View Poll Results: What do you think about France?

I am personaly tired of all the people who hate France and everyb

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  • I like it and the people live there

    8 47.06%
  • I like it but not the people that live there

    0 0%
  • I don't care for it

    5 29.41%
  • I hate it but not the people that live there

    0 0%
  • I hate it and the people that live there

    4 23.53%
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Thread: France

  1. #11
    Messenger of Light, Destroyer of Darkness.
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    In a cushy forest of the USA


    I don't hate neither France nor it's people, however I disapprove of their attitudes toward what is right.

    Saddam and his kids killed upwards of ten thousand people in a single gassing, and there are dozens of mass graves filled with hundreds to thousands of skeletons. Uday would rape and kill women if they wouldn't do as he asked. When the prisons got full, Qusay expelled the entire prison population, slaughtered them all, buried some alive, and demanded retribution from some of the families for the cost of the bullets. People who spoke ill about the Husseins would end up missing only later to resurface with broken bones and scars and burns all over their bodies.

    The research teams have found a couple of those mobile weapon creation labs, and they recently captured one of the highest scientists who made the weapons, so perhaps they might learn something from him. However, the French government purchase a considerable amount of oil from Iraq (IIRC even more than the US does), and even despite all these atrocites, the mobile weapons lab, and the capture of so many people, the French govt. refused to help... at least, that is, until restoration came, THEN they wanted the US (who did a good chunk of the hard work, and took a good chunk of the causalities) out and to do nothing, and France would come in and restore Iraq. It's just like the little red hen... "Do you want to help me plant the wheat?" "No, but I'll be happy to take the finished bread from you and eat it myself".

    The Israeli-Palestinian ceasefire was initially broken by Palestinian terrorists blowing up a bus. When Israel retaliated by blowing up a Hamas leader, Palestine accused Israel of breaking the ceasefire, and France as well was quick to point the finger at Israel. France seems to expect Israel to bow to Palestine's wishes, and ALLOW themselves to be blown up with no retaliation, and Israel is having a hard time just allowing its citizens to be senselessly killed.(BTW - Anti-semitism and Jewish hate crimes are on the rise in France).

    During the French heat wave, upwards of 10,000 people died... do you know where Jacques Chirac was? Canada, where it was nice and cool. Do you want to know why so many died? Many were elderly who were placed in underfunded, uncared for, retirement homes. Many of their rooms didn't even have air conditioning. Others were young children in daycares, which were equally poorly funded without air conditioning.

    Now like I said, I don't hate the French or France... but it seems as if they no longer see the concepts of right, wrong, and mercy, but now focus on individualism, having lives of convienence, and what is in their own best interest as individuals instead of everyone as a whole.

  2. #12


    I really don't care. People don't need to hate them because they don't want to fight in a war. Do you hate your friends because they don't want to go to war? Didn't think so.....

  3. #13


    I dont like it, and I didnt like it before 9/11 or the Iraq War.
    Orange Hand. CZ-75b.

  4. #14


    I'm tired of people complaining about France/Hatred towards France. Let the UN handle it. It's not like you're helping anything by posting about France or how much you hate it, so just don't . Please?

    I'm getting tired of reading all these anti-France posts...

  5. #15
    I Dream Of Sleep
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Great Britain


    Only thing i really hate about france is its roads and the staff at Disney Land Paris.

    *waits in the que for Dineylands McDonalds for about half an hour because its the only place to get a cheap-ish meal, only to be told when he fineally gets to the counter that they are closed and that he has to go to the back of another que which is as long as the original he started off in*

    *also nearly got run over several times and had the double decker bus he was travelling in ran of the road cause of bad drivers over there*

    *remmbers the scary lorry driver over there driving with his elbows while reading a book!!!!*

    Iraq war, france, the USA. I dont really care about any of that, in my opinion i think all the world leaders should be given guns and sort out all their problems between themselves, saves alot of us inocent people getting kille dint he cross fire cause htye cant make up their friggen mind.

  6. #16
    John 3:16
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Saff, there is no point in arguing with you because you turn to personal attacks because the truth hurts. Saying I sound "like a religious nut"? Where the hell does that come from? Or a Boeing rep? If you can't come up with your own arguments, and will just respond with insults, STFU.

    -now for your points I remembered-

    Ever heard of Cuba? That's called a communist country.
    Emphasis is placed on Iraq over N Korea because of the terrorism that comes from that country. One documented example is Saddam paying the families of those who blow up busses in Israel $25,000.
    There is a group in this country called ANSWER. Maybe you should read about them and how they are funded.
    You cannot deny anything I said, you only countered it with rambling bullcrap.
    I never mentioned other countries reasons for opposing the war because this post is about France, not "France and other meaningful Euro countries".
    If you would like to respond to my arguments, do so. If you want to play the role of Mr Red Herring, F off.

