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  1. #31


    Don't forget that *13 feel omnipresent only because of files, and files are seasonal, so every player that didn't log in often in X seasons because bored of the game, irl issues or whatev, now has to drop them the old-fashioned way (good luck finding a tagami, dropping the rigtht revo, finding a weapon from absent EQ Yamato, or get a parallel Odin to show up and get Aura). Sure if you were there and had time to get your weaps to +max ele each time, it's redundant, but if not, you wouldn't mind having a *13 for 2% less damage f you have access to it

    I also feel that the shower of new weapons is nothing new,. It's just that files didn't make them as much of a super rare thing as it used to be, and NT grind made grinding several *13 more than a fleeting dream if you didn't have a shitton of lambdas/mesetas sitting in storage. but just look at that
    previous year : Gal, Skull, Nemesis, Slave, Ares,Ideal, Austere, Orbit
    current year :Tokyo Revolucio, Tagami, Yamato, Xie, Ray, Aura, Vegas and a few extras like Jet washer.
    so the shower of *13 is nothing new,, and there are still less of them than *12 or *11. If anything, it feels that way since as it was said earlier, so far the potentials haven't been very unique for the most part, except for a few weapons (D.A.I.S,Form and Sterk only come to mind and they aren't even that exceptional)

    To sum up a uselessly long post, I think that *13 feel too numerous only because they've been there for 2 years now, most of them haven't anything to distinguish them from one another ( unlike * 12 potentials) and that files + eggs + relaxed (very relaxed) drop rates don't make us feel as hyped up then a *13 pops up compared to when they were introduced ( going down the same road as their *11 and 12 predecessors), but the actual number of available *13 is not THAT big, clearly
    Last edited by Zephyrion; Sep 6, 2016 at 02:12 AM.

  2. #32
    The Lone Gamer of the Apockalypse Zorak000's Avatar
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    I mean it feels like if a new area comes out and it doesn't have any up-to-par equipment, or at least decent utility equipment, then what's the point really.

    could still use a few more 12* weapons, I think you can still only put Ultimate Buster on sub-13* equipment, and some 12*s with that extra 10% damage on them really tear up ultimate quests; which will at the very least be somewhat relevant again mid-october

  3. #33
    Phantom Flame Pyrei's Avatar
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    To be honest, while I like the huge number of 13*s flooding the game as it makes the weaker players stronger which makes the general avg higher, I dislike how they are generally handling them, as most just have a dmg boost on them paired with something, you can look at 11*s and 12*s and see creativity in the potentials for these, but 13*s don't seem to have that due to the whole thing of these weapons having to belong to some series of them where the pot is shared between the series. as for ult amd, what players REALLY NEED is a sheet with a set of 3 units that don't pair with any weapon that give as a set bonus 20pp or more, 200hp or more, 60 s/r/t atk or more, and 60 s/r/t def or more. saiki units have over stayed their welcome as the best general set and austere units aren't my idea of a better unit set I mean sure theyre better defensively but offensively theyre lacking imo

  4. #34
    Serpent of Flame Keilyn's Avatar
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    Classes have thresholds they must pass in order to actually be good. New weapons will allow those classes to reach those thresholds and finally go beyond those thresholds. However, by the time that happens, classes that have already gone beyond the threshold will just become a lot more powerful to retain their dominance. In other words, we can have all the 13* - 16* weapons we want. Until this game is rebalanced, dominance will be retained by any class already beyond that threshold BEFORE new weapons arrive.
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  5. #35


    Assuming you're replying to Pyrei, I don't think they meant in the context of a class's power, but instead the players themselves. Even the most OP class would be garbage if the player doesn't have proper equipment or ability, and they're saying that having easier access to stronger equipment can at least help balance that out somewhat if the players try to get a hold of those weapons, so at least they're not performing at a the most basic level.

    But you do have a point, regardless of how strong new weapons are, that doesn't change the fact that some classes are just natural "better" (using better loosely here) than others.

