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  1. #11


    It's amazing how they replied to you and the account is not compromised.
    It's a prove that they are not that anti-west (or anti non-JP? why it has always to be western) after all.

  2. #12


    To my knowledge sega haven't banned any non SEA gaijin just for trespassing their game.
    Most 816 victims are suspected for other terms of violation, such as RMT/hack.

    They won't ban people for sending a mail in eng, nor unlock a foreign account under suspicion ban.

  3. #13


    my friend and his team was playing a game published by SEGA called closers, one or 2 guys in his team spoke english and BAM!, they banned the whole damn team should i call this tyranny or recism witch hunt ?

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by sol_trigger View Post
    my friend and his team was playing a game published by SEGA called closers, one or 2 guys in his team spoke english and BAM!, they banned the whole damn team should i call this tyranny or recism witch hunt ?
    Actually their whole team spammed BR-tier chat on global channel of a game with a solid IP block for a week so if anything I'd say they asked for it.

  5. #15


    I write in Japanese and SEGA either ignores my reports or says Japan only.
    Haven't been banned.

    If you want to get banned, spamming BR-tier global chat is a surefire way.
    That was one of the (many) reasons Pangya JP blocked all foreign IPs.

  6. #16


    Oh god yeah. Pangya Banned the rest of the world like one week after the release of Ice Spa...
    Oserez-vous percer le mystère de la malédiction ?

  7. #17
    Serpent of Flame Keilyn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    USA - NE2


    SEGA invested in multiple western companies in 2014 - 2015 and their operation goal along their gaming division was to spread out further to Europe and North America. PSO-2 is not in the U.S because PSO and PSU online did not do so well in the U.S. Combine the fact that there are people here in the forum who have worked to make the JP version compatible with non-JP people and the modders pretty much did SEGA's work for them without them having to spend money on localizing a version.

    Its a dream of companies to have people do their work for them, for free, grant the company more money and without any liability, while forcing the community to live by standards of the parent company under their own national laws...

    SEGA does not need to ever release in the west a Phantasy Star game anymore when modders are willing to work for free and even without understanding the Japanese Language, give them their money regardless of the social and political discrimination towards foreigners that JPN have.

    Sorry, but its the truth.
    PSO-2 Info: Ship: 2; ID: セツナヤキ; MCN: ケイリン
    "If you want a bridge between past, present, and future, search for the void and awaken it!"

  8. #18


    I think the huge prevalence of CFW on the PSP in the west was what really killed the PS franchise. PSO in the West was actually very popular during the Gamecube days (albeit not as much as the JP side, of course), and there was plenty of money to be made from those people, but the attitude in the West is to get as much as possible for as little as possible, so the portable games on the DS and PSP probably did extremely poorly since PS is a niche franchise and not something HUGELY popular, and thus made SEGA not bother to localise anymore games.

    It's the same with F2P as well, and you can see it on PSO2 JP. A very large number of people refuse to pay for things ingame, because they feel they should be able to get everything for free, and many even see themselves as "better" than others who pay real money towards a game they are playing, even though as far as I'm concerned, a gaming company deserves money if they're providing hours of entertainment to you -- they did work very hard to originally bring it your way.

  9. #19


    Sega does not care. As long as we keep pumping money into their hands, they'll continue to not care. Money talks.

  10. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Z-0 View Post
    I think the huge prevalence of CFW on the PSP in the west was what really killed the PS franchise. PSO in the West was actually very popular during the Gamecube days (albeit not as much as the JP side, of course), and there was plenty of money to be made from those people, but the attitude in the West is to get as much as possible for as little as possible, so the portable games on the DS and PSP probably did extremely poorly since PS is a niche franchise and not something HUGELY popular, and thus made SEGA not bother to localise anymore games.
    I remember they wanted to slowly release item codes over the life of PSP2 in the west or something like that, and people cracked all the codes and posted them online before any of that fun could start. PSP2 was an awesome game, and I was really looking forward to an official western release of Infinity, but I don't blame Sega for holding it away from us after that and all sorts of other issues happened.

    Let's not even get into the all the people playing pirated copies.
    Phantasy Star Lore Whore/ARKS Layer Discord Mod
    カレン (Zysets)- PSO2JP
    Karen - Clementine

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