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  1. #111


    Quote Originally Posted by SilkaN View Post
    Let me quote Blizzard:
    Seriously, screw that guy for saying that.

    Though that quote holds true in this situation though. At this point, why would you want an english version? The hell is the point as long as gaijins arent being witchhunted? Why would I want to start over, and likely be at least as far behind on content as SEA? After this many years, and playing the JP version this long, a western version will not be worth the time, effort, or your hopes.

    Quote Originally Posted by KiroMatic View Post
    Don't bother trying to be happy on PSO-World. These people will tear down your happiness faster then a monkey peels a banana.

    There aren't many but other PSO forums do exist and they take far more kindly to people having there own preferences then most of the chumps on here. Seriously, I've visited this site far longer then it's ever deserved and I've never seen the community ban together to do anything besides tear someones hopes and dreams apart.
    So happiness=false hope and ignorance? If we don't do it, SEGA will. They just make you wait longer, and gives your hopes time to flourish for years before they crush them.

    After SOA's track records with previous PS games, and the state SEA PSO2 is in, and the years of silence regarding PSO2 west, we'd be doing people a disservice by not bringing their hopes and dreams back to earth.

    Shigure ship 2. Credit to agarwood for the picture!

  2. #112


    start all over again, no way...content like a SEA? everyone hype for the next coming yamato patch...

  3. #113


    Quote Originally Posted by Zyrusticae View Post
    The mention of "redundant systems" reminded me of how many bloody weapons that are in the game that are completely useless because crafted, boosted red weapons completely eclipse everything that isn't a 13*. WEAPON CAMO CONVERSION WHEN, SEGA?!
    Nox NTs made many Reds obsolete as far as welfare weapons go.

  4. #114
    Gundam Girl Ziel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zyrusticae View Post

    All these stone weapons that no one will ever buy ever again because it's soooo easy to completely skip them and jump to something better. Waste of development hours spent on those systems and weapons. Especially the weapons. Good grief, all those sweet weapon models, all going to waste... how the hell can management look at that and think "eh, let's leave it like that"? Just calculating all the waste in my head makes me want to slap the bastards...
    Remember that little "Camo selection" of 10 and 11* wepons from xie? its still there on the recycle shop, LOCKED because it requires 2015 silver badges that no longer drop and you cant convert 2016s to 2015...

    "eh, let's leave it like that" indeed.
    =Ziel= Ship 02
    Ninel 90/90 Ra/Hu Gund...Cast!

  5. #115


    Honestly while Japanese version will always be superior to NA version...

    If you like Japanese version and you don't want to play NA version, then play Japanese version. No one was really forcing anyone to play NA version. I'd rather see it as people who want to play NA version is those who don't want to go all the trouble to download tweaker and patch and make accounts in Sega JP. And there are definitely those who want to play English version of PS4 and PSVita instead.

    I have friends who want NA version and I'll probably play both just for my friends and it's entertaining to play with IRL friends most of the time.

    NA server is just an option to play whether you like it or not because it has lesser localization and due to some restricted censorship. If you don't want to play it, then dont. It should not matter on whoever wants it. Let them want it. Both sides get their games, and they are enjoying it. Everyone's a winner.

  6. #116


    I'm pretty sure the point is, if you really want to play PSO2, you would be playing it in JP already. It's not coming to the west, that's just a fact. Sega of America is far from able to support a global server for PSO2. They'd probably need to have it published by some BS company like Nexon and it will become a terrible pay to win.

    Youtube: AlphaBlob | Discord Server | Ship 02: Akahana | ID: AlphaBlob | Team:『Khaos』

  7. #117


    Quote Originally Posted by SilkaN View Post
    I am hoping that they'll aim for a final solution and completely eradicate any chances of this game coming to the west.
    They actually do. It's called ep 4 and may yet get the game canceled before there is any way of bringing it to new areas.

