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  1. #1

    Default Best method to get abducted.

    Is there a general agreed upon "consistent method" for doing this.

    The whole S rank policy before you try doing so. Is there any common knowledge on what effects it. Example methods. I know being by yourself has a higher chance than with others but I'd still like to understand this as best I can.

    Method 1: If I ran subdue Za OOdan 10 times to get sranks and then restart spam TAs, does that help?

    Method 2: Running other quests(would free field Sranks mean more than Zubdue za oodan?

    Method 3: Running TAs only (does this give the highest boost per one cleared?)

    Method 4: Running 1 TA then restart spamming 20-30 times. Then again.

    Any help is appreciated.

  2. #2


    Or you can dress like a loli and stand in a black alley, someone will surely pick you up.

  3. #3
    Psychotic Asian Goth Girl [Ayumi]'s Avatar
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    Method 1: Never heard of this. And I doubt that works at all. 99% of the time I aim to S rank every mission I'm on. Even if I'm doing let's say a boss kill for a daily order, I almost never boss rush unless I have people with me (which I rarely do).

    Method 2: Just like Method 1. I do TAs every week. Sometimes 3 or 4 of them. Always SH 1st and haven't been abducted for months now. I think I was abducted once this year.

    Method 3: Might work. Did 10+ SH TAs in a row with some people trying to get abducted until before we reached 20 some of us got bored or tired or both that we gave up.

    Method 4: Same answer as Method 3 with another group doing it on Nab 2.

    I say you should go with this method:

    Method 5: Try all of the above until you hate yourself.

  4. #4


    I seem to get abducted the most often when I solo TAs. I get abducted a lot.

    afaik, abduction chance increases as the same group completes TAs.

    if you TA with randoms every time, someone in the group might not have as high abduction chance or something, which makes none of you get abducted

    since I solo TA a lot, and there's noone else with low chance to drag me down, I get abducted a lot
    [All Class] Nue Houjuu / [GuHu] Remilia Scarlet from Ship 02.
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  5. #5
    Space Hobobo Bo Bobo yoshiblue's Avatar
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    I also get abducted more often when going solo.

  6. #6


    Method 3 works for me. Usually takes about an hour for an abduction.

  7. #7


    Method 1: Does not work. S-ranking outside TA has no effect on abduction chances.

    Method 2: Does not work. Again, S-ranks outside TA has no effect on abduction.

    Method 3: The only good method for getting abducted. Best chance is when soloing TA on VH or SH. Anything lower has no effect.

    Method 4: Unreliable, your chances of getting abducted lower per restart, but still possible. Better to do method 3.

  8. #8


    I'm fairly sure your best method of getting abducted is to repeat the same TA over and over either solo or with a party. TAs becoming once a week was a problem because you either have to be extremely lucky or keep rerunning just to provoke abduction.

    Well no TAs once a week isn't the problem. The problem is Sega never rebalanced the abduction rates for once a week TAs.

  9. #9
    エターナルブレイバー milranduil's Avatar
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    probably wopal TA


    Spam SH nab2. 3min doable with most classes, 2min with a few.

  10. #10


    What Vatallus said.

    I always get abducted when I start solo Naberius 2 just to test something, even after not doing TA for weeks-months.
    Then it sometimes happens multiple times in a row.
    Almost never happens in a group. In all this time, only had it happen maybe twice in a group, and once was from restarting over and over to get it to happen on purpose.

    So, basically:
    - It seems to calculate probability based on the total added probability of each group member.
    - Getting S rank elsewhere doesn't seem to matter.
    - If your hidden probability is high enough, spamming restarts tends to work. If not high enough, it won't work.
    - Occurs much more often in solo because it's only calculating your own probability.
    - If your rate is high enough, even if you fail to clear abduction, there's a high chance of getting abducted again immediately after.
    - Once you clear abduction, you can't be abducted again for a while (I forget how long, might be until someone else kills your clone).
    - If someone in your party has recently cleared abduction, it won't trigger.

    I haven't checked the JP swiki lately. They might have more info there now.

    Edit: Info from JP swiki.

    - Everytime you clear VH TA or higher, probability increases.
    - Probability lowers when you retire.
    - Will not occur if you don't meet the right conditions.
    - Will still occur regardless if Coffee has notified you of abduction or not.
    Last edited by TaigaUC; Aug 8, 2015 at 07:36 AM.

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