  7. #17


    Myth: French people are stupid
    Fact: France is the most educated country in Europe

    Myth: The French are back-stabers
    Fact: France nor Iraq attacked the US

    Myth: France is stuck-up
    Fact: USA is far more arrogant

    Myth: The French are Anti-American
    Fact: France is anti-Bush along with 40% of Americans

    Myth: France is no longer our allie
    Fact: France is still our allie

    Myth: Socialism doesn't work
    Fact: It works in Europe

    Myth: Liberals are dumbasses
    Fact: France is the most educated country in Europe

    Myth: People who oppose Iraq war hate America
    Fact: No they don't, look at images below

    If 40% of a Country's people are traitors, that would mean there is something seriously wrong with that Country. Saying people who oppose the war are anti-American is a bunch of bullshit.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Morfos on 2003-08-31 13:58 ]</font>

  8. #18


    On 2003-08-31 13:55, Morfos wrote:
    Myth: French people are stupid
    Fact: France is the most educated country in Europe

    Myth: The French are back-stabers
    Fact: France nor Iraq attacked the US

    Myth: France is stuck-up
    Fact: USA is far more arrogant

    Myth: The French are Anti-American
    Fact: France is anti-Bush along with 40% of Americans

    Myth: France is no longer our allie
    Fact: France is still our allie

    Myth: Socialism doesn't work
    Fact: It works in Europe

    Myth: Liberals are dumbasses
    Fact: France is the most educated country in Europe

    Myth: People who oppose Iraq war hate America
    Fact: No they don't, look at images below

    If 40% of a Country's people are traitors, that would mean there is something seriously wrong with that Country. Saying people who oppose the war are anti-American is a bunch of bullshit.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Morfos on 2003-08-31 13:58 ]</font>

    So you have spoken to every person in America and France and know their positions on these things?

    I doubt it.

    Im sure there are stupid French people.
    Orange Hand. CZ-75b.

  9. #19
    Blue Harmony
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    France(was:New Caledonia)


    Saddam and his kids killed upwards of ten thousand people in a single gassing, (...)
    Now, look. You have to think about the future. You Usa have to THINK about the CONSEQUENCES of your actions. Do not stay near-sighted about your own short term interests.

    There are two long rivals vying for region dominance in that critical part of the world.
    If you neutralize one. You strengthen the other IMMENSELY.
    Who is Iraq's rival ?
    Who is one of the most extremist islamic regime on earth ?
    Who attacked the Usa embassy and killed americans ?
    Who prints counterfeit dollars in state run workshops to lower and discredit the dollar value ?
    Who finances and organizes TERRORISTS NETWORKS around the globe ?
    IRAN is one.

    Need I continue ?

    Iraq being Iran's nemesis and rival, being also a laic country (not a religious regime), was the good guy against the bad guy during Iran-Iraq wars.
    Saddam progressively burnt the amount of goodwill from Western countries as he went on doing atrocious things to some of his own people.

    But ... Never forget that Iraq was the only country able to keep Iran's regional ambitions in check.
    The research teams have found a couple of those mobile weapon creation labs, and they recently captured one of the highest scientists who made the weapons, so perhaps they might learn something from him. However,
    About good damn time. Still not enough to warrant a full scale invasion though.
    the French government purchase a considerable amount of oil from Iraq (IIRC even more than the US does),
    Could you link me to reliable sources please ?
    I don't claim to know otherwise, it's just it seems funny since 75% of our electricity is nuclear in origin.
    And as I said, Iraq's exports of oil were extremely limited, controlled and monitored, it couldn't even be sold for money. Only for food and medical supplies.
    French govt. refused to help... at least, that is, until restoration came, THEN they wanted the US out and to do nothing, and France would come in and restore Iraq.".
    Speak for yourself.
    The people of Iraq still had no water or power that you were already imposing the Us-made CDMA system for cell phones.
    You're accusing others to make cover for your own actions.
    France seems to expect Israel to bow to Palestine's wishes, and ALLOW themselves to be blown up with no retaliation,
    Now, before you really get into trouble, SHUT UP ABOUT Palestine and Israel.
    You already showed you didn't have much of a clue about geopolitics, do NOT step on this hot subject.

    If you really want to understand anything about that part of the world, try to get what retired generals from Israel army have to say.

