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  1. #21
    Owner of the almighty n00b bat
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    Feb 2003


    On 2003-08-09 11:44, Cynosure_Zen wrote:
    Yes Satoshi, there is enough people playing PSOX to warrant an Xbox port. Now try to put you're fan-boy tendencies aside and try to look at the big picture here, which is about money not console preference.

    PS: How about adding something to conversation, next time.

    Fanboy tendencies eh.. wow, never heard that one. I'm just saying that I DIDN'T KNOW that there were a lot of people playing on the Xbox version. It had nothign to do with bashing the xbox, i think you're the fanboy here, but that's off topic.

    Contribute something to the conversation? OK. No, I do NOT think it'll go to the Xbox. But if it does, it'll come out a few months after the GC one, just like Ep1&2.

  2. #22


    On 2003-08-09 10:38, Lionheart2411 wrote:
    And a card game would be fun. I play Magic: The Gathering and would love to play PSO cards on a video game.
    Well, the new online magic the gathering game for the xbox sounds like it'd be perfect for you then

  3. #23


    compared to the cube, there really aren't as many people playing on the xbox... a lot of folks quit after 2 months, you'll never see any other ships relatively half full like apatite. and starting an open game in apatite is like a game of russian roulette. i don't recall the amount of times i've quit my own games because the people don't know how to play in groups well for sh*t... i've actually had games where i set up a pipe for people coming in.. tell them where i am.. and they go to another zone!!!

    sega dropped the ball when it came to promotion on this game. xbox numbers could have surpassed gamecube numbers immensely due to the relative strength of xbox live compared to nintendo's almost non-existant plan for online gaming.

    on the plus side, though.. should you ever want to play at 4 in the morning EST, the servers are bare, but at least everyone's an adult (relatively) usually.

  4. #24


    Keep in mind its BB only.

  5. #25


    BB only, but XBL is a major selling point for the system. short of Halo and a few other notable titles (KOTOR), it's the only thing seperating itself from the pack.. and judging by current sales figures, it's done the job in earning them the number 2 spot.

    BB is also gaining serious momentum in the states and is becoming much more mainstream... tons on people in my family who aren't tech fiends like myself have purchased DSL, and unfortunately my step-brother went out and got AOL high speed.. and he owns a box. the only people buying cubes with online in mind whatsoever are already PSO people. from what i can tell, europe is also becoming much more BB friendly as well. i think on the average xbox owners are a lot more online gaming oriented (console-wise.. there are plenty of people i'm sure who have cubes for the first party games and leave their online gaming to the computer) than the cube set. consider that these are psONLINE games, sega should realize the xbox market could hold more potential, at least in the foreign markets for them. b/c xbox online anything in japan is going to tank, flat out.

  6. #26
    The Son of Sephiroth and Brother of Lu Bu
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    Jul 2003
    Tampa, FL.


    there's a Magic: The Gathering game coming out for XBOX Live? COOOL! I didn't know that

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Lionheart2411 on 2003-08-09 17:26 ]</font>

  7. #27
    PSO Assassin
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    May 2003
    from the mean streets of Kennebunk Maine


    Let me start by saying the people who own gamecube most have the mentailty of a 12 year old. This has nothing to do with gamecube being bad. I notice people hold it likes a great vicotry if pso 3 is only on gamecube. Well its not. Infact its a defeat for us all. If people dont play the game the game loses money. ANd we all know what happens when a game loses money. I want to be on all systems so we all can enjoy a great game

  8. #28


    On 2003-08-09 11:56, Cryos wrote:
    ...F.Y.I according to the official report the Gamecube version of Episode 3 has adopted a final fantasy wait and attack system because during official tests frame rates plumited, best shown on Mines 1 with four people on seperate screens that the frame rate takes a nose dive, so far no game has managed to lag the xbox *Keeps fingures crossed*
    Well, well.
    No game has lagged the box?
    Might be because they use a lower framerate on the box, compared to the cube.
    Metroid Prime and most other GCN games have a choice of 50 or 60Hz frame rate.
    On PS2 the frame rate is 50hz in europe(PAL) and 60 everywhere else (NTSC).
    But the X-box?
    Halo has 25Hz (PAL) and 30Hz (NTSC), it updates with the same screen twice, instead of once. That's why the box doesn't lag. If they had full framerate? It'd lag just as much as everything else.
    I'm not sure 'bout PSO though... If it has full frame rate, then it might get lowered in-game to stop lag. (Frameskip, skip 1 out of two frames, and show 1 twice.)
    [Used frame][last frame shown again][new frame][last frame used again] and so on.

  9. #29
    PSO Assassin
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    May 2003
    from the mean streets of Kennebunk Maine


    Wat would have frame rate or lag...I'd rather have no lag overframe rate....

  10. #30


    I'd rather have frame rate without lag.
    But for some reason the techs in PSO take a hell-load of resources for the machine...
    Prolly bad programming.
    My GCN is more powerfull than my PC.
    My PC has to run windows, yet I can play more advanced games on my computer without lag, compared to PSO. (That is multiplayer + forces).
    My computer also runs other programs at the same time, so I think ST messed up by letting techs take lots of resources for the DC (it had a LOT of graphics memory), and they didn't fix it when converting to GC/XBX, so multi may lag.

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