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Thread: Fanfic:Tragedy

  1. #1
    Ark of Winter and Loss
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Scripps Ranch


    This one can get a bit graphic, just as a simple warning, Im not sure if you all will like it but I'll post it anyway. It took me a couple days to write so...have at thee! As usual with my fics, if you don't like the ending or a certain scene feel free to write your own alternate version in this thread, hope you like it!

    Anger can blind you, even make you feel like stooping to the lowest level possible. But its how you deal with that anger that determines the kind of person you are...or so I thought. My name is Akira, I am a Humar with a hunter ranking of 125, and my sisters name is Celtra and although younger than me she is hunter ranked at 145 and is one of the most top knotched hunters there every was. She is a Hunewearl with eyes so blue they would make the very oceans jealous. Her hair is tied back in a ponytail, and she always wears that same blue hunters outfit, it does her body no justice,or that's what Flawlesszero tells me. Flawlesszero is one of my closest friends, a Humar who has stolen the heart of my sister,but I'll get into him later. For now, imagine you are me...imagine you are feeling what I am feeling...

    It was a rather hot day on Pioneer 2, if I am not mistaken there was an announcement that said the cooling system onboard was malfunctioning. Of course that didn't stop Celtra from being her usual cheery self. As usual she was bouncing all around me like I was some sort of mystical god.

    "Whoa, sis settle down,aren't you just a little bit hot?I mean its sweltering and your bouncing around like a rabbit!" I said wiping the sweat off my brow.

    My blue hair was drenched in sweat and right about now I was very much regretting wearing my black hunters uniform,I was taking Celtra to see Flawlesszero, perhaps that's why she was so jumpy.

    "What are you talking about bro?! Its not that hot your just overexagerating,C'mon slow poke Flaw is gonna start to worry about is!!" She shouted as she began running circles around me as I stopped to get a drink of water.

    I grabbed a hold of Celtras arm and made her stand still as I said, "Settle down Celtra, we just gave him a ring three minutes ago and I'm sure his head is in a freezer or something with this heat, so just settle down! Now you want a drink of water? I only have a bit left in my bottle."

    She gave me that puppy dog smile and took the last bit of water I had brought with me...I just hoped Flawlesszero had more because this heat would kill me if he didn't. When we finally reached his apartment Flawlesszero,or Flaw as we like to call him, was standing right outside his door with his usual cocky grin. His crimson hair was tied back into a ponytail and sweat seemed to be coming down his face in buckets. He had old-fashioned blue jeans on and a white shirt that was just soaked in sweat. Of course despite the amazingly high amount of sweat flowing from Flaw, Celtra ran and put her arms around him and literally smother him with kisses.

    "I missed you so much Flaw! I'm sorry it took us so long to get here but Akira had to stop and drink his water! I told him we had to hurry to see you!" She said at a pace even I could barley understand

    "Whoa, slow down babe, its like 150 degrees out there,your talking is a refreshing breeze though!" Flaw said as he started to chuckle after saying.

    Celtra looked disappointedly at Flaw and then got that happy look on her face when Flaw plastered a kiss on her cheek. They both smiled at each other as Flaw let us in his small apartment and handed us the most refreshing water ever,maybe it was the heat that made me think this.

    After letting us in I decided to bring up Celtra?s latest job,"Hey Flaw, you hear Celtra here got a high quality job to take out some gang's leader? I heard it was a Fomarl named Xenobia, you ever heard of someone like that?"

    Flawlesszero just stared blankly for a second like the name sounded familiar but then shook his head.

    "No, but the name seems familiar to me...I don't know maybe I had a battle with her at one point, I'm not too sure really." He said hesitantly like he knew something was scaring him.

    At the time I didn't think a Fomarl would be much a challenge for my little sister because she had almost been an expert at things such as this. But little did I know that as I sipped the cool crisp water that my little sister...her life would change because of this job. Before we left, Flawlesszero grabbed my arm and told Celtra to go on ahead and that I would catch up with her.

    Flawlesszero seemed nervous, like he was about to lose something as he said,"Akira...Xenobia is the infamous leader of a group of thug Humars that are first rate killers. Warn her about Xenobia because I had a sanctioned battle with this woman and she nearly killed me..."

    My heart began to race, if this woman could almost kill Flawlesszero,then she would be more than a match for Celtra. Akira started to get worried about this job and that maybe Celtra wouldn?t be safe going down there to face Xenobia alone. Once we got back to our home I sat Celtra down on her bed...this wasn't going to be easy but it was much better than seeing her get hurt.

    "Celtra, I am going with you on your job to take out Xenobia. Flawlesszero told me he fought her once and she nearly killed him if it hadn't been a sanctioned fight with officials and everything." I said as calmly as possible

    She looked at me in a disappointed sort of way before saying, "Akira, I know your concerned about me but please, I am a big girl now and I can very well take care of myself. Besides, Flaw is only ranked at 125 like you and this Xenobia is supposedly ranked at 129, so obviously she would beat him!"

