as you can spam one after the other. I can see them making it so that all of them run off of the same meter. You charge all at once, but if you use any one of them, it takes up the charge and you have to recharge the meter to use any of them again.

    PS: I've always wondered why I couldn't ever find the thread for Force in this forum...
    Last edited by Perfect Chaos; Dec 13, 2014 at 11:07 AM.
    Ship 02 | ID: Perfect Chaos
    Zelda (Newman ALL @ 100) | Sheik (Newman Et/Bo/Fi/Ph/Te @ 100) | Samus (Cast Gu/Fi/Ra @ 100)
    Ganondorf (Dewman Fi/Et/Hu @ 100) | Link (Newman Br/Et/Hu/Hr @ 100) | Deoxys (Cast Lu @ 100)
    Level 50 Technique Customization (max level) using Craft Tech Maker 4. Feel free to message me in game to request any recipe(s).

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by LonelyGaruga View Post
    Since Sega claimed that the intent of multi-element techs was to encourage Fo/Te and Te/Fo play (not that they could ever succeed with the latter)
    When I don't use my TEchter/BOuncer, I play as Techter/FOrce. Anyway, I still Main TEchter since having +25% HP, +10% ATK and 3 minutes S/D with one cast is really appreciated.
    Of course, you can do way better damage as a FOrce/TEcher... FOrce/TEchter, you know the ones who paper the floor on Ultimate Naberius with 500 HP/DEF because "hail powaaaaa" !

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Terrence View Post
    When I don't use my TEchter/BOuncer, I play as Techter/FOrce. Anyway, I still Main TEchter since having +25% HP, +10% ATK and 3 minutes S/D with one cast is really appreciated.
    Of course, you can do way better damage as a FOrce/TEcher... FOrce/TEchter, you know the ones who paper the floor on Ultimate Naberius with 500 HP/DEF because "hail powaaaaa" !
    And you'd do even better to go Te/Hu, Te/Fi, or Te/Br if you wanted to main Techer. Shifta Strike is still 15-20% weaker than Element Conversion, depending on 13* or not, so mentioning that like it's an advantage isn't very smart.

    Try again please.

  6. #6


    I've always been a rainbow element FO/TE, but since the tech rebalance I have yet to test all techs again and see if my three of each choice in my weapon palette is enough or if I should have like 3-4 element palettes, now that we can save those it shouldn't be a problem.

    I'm still currently using: Gifoie, ilfoie, foie, gibarta, ilbarta, nabarta, sazonde, gizonde, zonde, gigrants, grants, ilgrants, ilmegid, namegid, gimegid, Sazan, zan and ilzan. The extra palette has zondeel and razan as utility techs (I only use razan to turn garongos upside down).

    What techs that I'm not using should I check? I recognise some of those I barely use them any-more, instead of foie now I use ilzan in TPS, gimegid I only use it on catedransa or zondeeled groups, and zan.... I use it to cut grass lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Terrence View Post
    FOrce/TEchter, you know the ones who paper the floor on Ultimate Naberius with 500 HP/DEF because "hail powaaaaa" !
    That would be the case if Ult enemies actually dealt a lot more damage than SH ones, but they don't...

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by landman View Post
    I'm still currently using: Gifoie, ilfoie, foie, gibarta, ilbarta, nabarta, sazonde, gizonde, zonde, gigrants, grants, ilgrants, ilmegid, namegid, gimegid, Sazan, zan and ilzan. The extra palette has zondeel and razan as utility techs (I only use razan to turn garongos upside down).

    What techs that I'm not using should I check? I recognise some of those I barely use them any-more, instead of foie now I use ilzan in TPS, gimegid I only use it on catedransa or zondeeled groups, and zan.... I use it to cut grass lol
    I guess I'll list some techs along with the craft you want to look for:

    Fire techs: Foie (Blazing or Efficient), Rafoie (Blazing), Nafoie (Blazing or Efficient)

    Lightning techs: Razonde (Supercharged), Ilzonde (Concentrated)

    Ice techs: I've heard Barta is pretty good now, though I haven't tested myself

    Wind techs: Nazan (Windslicer), Zanverse (if you like supporting)

    Light techs: Ragrants (Concentrated)

    Dark techs: Megid (Umbral) and Ramegid (Umbral) are pretty good.

    I'll assume you already have good crafts for the techs you use. Someone's more than welcome to fill this list if I forgot to mention a tech.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by ReverseSeraf View Post
    I'll assume you already have good crafts for the techs you use. Someone's more than welcome to fill this list if I forgot to mention a tech.
    The truth is... I try to avoid as much RNG as I can, being disk hunt on rare enemy the only thing I've ever farmed in this game. So tech crafting is another thing I've also avoided, I'll read all those suggestions and see what I'm loosing.

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