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  1. #71


    I might be a dunce but I don't see Fighter that often on ship 9 random MPAs. and if I do most of them are actually using TD/Knuckles/DS. Very few are using anything else.

    What Sega is doing is screwing with people that took the time to craft their weapons, or decided to use weapons that can sub Fighter/Ranger/etc. Which overall is maybe 5 or 10% of the games population.

    What they are doing is killing hybrids more. While most players do not play hybrids. Those that do just got slapped in the face for being different. Lets not even talk about the mess that is Gunslashes or main class abilities.

    While I generally benefit from this choice. I still find it a pretty terrible choice overall and just shows again that Ichitaro can't actually balance anything. There was some new concept coming up starting with Dark Falz Double and wb resistance. Then we take a step backwards again with this.

    Fi/anything got slapped. Limit Break only buffs striking damage. If this is so broken make it buff only Knuckles/TD/DS like how some of Gunner's skills only buff TMGs.

    Te/Br bows got slapped.

    Ra/Br bows got slapped. Admittedly a strong weapon choice Br/Ra 13* bows gets buffed.

    Forces got buffed.

    Short version of this. Anyone that actually uses their 13*s got buffed. That is the most basic form of this. While most 13*s were already on par with limit break fighters.

    Not a single thing from this actually helps game balance. None of it. Most players just got buffed. All 13*s just got buffed. Not going to mention gunslashes because I don't know if gunslash gets the 10% or not. (Gunslash icon is listed under every class so its up in the air until this update hits I think?)

    There was no game balance to be had today, only more game breaking.
    Last edited by Vatallus; Sep 21, 2015 at 08:11 AM.

  2. #72


    I feel it is more of a move to force people to get and grind out 13* weapon than game balance.

  3. #73


    How does this not help game balance? Right now every class has an incredibly formulaic subclass guideline. Banish combos? Sub Br. Chain combos? Sub Gu. General play? Sub Hu. Now when you main these classes they actually shine in these departments rather than you just reaping all of their benefits from a subclass. Also a main class weapon PA which you might have never used for mobbing before might actually become more attractive than pulling out that partizan or katana. Leveling Hu with bert rodan? Stop that FO supremacy and use your WL.

    I feel like people complaining are only thinking about how it hurts YOUR build without thinking of any potential benefits.

    Hybrids have only ever been good in TA, where things die quick enough without need to specialize, and in niche party compositions. In both of these cases, they will still be good as they aren't getting nerfed whatsoever. If you switch to a subclass weapon now for actual utility, and not because your main weapon is straight up inferior, you most likely still will.

    As people have been saying this mostly just hurts fi/x limit break/critical strike builds, which were already being dismissed when SEGA made 13* progression so linear.

    I played heavily into hiatus for this game both 1 and 2 years ago and the variety is better now than its ever been...
    Last edited by BlankM; Sep 21, 2015 at 09:33 AM.
    Ship 2
    Player ID: BlankM
    Character: Mauseletta
    Youtube Channel(Currently lacking PSO2 content)

  4. #74


    Fi boost. More damage with my DS and TD
    Ship 02. Player ID Name: Firesword
    My stream:

  5. #75


    Quote Originally Posted by SolRiver View Post
    I feel it is more of a move to force people to get and grind out 13* weapon than game balance.
    I personally think it's just a matter of coherence between the class and the weapons it's supposed to use. However, there is also your point, but i saw this coming few months ago when they released the Gryphon LQ with easy 300 gold badges along with that "Rare drop" song which is basically about getting the "rainbow of our dream" (rainbow drop in our case), it just seemed for me they were going to do everything to get us into using 13* and all the contents they're designing since then revolves around them. So this boost just confirms that for me, but also reinforce the fact that 13* will probably be 1 class-only forever, or if they actually release multi-class 13*s be sure they won't be strong .

    But i won't complain, because what is bothering me in that game is the fact that my Evil WL has more dps than my Ares DS 60 elem and +20 when i main Fighter, i personally think it should only be possible when i main Hunter (and again, a 12* shouldn't beat an ares lol). Or also, another thing that's still not fixed, mixing a striking class (HU) with a ranged class (RA) grants you almost more ranged dmg than mixing RA with GU (2 ranged-type class), i still don't get it, or why they still haven't fixed this......
    So this boost on main class weapon is a good thing , if they want more consistency between class/weapon-type. But i'm not surprised they're going that way tbh, we're getting more and more "main class" only skills and more 13* weapons that are also 1-class only, so be prepared to say goodbye to your hybrid build when you'll get your hands on those (Ares, Invade, Nemesis, Slave, Gryphon......). The way i see it is, they're going to "repair" this hybrid system, by that i mean making the class/main weapon-type stronger than the hybrid combinations rather than the opposite we witnessed (FI/BO DB!! i'm looking at you!!), they're probably unsatisfied of how this hybrid system turned out (which is understandable, me too i'm not satisfied of how it is)

    Also, uploading some PSO2 musics on Youtube when i got enough time to do it, i might have what you're looking for :

  6. #76


    Quote Originally Posted by Maninbluejumpsuit View Post

    That is some hella wishful thinking there.
    Well, it's a bit evident they put some thought before doing this. A % damage boost tied to titles? Nobody else probably thought of it. This is the only brilliant thing that came out of that shitty livestream.

    I remember hoping for BO to get another 10% damage boost in the form of main class skill, but now I got more than I asked for because I dont have to sacrifice skill points.
    So the next step, is to focus on the utility/support side of things. We'll see in Ep4.

  7. #77


    I am not a fan of this new shtick to "fix" game balance via title rewards that take hours on end to collect or possibly even more depending on your RNG. It benefits only the super dedicated player - which in different circumstances wouldn't be an issue- but it is certainly not what a balance fix should be about.

    Of course, it is a balance fix only secondarily, and primarily just means to have this super dedicated player spend another 5 hours a day on the game.
    Last edited by Mysterious-G; Sep 21, 2015 at 02:03 PM.

  8. #78


    None of these things makes me want to play the game more, nor do they make the game more fun for me.
    IMHO that is a failure of game design. So what if they're making me a little stronger, it's still the same damn game.
    I'll only go out of my way to get the titles if I'm only a few short of obtaining one, otherwise screw it.

    Also not a fan of SEGA trying to focus on main classes = main weapon. Makes things more boring, to me.
    Last edited by TaigaUC; Sep 21, 2015 at 02:28 PM.

  9. #79


    Apparently GS was indeed stated to qualify for all of the main class bonuses during the livestream. Wonder why nobody mentioned that here.

    Also why do people keep talking about the weapon collection titles like they're gonna be difficult to acquire? Chances are most players already qualify for many of them and require minimal effort to acquire the rest of them. Most players that play the game, at least.

  10. #80


    Quote Originally Posted by LonelyGaruga View Post
    Apparently GS was indeed stated to qualify for all of the main class bonuses during the livestream. Wonder why nobody mentioned that here.

    Also why do people keep talking about the weapon collection titles like they're gonna be difficult to acquire? Chances are most players already qualify for many of them and require minimal effort to acquire the rest of them. Most players that play the game, at least.
    its lobby dancers

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