    "But if anything were to ever happen to you...Celtra please let me go with you if not for anything else just to be safe. Im begging you I don't have a good feeling about this!" I pleaded with Celtra

    But she had the stubbornness of a goat as she retorted, "Akira! This is my job, not yours! You have to learn to let go, Im not that little girl who misses her mommy anymore, I am FULL grown hunter and a very successful one who doesn't need your help!!"

    I knew no matter what she said, her mind was made up that I wasn't going with her but I couldn't let anything happen to her so I would follow her after she left to the Hunters Guild I would follow her and make sure that she wasn't ganged up on. She always made a huge scene when she was leaving for a job, so I would be sure to know when she was heading out.So that night I just went to sleep.Celtra never came to say good night, I imagine she was still mad at me for wanting to go with her. That night I had the worst dream...I imagined putting Celtra into a black casket covered in rose petals. I could smell the sweet scent of the roses and yet that horrid stench of death was also smelt, almost nullifying the sweet essence of the roses. But what was worst about it was the fact that our mothers ghost, whom had been brutally raped then killed, was there helping me put Celtra into the casket. But the strange thing was no one else was there,just the creepy ghost of my mother and myself laying Celtra six feet under. The sky was a violet color as if the sky was mourning my sister's death. Later I woke up in a cold sweat?because my vid-phone was ringing loudly, in a way I was glad because that dream was giving me chills just thinking about. But when I clicked a button on my vid-phone my heart literally broke into pieces...there on the vid-phones picture was Celtra being held by two thugs, her face was bloody and it looked like she was crying.

    "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO HER?!" I screamed watching in disbelieve.

    One of the thugs, who as wearing a leather mask with a mouth cut open began to laugh before saying, "Haha, your little sister here has been beaten by our leader Xenobia, and she seems to know you two well enough to want to force you to watch her get mutilated! And do you know why you're going to watch? Because if you hang up that god damn phone we wont just cripple her...we'll kill her."

    "DON'T YOU TOUCH A HAIR ON HER HEAD, I SWEAR IF YOU HURT HER I'LL HUNT YOU DOWN FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!" I screamed in horror,but couldn?t hang up the vid-phone and let my sister die.

    So I had no choice but to watch in horror as they beat my sister,they punched and kicked her into a bloody mess but didn't stop there. They began to pummel her right arm with a huge piece of metal that made my stomach curl after hearing the bone crashing upon the metal. After a while all I could do was fall to my knees,tears filled my eyes as my poor sister was being mutilated...what could I do...they smashed her face in with the metal as blood was flying everywhere like some demonic play. They started ripping her hair out,her beautiful hair and shoved it in her mouth...I almost threw up.

    When they finally hung up the vid-phone they told me where she was and I immediately contacted the Ragol Emergency Center and they promptly picked her up. Then...I had to call Flawlesszero, as I dialed the numbers they each seemed to register slower than the rest, when the finally were all punched in it took Flaw about thirty seconds to answer. He had just woken up and realized the tears in my eyes.

    "Akira, whats the matter,you look terrible!" He said trying to calm me down

    I cupped my hands around my face trying to forget what I saw as I spoke,"Celtra...she lost to Xenobia...her men...the brutalized her and forced me?forced me to watch?shes in the hospital now...oh god..."

    Flawlesszero didn't say anything and simply hung up the phone,the tears in me eyes just wouldn't stop as the image of Celtra being pummled kept entering my brain.

    "DAMN!" I screamed as I smashed my hand into a wall, it began to bleed as tears continued to roll down my eyes.

    I tried to warn her that this would have happened,she must have snuck out early in the morning while I was sleeping because it was only 4:30 in the morning when I got the call and "it" happened. I decided I had better go see if Celra would survive or not,I just prayed that somehow she survived?that somehow she was still her beautiful self. But when I got there Flawlesszero was exiting with tears falling from his eyes as he desperatly tried to hide it when he saw me. But his eyes...they seemed to be filled with rage and hatred.

    Then he looked right into my eyes and started yelling, "I told you to warn her! I told you Xenobia was more than a match for her, what the fuck did you let her go out for?! LOOK WHAT THEY DID TO HER! How could you let her go Akira,how can you call yourself her brother?!"

    After he finished I tried to talk...but he slapped me as hard as he could.I was stunned. I couldn't believe my life was falling apart right before my very eyes. I didn't even notice that he had gone into the Ragol teleporter, I just rushed to Celtras bedside,what I saw made me shiver in horror. Her eyes were covered in dark circles that were so swollen it shut her eyes, her jaw had been broken and all her hair was ripped out...I could barley recognize her face. I feel to my kneed and layed my head near Celtras hand.
    "Why...why did this have to happen to didn't do anything wrong. This is all my fault...I should have been there with you...I should have been protecting you, forgive sister." I said as I cried away

    Then I felt Celtras hand touch my head then slowly brush her hand through my hair,they may may have mutillated her body but her hand still felt so warm,I had to find these thugs and avenge her,

    "No one does this to you...AND LIVES TO TELL ABOUT IT! I DON"T CARE IF I DIE TRYING BUT THOSE BASTARDS ARE GOING TO PAY!" I screamed as I ran out of the hospital and went to the cooridinates that Xenobias thugs were last seen.