    That's my final word on the subject.
    (BTW - Anti-semitism and Jewish hate crimes are on the rise in France).
    If you have to go that low on the stupid scale, I'll have you know that we have a whole set of laws to punish even hate speech severly. And they are applied.
    We did not invent the KKK. Thank you. Move along.
    During the French heat wave, upwards of 10,000 people died...Many were elderly who were placed in underfunded, uncared for, retirement homes. Many of their rooms didn't even have air conditioning. Others were young children in daycares, which were equally poorly funded without air conditioning.
    Air Conditionning is a luxury equipment here. You do not need it. It has recently made its way to more and more homes as it can now heat as well as do cold.
    Big problem was that the understaffing of hospitals is very accute during summer.
    Now like I said, I don't hate the French or France... but it seems as if they no longer see the concepts of right, wrong, and mercy, but now focus on individualism, having lives of convienence, and what is in their own best interest as individuals instead of everyone as a whole.
    Now, that tops it all.. have a look at your own country please. (Calif power outage ? Enron ? M$ ? Poverty ? people without real medical care ? etc ..)

    I'm not saying we're better than you. You are saying that.

    For your information, France has that "country of the humans rights" syndrome and so wants to be the safe harbor of all people in the need. Particularly from former overseas parts of france (Algeria for exemple).
    It is clearly a form of arrogance and stupidity, but alas few of us share that thought.
    So now, out of sthing like 60 million people, we have 15 million immigrated people that benefit, use and overuse the social/welfare programs, as they have every same right as a french citizen.
    No wonder that our health system (among other systems) is getting lower and lower ..

  10. #20
    Blue Harmony
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    France(was:New Caledonia)


    On 2003-08-31 10:44, NKOTB wrote:
    Saff, there is no point in arguing with you because you turn to personal attacks because the truth hurts.
    Saying I sound "like a religious nut"? Where the hell does that come from?
    I'm sorry but when you spew out such totally inane things, factless accusations and outright lies, I have a hard time not describing your expression as such.

    like :
    "France actively and aggresively engages in a constant US smear and lie campaign."

    May I ask for links to the lies. And to the reliable sites that will show the facts about so-called lies.

    Maybe you do not realize that by doing that you were starting the name calling ?
    Or a Boeing rep?
    Sorry, I was referring to the aviation domain which you may not be familiar with.
    Boeing is crying out bloody murder because there is another company on earth that dares to make the same kind of product they do, and so deprives an american company from its god-given right to make money in the whole world.
    If you had read internal publications from Boeing, you would clearly see that I'm not even exaggerating in my description.
    To keep to the hard facts.
    Airbus, a consortium of interests from several EU countries, benefits from 0% interest loans from Europe. Which is perfectly legal.
    Boeing is doing everything they can to have the Us interfere and impede Airbus business.

    Now, do you know who designed the jumbo 747 airliner ?
    But who paid for it ?
    Which is an administration.
    Which means the Us citizens' taxes PAID for it.
    NASA then gave all the rights of the aircraft to Boeing to exploit it as they wish.
    So to recap : every citizen paid with their tax money
    (public funding) so that a Big Corporation could make money and get richer.
    Then that Big Corp is yelling bloody murder because their foreign rival gets a loan.

    That was to illustrate the point that the reality is that the Us is the one with the ever present campaign of smear and lies.
    "If you're not with us, you're against us."
    Yeah, right.
    If you can't come up with your own arguments, and will just respond with insults, STFU.
    I'm sorry, but your assertions are so far from reality they cannot be considered arguments.
    -now for your points I remembered-
    "remembered" ?? there is a 'quote' button on this forum, it is quite convenient and should deprive you of the easy excuse of dropping subjects you don't wish to answer.
    Ever heard of Cuba? That's called a communist country.
    Now, you just have completely discredited yourself.
    Comparing North Korea's threat level to Cuba's ... ?
    Actually you are quite entertaining ^_^, go on.
    Emphasis is placed on Iraq over N Korea because of the terrorism that comes from that country. One documented example is Saddam paying the families of those who blow up busses in Israel $25,000.
    There is a group in this country called ANSWER. Maybe you should read about them and how they are funded.
    You cannot deny anything I said, you only countered it with rambling bullcrap.
    oh, wow. blowing up busses is soooooooo much more dangerous than atomic bombs mounted on missiles .. (sarcasm).
    I never mentioned other countries reasons for opposing the war because this post is about France, not "France and other meaningful Euro countries".
    Not mentionning our partners in the refusal to go to war and making us look like we're the only one is akin to lying by omission.
    That is, telling the truth, nothing but the truth, BUT NOT ALL the truth.
    If you would like to respond to my arguments, do so.
    Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot what you effectively said, too bad there isn't a 'quote' button. Oh ? there is ?Wups .. (sarcasm)

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