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  1. #41
    Watchin Ya
    Join Date
    May 2003
    UK (we get everything last)


    yea well that will do also its the best!!!!

  2. #42


    You could make it similar to other games... such as Final Fantasy 3 (6)... swords, shields and armor... yet still has advanced mechanics. Still, it's up to you.

  3. #43
    Is this really my personal page?!
    Join Date
    Dec 2002


    It will be all worked out... Soon. I haven't worked on it yet, I mean any further, but I will soon. I was out dirt-biking for a while, and I'm beat.

  4. #44


    Outrider, I mean as little offense as possible when I say that your artwork is about as good as mine, save that you can draw shoes (something I tend to have a lot of trouble with).

    At any rate, your idea seems pretty good to me, though if I were a business owner I wouldn't want to sponser you any more than I'd want to sponser a board game drawn up by a pair of 5-year-olds. Again, I mean as little offense as possible in that, but I really can't see why anyone would do that, unless of course, they're a friend of yours who doesn't have much to lose in it, or maybe somebody who's desperate for publicity.
    Either way I'd like to help you with it, though all I could really offer are some ideas, maybe some script that doesn't contain dialogue (assuming you still plan to make this text-based), and possibly a little bit of drawn/computer artwork.

    For any of you who haven't seen my annoying posts in the PSO Ep. 3 Forum Topic or the sig thread, I'm currently in a desperate search for a good picture of Break, the blue-dressed/robed FOmar from PSO Ep. 3.

  5. #45
    Is this really my personal page?!
    Join Date
    Dec 2002


    I think you misunderstood Kadou... Oh and, if that's how it is, Neopets have many ... Dammit, I can't spell right now. Sponsorers.

    Text-based? Sort of...

  6. #46
    Watchin Ya
    Join Date
    May 2003
    UK (we get everything last)


    the lightside ill make up names for tommorrow if someone does the neutral though!!!!!

  7. #47


    More than likely, I did..

  8. #48
    Watchin Ya
    Join Date
    May 2003
    UK (we get everything last)


    On 2003-08-26 15:53, Kadou wrote:
    More than likely, I did..

    What does that mean?????? This is a grudge/rival thing isn't it!!!!!!

  9. #49
    Is this really my personal page?!
    Join Date
    Dec 2002


    ? No, not at all. I just thought he was off his knocker.

  10. #50


    For those of you who don't know, Sponsors are the companies who will donate money to help your site in exchange for you slapping their name around various areas. (think macdonalds on neopets.)

    I actually just took an HTML class last year, and have been tinkering with various layouts. Since the idea has shifted away from PSO, I will volunteer either my meager programming skills or my cutesy paint drawing skills into the mix.

    I also highly suggest you add a class system, including Shinobi and Lancer.

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