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  1. #1


    since i courrupted ive decided to go legit for a while...i went legit when the game frist game out until lv40...then i just started duping and bah bah i need some help from you legit people...whats the fastest way to level up and get to ultimate with a saber 10 monomates 10 monofluids and a lv5 mag...o btw im a me out and tell me how do you guys survive in hard v-hard and maybe ultimate without a rare...

  2. #2


    A weapon doesn't have to be in a red box to be of use.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003


    You expect help from legit people after having been a duper?! You >censored<!

  4. #4


    hey come on give me a break i just corrupted...the only things ima dupe from now on is materials for myself...right now i dont care about anyone else...

  5. #5


    Hey! Tidus is a good character and it's good that people are deciding to go legit.
    Here's somethings to keep you going:
    -Set goals. Look under your ID and find a nice item. Really nice. Now, work your character till you reach a level when you can look for that item and get it. I find a common goal can really help you to stay on track.
    -If you enter a game where someone 10 levels lower than you is doing twice as much damage with items that aren't even released, and that annoys you, leave. Don't go out and find your copy. I can't tell you how many times I've met someone who is using a TJsword and a hacked mag and is doing over 1000+ damage. It just makes me a little angry. So, I just leave the game without a word.
    - Raise your own, unique mag. Something that is good for your character and will match your equipment at higher levels. I feel like a mag is perfect for me. And it's even better cause I raised it.

  6. #6


    As for myself, I used a Gladius 30/0/20/0/40 and grinded it, it never missed.
    Get a good/great weapon with high hit%.
    Try to get 4 slot armors from the shop, and fill 'em up with general/metal bodies for survival (power is for the MAG to take care of.) Train the MAG power-wise since ATA and DEF is taken care of, and when fighting Dark Falz, get General/Dragon HPs.

  7. #7


    Going legit, heh? Well best way to do it is by using the right supports for bosses and levels. Weapons with percents, abilitys, and also grinds. Using the strongest weapon doesnt mean your good, always make sure what weapon are more ffective what armors keep you alive in certain situations quote "Dark Falz: Grants Tech" that move pisses me off when I used me force, but got him back with me Holy Resists. It all depends on your charcter. Try doing quest first thing for the money also. Best rares found in Hard-Ulti modes. Then again find a Delsabers right arm in normal mode would help out hehe.......

  8. #8


    restrain from ur old habits

    and set level goals.

    first goal 10 then 20,30,50,60,70,75,80,85,90,100,105,110,115,120,125 ...
    and so on.

    by doing that i got to 125

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003


    Here's how I went leveling up like crazy back on Ver.2:
    Run through the levels, killing every enemy and taking every item. Sell the items you don't need. Put money in the bank. Just go through the levels and kill the boss. Always use the strongest weapon you picked up. Every +1 on anything is useful.

    Whatever you do, don't dupe. Only dupe materials? Oh please, I have a bank full of materials. If you are in desperate need of some, ask me. I haven't used any materials because I want to use them later when I need them and when I planned it out. I have at least ten of every type.

  10. #10


    Just find weapons and use them. I have a level 127 RAmar and 3 level 65 characters (HUmar, HUcast, Force) that are legit. My ranger gave most of my lower level characters armor and units he found plus some weapons. Otherwise it is slow going. My ranger was recently given some hacked guns and I don't want to give up a few of them. I guess I am also being tempted. Good thing I don't know how to cheat though.

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