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  1. #21

    Default Re: The sad thing is.. Sega's plan could easily work

    ... I really don't mind having to pay. I mean really whats the big deal? In japan they have been paying for v1 , so we just got lucky and did not have to. And $10 for 3 months is cheap. Really anyone who is complaining about this should just be happy we are even getting the game. After all Sega didn't have to release it in the states. And for all of you who would say then you would import.. well you would be paying to be online then too. So it's not the best thing but it could be worse.

  2. #22

    Default Re: The sad thing is.. Sega's plan could easily work

    Wrose. Even if you stay below 100, even if you don't take a single v2 item... it's already too late. If you play v2 at ALL with a character, it can never go back to v1.

  3. #23

    Default Re: PSOver.2 Pay to Play?

    well first of all, I bet not many of you have REALLY thought about this. Sure I admit it sucks but I did some thinking.
    Most video games stay fun for about a month or so, PSO right now is just as fun as when I bought it at launch (4 months). When ver 2 comes out all of the new features will make it like another brand new PSO. At MOST this should last for about 9 months. Thats about equivalent to about how long 7-9 other games will last, and if this $10 a month thing is true thats only $30. So for the price of $70 you get the best game EVER and 9 months of playing online. if you ask me, the extra $30 is all worth it

  4. #24

    Default Re: PSO ver.2 boxart!

    Well, it was only a mater of time till this happened. Get ready for empty lobbies, and a hard time finding a good game on the weekend. What ticks me off the most about this is, we will have to pay for the privlage of being hacked, pked, fsoded, and such. Isnt that nice. And what if you dont have access to a credit card? will you not be able to join the fun online? this sux bad.

  5. #25

    Default Re: PSOver.2 Pay to Play?

    whoa there! I HAVE thought about this A LOT and there is no way that you can possibly make this look good. First, you are working under the assumption that it $10 for 3 months, which is probibly wrong. Second, for those of us that signed up with Segas nice, but overpriced (at $20+, it overpriced) internet service, that just means we have to pay more. So that means i have (or had to, in some cases) to pay the 20 bucks for the connection, 200 dollars for the dreamcast, 50 for the game, and now EVEN more! HA! And I haven't even factored in things like controllers, VMU's, paying for a phone line, and bribing relatives to stay away from your house!
    Also, you are under the assumption that we will only be playing this for 1 year. HELLO? I'm still playing Street Fighter II:CE on Genesis and my frind, OriginalChaz, still plays PSIV. So why would I pay for a service that's not going to last as long as I want it to anyway? Remember the Sega Channel? That was cool! Do some of us still want it? You bet! Is it still around? Heck no.
    So, in the end, a few years from now, you and you're buddies are going to be putting PSO version II back in your DC, and then you'll say, "Gee, I wish sega still had those servers up! Man this game was cool!", whilst you could've had at least 2 more games in the neato Dreamcast collection by saving some money and puting it into Sega GT or something.
    You use the cash on one thing, and then people wont have enough for other software purchases. Which is what's going to be Sega's bread and butter. I think SEGA hasn't thought this through all the way.

  6. #26

    Default Re: PSOver.2 Pay to Play?

    Why would you say the price is wrong? Thats what Japan has been paying since PSOv1. So why would sega change it now? All you people who are whining about this and saying you will not buy v2.. Great less people like you online. More fun for me.

  7. #27

    Default Re: PSOver.2 Pay to Play?

    I'm not sure about all this talk about having to pay to play PSO. The reason is because i do get to play online all the time cause i have to share a phoneline with a Roommate, and a second phoneline is out of the question (can't afford it got more bills than i want but have to live in comfort). Even if i could play all the time what about Lag (I'm sick of Lag), and other problems that we as a whole have had with PSO. I for one do not want to pay for problems even the smallest amount of problems, but i will buy Ver2. I just wont play online if i have to Pay

  8. #28

    Default Re: PSOver.2 Pay to Play?

    Gee, that's one person who I won't be teaming up with real soon. Sorry I couldn't meet your lame expectations. Yeah, you'll laugh when you don't see me on...but then I'll get to laugh beck when you only see 5 other people online using PSOv2.

  9. #29

    Default Re: PSOver.2 Pay to Play?

    I don't think I want to buy PSO ver. 2 any longer. I am starting to hear more and more stuff about things SEGA said they were going to add in the game, but never did. This is making me QUITE angry, seeing that I have been waiting for almost two months for this game to come out, and the game is hardly updated! I would have expected them to create different attack patterns and newer bosses, but they didnt do that either! Everyone is raving about the "New Ice Dragon." That is nothing but BS, seeing the "Ice Dragon" IS the original Dragon but looks slightly different. My own opinion is that this game is not worth the $50 that it will probably cost. I'm not trying to start a little quarrel, but the littlest things in the game should be taken out and re-arranged or something. Why can't they, just for once, make the music DECENT for this game? I cannot stand to go into the Forest and hear that obnoxious music playing over and over again. Talk about torture

  10. #30
    Rappy Hunter
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Salt Lake City, UT

    Default Re: PSOver.2 Pay to Play?

    I'm with the notion that this idea is a load O CRAP. To have us pay to play after we shell out another $40 for a more rares a remade boss and some extras!? YA RIGHT!!
    I feel the price has been paid by all those that have bought and played PSO and that there should still be some money in the Sega piggy bank after people buy Ver2, and especially since they're just "Changing direction" and making games for other game systems.
    In my book I've paid for all my time. 1 Dreamcast, two 4x VMU's, with 3 reg VMU's (each one has a PSO char) not to mention PSO $50. Also since the time I've bought my DC in Feb this year I've purchased 50+ games and PSO is the practically the only one I play. Hmmmm need I say more...

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