    Anyway, there is a reasonable way to release PSO2 in the west. Monthly subscription. Black Desert did it and I think it's doing fairly well in the west (but haven't actually checked on anything).
    That would easily mean scratch isn't extremely important anymore.
    of course Sega would have to remove premium and make the set stuff default as well as giving people a bunch of stuff you have to pay AC for atm without paying extra money.
    But some scratch (or direct sales) of costumes and camos and 10% element boosters can still require additional payments.

    Now the majority of gaijin do not even want to hear foreign languages but a good amount does, so the game would probably need dual language audio. Especially because some people will pay for additional jp voices and there aren't remotely enough popular English VAs to replace the sheer amount of jp voices we already got.

    Also, some games manage being behind the original release by along time by simply releasing updates rapidly every few months, this would allow a western release to get close fairly quickly at which point you can slow down the pace cause you established a big enough gameplay base to keep a lot of players happy for a good while.
    This is especially important for PSO2 cause you cannot turn an f2p game into subscription without providing the money's worth, if you delay updates too long you could have periods where it's not even worth running the servers cause too few people are online.

    Quote Originally Posted by Z-0 View Post
    I want a US/EU version because it would probably be more fun than the JP version. The JP version is not fun, it might be more updated but that doesn't make it a "better version", I feel it's getting far less enjoyable over time.

    The guy who said people hardly play the JP is exactly right, by the way. There are no games up for people to join and nobody "just plays" the game and sits around waiting for EQs. There might be a lot of people on but that isn't synonymous with people actually playing and not idling. (though I can't imagine it'd be much different elsewhere honestly unless they overhauled the game in some aspects like western BDO did)
    Yeah, no one pays money for idling but everyone uses bandwidth.
    Also, the rift between jps and gaijin gets ever wider.
    But tbh I don't think the game would get truly fixed in a western release. Maybe, just maybe EQs and 12man mpas might be done away with but nothing else. Though tbh that alone would make the game 1million times better.

  8. #118
    Gundam Girl Ziel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Megidolaon View Post
    Anyway, there is a reasonable way to release PSO2 in the west. Monthly subscription. Black Desert did it and I think it's doing fairly well in the west (but haven't actually checked on anything).
    As someone who lives on a shitty country that has blocked all and every online shopping no matter how much money you make, sincerely.

    Fuck This

    And thats exactly the problem i have with a "western release" is "release it for the USA, maybe mexico and canada, fuck everyone else"

    I cant play any of the new AAA games that have been released, cant play any of the "Buy to play" online games that come out and its not even a hardware issue.

    I even WANT TO and CAN pay for premium and scratches but due to the stupid circumstances cant buy ac or anything, you have no idea how happy i am this game is not p2w garbage like many other (even japanese games) that are (loking at you cosmic break).

    Yeah fuck me and everyone else that cant afford anything besides f2p p2w garbages.

    I wanna keep the full cosmetic not gear dependant model of pso2 that im playing right now, thank you.

    Oh and if you didnt noticed, yes im saltier than a mermaid`s arse about this specific topic.
    =Ziel= Ship 02
    Ninel 90/90 Ra/Hu Gund...Cast!

  9. #119


    Ah yes the 'ep4 is killing pso2 in spite of its record number of players' meme. my favorite

  10. #120


    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaBlob View Post
    Sega of America is far from able to support a global server for PSO2. They'd probably need to have it published by some BS company like Nexon and it will become a terrible pay to win.
    I dunno, the current cash-grabbing going on with PSO2JP seems hard to beat, even by Nexon standards... as the current PSO2 setup can't really be made into a "pay to win" (PSO2 being focused as a PvE game), it's a "pay to have acceptable level of gear and/or skill trees to be worthy of being considered in a group".

    So a "pay to win at PvE". The only way I could think Nexon making it worse is if you'd have to pay monthly sub to KEEP extra skill trees as a "premium account feature"...

    ... shit, I might be giving them ideas.

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