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  1. #1
    Hardcore Casual Dark Mits's Avatar
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    Jul 2017
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kril View Post
    -Wheres the content? Armada cool but after I get my LS stone, no reason to run it outside 15* camo's. People seemed to have stopped caring about score which makes sense, why bother after 21mill title?
    21mil title? Last week I got 2.4mil... Unless we get Armada 2 and Armada 3 EQs during the Episode, I doubt I'll reach that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kril View Post
    -Class Balance is okay, theres a lot of QoL changes that could be done and just general overhaul or additions that can be made to certain or all classes. Biggest class issue for me is BO, I just don't get their mindset on these changes
    If class representation is any indication, and considering the fact that there are more Phantoms because it's the new class, balance seems to be in favour of melee oriented builds. I can't say if classes are balanced in regards to output or ease-of-use, but current content is definitely unbalanced in regards to Players vs Environment, with both sides being way too OP.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kril View Post
    -The current EQ schedule is just idk, I can't tell if its because of W&R or what but Armada wasn't exactly plastered all over the schedule like Persona was and W&R stayed barren as hell and their approach to that EQ this year was meh at best, it could have been better. However these random EQ's that show up need to be changed up a bit as I could care less about running TD1-4 or BEQ's. Scheduled Mother & Deus? why, they're already part of the random EQ pool, just increase the chance rate of it happening there or something
    What's W&R?
    During the last few weeks it feels that there are less scheduled EQs and more "unscheduled" (or rather unannounced) ones. It's "good" for someone who wants to complete earlier titles (like 30 Dragon Atrum or 30 Apprentize Zia kills), but this requires that the player is available to login when PSO2Alert mentions the EQ.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kril View Post
    -The current summer LQ is basically ...snipped to save space
    I also feel that by this point in EP5 we were already working towards the next upgrade over the BiS equipment of the previous episode, or even for specific content (for example Evleda was better for BQ than Qliphad). So far nothing in EP6 has shown to be worthwhile to grind for any content. At least personally the LQ is run so that I purchase the lobby actions that I miss. And unless we upgrade the Cleasis units to Schvelle (with stat upgrades following a linear or better pattern), the whole idea seems to be... useless.[/QUOTE]

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by PenguinDeer View Post
    You mean the 7.2 mil title? Unless theres a 21 mil title I havent heard about.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Mits View Post
    21mil title? Last week I got 2.4mil... Unless we get Armada 2 and Armada 3 EQs during the Episode, I doubt I'll reach that.
    I for some reason keep thinking theres a 21mill point title (which is what i kept confusing first week of Armada) but ya the 7.2mill title

    Quote Originally Posted by PenguinDeer View Post
    The lack of good drops is probably because they don't want to power creep LS yet.

    As much as I hate it, they can't constantly keep releasing new content. Hence why they keep recycling content every episode. UH free fields are basically the equivalent of BQs were in episode 5. Its even worse since the first two weeks of each UH free field is literally just bait since they'll have better drop rates in the seasonals.
    See thats the issue, ya its cool they don't want to power creep over Lightstream and Atra EX completely just yet but while how minor this might be, they easily did so with Jupiter Tulius+ and Orgei TMGs. Which to me seem's like they're not going to properly balance out these weapons before release and we end up with specific weapons outpowering current top gear, who knows how the craftable 13*'s are going to be once those are out

    Quote Originally Posted by PenguinDeer View Post
    The messed up EQ schedules are probably due to conflicting interests. Some people are still trying to get the armada LS stone, some need seasonals for CFs or drops, some still need units from persona since that's basically what the LQ bonus is for. They really should just do more unscheduled W&R over the other options.
    I really think they should have put in way more W&R EQ's just in general since seasonals are usually put all over the place and while this one may not have been all that amazing, it did cut into my grinding fodder

    Quote Originally Posted by PenguinDeer View Post
    The way they're handling the game now feels like they're trying to appeal to new or returning players. There's barely anything to do as a regular/hardcore player.
    This is probably my biggest issue is that they've been doing this all year and a portion end of 2018 with Enchanted Forest being campaign boosted over and over. New Years Carnival gave new and returning and bad rng players a literal 2 months to get caught up with gear again and here we are in the summer doing that all over again not to mention the crazy amount of Persona EQ boosts that happened in between including the one going on now. Cool, I get Sega wants to cater to new/casual players but stop forgetting the hardcore players are still here too and that a 15* Sword/Wand and non existent 13* Camo's are exactly a big motivator to run this LQ for 2months

    Quote Originally Posted by silo1991 View Post
    my main complain its the lvl 75 cap restriction , IMO this is not needed anymore due to the requierments of expert mode are more harder now ,also any newbie can get a ray weapon +30 with the Leonita pass and with that they can survive .

    a friend dont want to buy a dim hunter weapon or the other 14* series in player shops : just because the features dont call his atention and want something else
    I want the Lv75 cap restrictions to stay because it forces people to slow down and either actually learn the class a bit more or slowly filter them from getting into XH/UH content too fast and just hitting the floor like crazy and thankfully the easy mode Expert Req quests prevent any of these people who spam World Engulfed in Flames LQ all day from getting carried in the 4 man version of the Extreme Quest from getting into Expert matching runs anymore.

