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  1. #1
    John 3:16
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    I don't know what the hell the deal is, but this new language like I described in the title is catching on, and giving me a f'ing headache.
    In the title, I have no clue what the 1337 stands for. It's like trying to crack the enigma.

    Anyway, that is my rant.

  2. #2
    We are the disease.
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    Mar 2003


    1337-Leet,elite,basically reffered to as hacker talk if I'm correct.


    And so forth.Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong
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  3. #3
    Pointy ears are sexy!
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    Jul 2003


    It started by some 'hackers' using the term 'l33t' some years ago. Quickly spread to wannabe-hackers, and now every 13 year old AOL lamer suffers from the misconception that it makes them cool to substitute numbers for lettes.

  4. #4
    The Undefined ABDUR101's Avatar
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    Secret Forest of his heart


    Wut r j00 tal<!n b0ught?1!1?

    ...oh...yeah, case in point. =X
    Look, he did it again.

  5. #5


    I had my own escapade in a thread I created a couple of months ago.

    Basically it was just a rant, with some people from Fresh Kills trying to spam in here.

    l33tspE@k can also be known as netspeak, which I think the mods should ban in these forums. Why? These forums are not a game. People are reading what you say. Now, if it's in a game, you're rushed, so you're forced to simplify what you say.

  6. #6
    John 3:16
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    I seriously think it is impossible to read. I have learned that people will use the same number for different letters WITHIN THE SAME WORD.

    For example I saw Illinois spelled "1111n015".

  7. #7
    Pointy ears are sexy!
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    Jul 2003


    On 2003-09-02 22:07, Reenee wrote:

    l33tspE@k can also be known as netspeak, which I think the mods should ban in these forums. Why? These forums are not a game. People are reading what you say. Now, if it's in a game, you're rushed, so you're forced to simplify what you say.
    Aren't you confusing l33tsp36k (or AOL-ese) with the common IRC abbreviations here?
    People don't really type l33t because they are in a hurry - in fact I imagine substituting all those letters for numbers and symbols must be time consuming work ^_^
    It is still both annoying and illegible at best, so I wouldn't mind that banned.

    What people do type if they are in a hurry, are abbreviations like 'u' for 'you', 4 and 2 for 'for' and 'to', etc. IMHO it is not the same as AOLese, and not nearly as annoying or illegible. It is however still an insult to other people on the board, not taking the time to type out your words. I can understand the abbreviations in real-time chat, but using it on a message board is just plain rude.
    Wouldn't mind people getting warnings for that either in fact ^_^

  8. #8
    Still the Ratimaster Nai_Calus's Avatar
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    Apr 2003
    VR Temple Beta, watching the sun set


    I hate those lame-ass abbreviations like 'ur' and 'y'. I use AOL, and when I was much younger and much stupider I used to go to the chatrooms. ...And even then I typed in complete, coherent sentances with a lack of abbreviations other than 'LOL'. It always annoyed me.

    I don't mind l337speak as much, though, since I only encounter it with my friends when we're joking around and stuff like that. Also, I have a bizzare ability to read it without even having to think about it, so...

    PSUJP: Nai Calus, M. B. 176 FI 20 | Elly, F. N. 42 FT 5 Requiescat in pace.

  9. #9


    On 2003-09-03 03:29, Ian-KunX wrote:
    I hate those lame-ass abbreviations like 'ur' and 'y'.
    They are not abbreviations. It's just damn lazy typing. Nothing more.

    I don't see what the big deal is with people all against 1337-speak, it's just senseless fun. Not fun for you? Not everybody is you, a lot of people use it to just fool around. Some people just take it too seriously. I have certain words for those people, but I won't bother going further into that for now.

    Oh yeah, I remember reading that it came from Doom players, who got an "Elite" rank when they played good. Can't remember the exact details of it, but I'm sure somebody who reads this next will be able to tell the tale.

  10. #10


    j00 b33r! 7h3 |=u(k1ng d|2@g0N wi11 c0m3 and 5t3@1 j00 b33r! 100k 0u7 f0|2 7h3 d@mn 1@zy d|2@g0N! j00 b33r!!! j00 b33r d@mm1t!!! l00k 0ut f0|2 j00 b3333333333333333rrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

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