    But when I got there?,all the light fixtures were crackling and once I looked there were corpses everywhere. The corpses were horrific,most had been sliced into numerous pieces while others were simply decapitated,blood covered the ground like a pool of death and agony. I took my huge sword, Zanba which was named after my swordsmanship teacher, from its sheath on my back and carefully proceeded through this cavern of corpses. Every time the lights flickered a reflection would bounce of my sword givining me a better look of the area,then I noticed something about the corpses the cut that was on their body was from the same type of sword that Flawlesszero uses. He calls it a Yamigarasu, but its just a regular samurai style sword. Was Flawlesszero capable of such destruction or was there someone else using his style of swordsmanship? The smell of death was hitting me from every angle and reminded me of how it was in my dream that night...the one with just Celtras body, myself, and mothers ghost...this was awful. As I continued down the hallway that had blood splattered on them like a piccaso painting, I came up to what seemed like a larger room than the rest. That's when he saw them,Xenobia and Flawlesszero standing eye to eye, Flawlesszero looked exhausted, breathing heavily as blood trickled down his arm.

    "Flawlesszero!" I shouted out as he continued to bleed onto the floor

    "He just looked at me for half a second before saying, "You stay out of this,,,this isn't your fight."

    Before I could respond he lept out at Xenobia, his sword was glowing an eerie purple as it clashed against the eruption of blue energy from Xenobia's cane. Flawlesszero had a look of sheer determination on his face as blood and sweat fell from his face,while Xenobia simply laughed at him. Before I knew what happened an eruption of light crashed down upon Flawlesszero sending him to his knees.

    "Now, Akria, watch as another of your pathetic friends becomes nothing more than a cripple!" Xenobia shouted at me...I could see her start to glow a very faint purple color...Megid!

    I ran as fast as I could, hell I almost dropped my sword completely as I sprinted and knocked Xenobia's wand up shooting the Megid blast just a hair away from Flawlesszero's head. I stood there, eye to eye with Xenobia,the leader of the group that crippled my sister...the anger that sifted through my very veins seemed to make me stronger. I wasn,t going to let her win,I didn't care if she was hunter rank 200, she was going pay for what she did to Celtra.

    "Flaw, get up...we can take her if we both work together, you take her from the left and I'll get behind her. She can't hit us both, use what little strength you have and help me avenge Celtra!" I shouted at Flawlesszero not wanting to let this woman live.

    Flaw just gave me a devilish grin as he bolted up and began to head to the left side of Xenobia and for some reason out of instinct she turned her back on me. Not wanting to miss this opportunity I swung my sword slashing an good sized gash down her back making her white dress become a lighter shade of red.

    "Argh...that's quite the swing Akira,but it won't be enough to kill me!" She laughed as her wound began to glow green and I watched as the wound vanished.

    So the fight continued on and Flaw and I were both becoming very fatigued,we had survived all her attacks so far. But she started to glow again,I remember she left cheast area where her heart was wide open during this attack,but I was too far away and she was aiming for Flaw.

    "Flawless, stab her heart...its wide open!" I screamed and as quickly as he could he thrusted that evil purple sword right through her heart. Now the only glow of purple came from Flawlesszero's sword. I could barley move as Flawlesszero made his way over to me with his blood soaked clothes.

    "Its over Akira...we finally killed her and I'll be able to bring the good news to Celtra..."He said in a somewhat twisted voice

    "Hey, she'll be glad enough to see us both,we can both tell her right?" I said laughing as Flaw helped me up with one hand

    "No...I said I would tell her because someone has to comfort her when she finds out her beloved brother was killed by Xenobia..." He said menacingly

    I just stared at him unable to understand what he meant?then with a quick flick of his wrist his sword was in my stomache. The pain was unbearable, especially after the fight we were just in...Flaw pushed me off his blade. I fell hard to the ground unable to feel anything but the blood and pain from my wound.

    "Wh...wh...y" I tried to mutter out,but I couldn't say much else as blood kept coming up.

    "Because you fool, if it hadn't been for your ignorance Celtra would be her old self and besides I have always seen you as competition for her affection and now I am getting rid of any other obstacle...we shall be free." He said as he simply walked away...leaving me to die there in the hideout like some thug.

    That is where I would die...eventually I bled to death and never got to see my sister ever again. Now in my afterlife I regret ever being who I was...I regret not helping Celtra and I regret trusting Flawlesszero with that demonic sword. My hunger for vengance and my inablity to help my sister...killed me. Now you know what anger did to me, it consumed my heart and eventually killed me...don't make my mistake ever again....

  2. #2


    Nice job fujikoro! ^_^


  3. #3


    God damn that was long to read. Great job though!! Its not that graphic compared to a lot of thigns so dont worry about it. Keep writing!

  4. #4
    feithful hunter
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    dont know..woke up here


    Wow man your wrote alot!! But true.

  5. #5


    LJ the Humar says...GRRRRRRRRREAT! lol That was really good. Enjoyed reading it.

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