    I also don't get why your friend doesn't want to buy pretty good 14* weapons from the shop that are actually good starting weapons, theres no reason for any new player or someone who just came back not to do so

    Quote Originally Posted by silo1991 View Post
    also Sega should add an option in the schedule like: in certain hours will be random EQs just because its never enought cubes.
    You have solo PD triggers readily available to run for quick 30-50 cubes a run with an average of 3-8mins per run (obviously based on skill and some rng) and then you have boringass Mother/Deus trig to do any time for lack of cubes. You don't need to sit on EQ's to get cubes, you should have amassed a lot of Badges over the year and if you're running the LQ now, you got badges to exchange for triggers too but the LQ itself actually gives out a pretty good batch every run

    Quote Originally Posted by silo1991 View Post
    also dont you feel story updates has been really lacking in this season ? i mean it has been almost 3 months and still we havent got chapter 1 yet (if the one we started counts as chapter 0)
    we don't even have Ep6's cinematic opening yet, I really don't know what they're doing

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Mits View Post
    If class representation is any indication, and considering the fact that there are more Phantoms because it's the new class, balance seems to be in favour of melee oriented builds. I can't say if classes are balanced in regards to output or ease-of-use, but current content is definitely unbalanced in regards to Players vs Environment, with both sides being way too OP.
    Fighter and Hunter are kinda having it rough in UH content (I don't count W&R in too much), Hero struggling to keep HB with one hit constantly resetting, idk about Bouncer but I think most of the other classes are doing fine.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Mits View Post
    What's W&R?
    rhetorical question? but wind and rain, if you're joking I did catch it

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Mits View Post
    During the last few weeks it feels that there are less scheduled EQs and more "unscheduled" (or rather unannounced) ones. It's "good" for someone who wants to complete earlier titles (like 30 Dragon Atrum or 30 Apprentize Zia kills), but this requires that the player is available to login when PSO2Alert mentions the EQ.
    I guess its nice to see some of these, however I don't think its nice to see them if they're on the schedule

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Mits View Post
    I also feel that by this point in EP5 we were already working towards the next upgrade over the BiS equipment of the previous episode, or even for specific content (for example Evleda was better for BQ than Qliphad). So far nothing in EP6 has shown to be worthwhile to grind for any content. At least personally the LQ is run so that I purchase the lobby actions that I miss. And unless we upgrade the Cleasis units to Schvelle (with stat upgrades following a linear or better pattern), the whole idea seems to be... useless.
    Pretty much all I've done so far, ran LQ for enough points for free SG scratch choice ticket, grabbed w/e LA's I didn't have, upgraded some Evleda units into Cleasis in the event (which doesn't seem likely) they are upgradeable to Schvelle and pretty much dropped the game outside weeklies.

    As cool as the new 4 person Lemon Mech Quest looks that comes in October (because this is like a major quest right?), there isn't going to be much to do even with Beach Wars finally coming (varying how much thats scheduled) and 2 week live Worpal UH fields, theres isnt much really going on.

    Like the only thing im looking forward to is the new class at the end of the year, assuming they don't release it again at the same time Phantom was released. 4-5 month class tease was kinda dumb
    Cast - Gt 50, Fg 20, Gm 25
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_importer_ View Post
    Tell you what mate, I'll decide when my topic goes into the QQ post or when it needs to be it's own thing, and you can do the same for yours. Alright, cool. Cheers

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Kril View Post
    I also don't get why your friend doesn't want to buy pretty good 14* weapons from the shop that are actually good starting weapons, theres no reason for any new player or someone who just came back not to do so

    we don't even have Ep6's cinematic opening yet, I really don't know what they're doing
    1 the main issue its my friend is still finding with which hunter weapon its good , also i will yell him to buy a dim weapon for god sake

    2 i think its because of the budget which again: i keep feeling EP4 damage the game in ways we dont percieve.

    its just my perception , i dont have absolute word anyway

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