    I do agree with the idea of making it easier to get better units though, I find units to be lacking in more people than weapons, and anything that helps newer players get up to speed is appreciated, at least to make everyone's lives easier.
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  6. #36
    PSO2 Trope Curator Altiea's Avatar
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    The problem with Units is that there is very little Unit variety. They basically exist to give you stats and Set Bonuses. When someone asks what the best Units are, everyone says "Saiki wins" unless you have Kaiser/Orbit or Austere/Orbit. They would either need to nerf Saiki to make it less of "the only good Unit set" or just rework Units to not make them affix sticks.
    ID: MPBLPure (Ship 2er)
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  7. #37


    Maybe some people will give me a hard time for this, but I never felt like I should use the Saiki set. I use the Double Set and the Magatsuhi for the HP boost and have PP and S-Atk affixes on all three to balance things out. I find having some extra HP much more useful, especially when using Limit Break. On top of that PP is rarely an issue for me, especially now that they have the TD Air Chase ring (I like to use Daggers the most). Regular attacks combined with the skill ring help keep me up in the air and take full advantage of TD Gear, and using those regular attacks helps regenerate PP as needed as they hit things.

    That's moving off topic though, I think a Unit collection file should be a newer set that isn't "the best", but average, something to get people started on finding what they need, not something to give them whatever the"best" is right away.
    Last edited by Zysets; Sep 7, 2016 at 12:03 AM.

  8. #38
    Phantom Flame Pyrei's Avatar
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    there's more to what this game is than just power, while power is a big part of this game, things like te/br and te/hu have become popular not due to their own power but due to support and mob controlling abilities. things like braver have also become popular due to speed, the ability to reach a target faster is really strong in a lot of cases. and ranger has always been wanted due to WB weakening a target considerably. even hunter is popular due to the fact hunters (should) last longer than anyone else within the mpa, so theyre there to revive others should things go bad suddenly (hopefully sega will make content that needs this later but not counting on it since its been 4 years and still don't really need it)

  9. #39


    We need less 13*, less rares in general. At the moment Sega is throwing a flood of easy rewards at us and it's just lame, the rewards lose their meaning because they are too common and too small.
    It has the opposite effect of what Sega intends and instead makes the game yet more boring.

    Since people worked hard for Austere, Sega is scared to piss them off by adding stronger gear, so nothing competes except a few of the later added weapons being the same or marginally stronger.
    Mainly new weapons are simply easier to get and to grind than old stuff.

    Rares in general are not remotely rare, some EQs can drop near 100 rares, half cubes and half junk but still makes them feel worthless, the game becomes simple math, did I get enough cubes this run? Does this EQ drop enough stuff to make it worth playing? Nothing exciting about it and no real incentive left.

    Sega needs to do quality over quantity. And they need to make newer weapons stronger than what we had before or at least give them useful potentials like Orbit so there is a real reason to get them and not just out of boredom.

  10. #40
    PSO2 Trope Curator Altiea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zysets View Post
    Maybe some people will give me a hard time for this, but I never felt like I should use the Saiki set. I use the Double Set and the Magatsuhi for the HP boost and have PP and S-Atk affixes on all three to balance things out. I find having some extra HP much more useful, especially when using Limit Break. On top of that PP is rarely an issue for me, especially now that they have the TD Air Chase ring (I like to use Daggers the most). Regular attacks combined with the skill ring help keep me up in the air and take full advantage of TD Gear, and using those regular attacks helps regenerate PP as needed as they hit things.

    That's moving off topic though, I think a Unit collection file should be a newer set that isn't "the best", but average, something to get people started on finding what they need, not something to give them whatever the"best" is right away.
    That's totally fine; having Units to suit your needs is actually good Unit variety. It just happens that "BURST HARDER" means "GET MORE PP", which Saiki does, and since the entirety of this game's balance is centered around "BURST HARDER", "GET MORE PP" is the most common build aside from "GET MORE ATK".
    ID: MPBLPure (Ship 2er)
    Akane Tekuro -- Proud Boots main; above average main character. Exploring Omega. Lead Chip: Matoi [S Halloween]
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    クロナアルティア (Altiea) -- A Fighter jaded by trauma. Hanging out with the Darker Busters. Lead Chip: Celebrate Heroines [Anniversary]

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