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  1. #11


    My brother is at least honest with himself: he has a frozen shooter - he got it in a sympathy trade. We know it's duped (even without looking at the percents) because it's too good to have been given away for nada... and his logic is that he's going to use it now, until he can find his own.

    And when he is able to get his own, forget the dupe one. He's got a legit demolition comet he found, and he's not using duped photon spheres on it - he's keeping it pure. He's got a ton of duped items on him, he knows it, and yet he is honest about it, and willing to play legit only items with me offline. He feels that the only way to actually be able to do anything in a game with people online these days (to be able to be similar to them in terms of damage, etc.) is to have duped items with high percents, or you don't get to hit anything at all, which is less fun....

    I can understand that. Level six people with that rifle that ejects shells, or any other number of ridiculously high stuff on single digit people... yes, it can to an extent be nothing more than tweaking: a high mag and a lot of mats saved from other characters with slots stuffed with legit goodies to make it possible... but it makes it hard on the rest of us to even hit the enemy before it's dead.

    I am, myself, basically legit. I have a few things of questionable orgin. My android has a Pitri mag which was given to her at level 100 with about 40 dex, 10ish def, and the rest pow... I've raised it sense into a nice droid mag, and as far as I'm concerned having raised most of it's growth it's rather legit, though I have a feeling the cell itself was a dupe, or someone duped it later or something. Same goes with the one god battle I was given... no one actually said it was duped, but why give it away if it's good?

    I don't accept the obvious stuff - the BKBs and Dark Flows and all that jazz... People insult my intelligence by trying to make me think it's legit.

    I'm not quite sure where I was going with this... but I would think I've gotten there with the simple concept: respect the paramaters of the game you've joined.... too bad game makers can't chose to boot people from that game or something - a nice GM sort of thing that I wish were available...

  2. #12


    even worse, people who think they're the shit for using hacked items... i beefed my hucast with mats before i even touched him, slapped a lvl 200 mag on him i made with another character. (personally i can't stand mags made by other players, gotta love custom nidras and satos). i have a few god abilities and a god battle ready as far as units go. i traded for these and they are most likely duped but oh well. i've been using a rainbow baton with some so so percents i made myself as my main weapon... mostly because i want to get hits in before al/rappied jsword douchebags start swinging. and until i lvl him up to 80, jsword combos kill just about anything pre-ult. i'm by no means a legit, but i can't handle blowing through hard and v.hard obscenely powerful and not letting teammates get their hits in, it's rude and greedy.

    i was in a group with some prick of a zit faced teen who keeps tallking like he's the cock of the walk for doing 4 digit damage to enemies. i point out how anyone can use al rappies and a j-sword. i have enough al rappies and multi-100 area BKBs to tear a helluva lot quicker through falz than he ever could with his humar that kept dying from the 3rd form grants attack... but he would still just not admit to being nothing but a hack whore. the punk just wouldn't take any blow to his fragile teen ego.

    i will admit to using hacked and duped weapons with no problem...this hucast i wanna keep a little pure however...only using items i've found with other characters- red saber, Asuka, Orotiagito, Srank Twin. let's face it- this BKB and jsword bullshit is getting tired and tedious. so fucking boring... just boring.

    like cheating i enjoy plenty of other bad things for me like smokes, narcotics, alcohol, and telelvision... video game cheating to me is just another minor vice.

    people play how they wanna... that's just how it is. as long as one's playing doesn't detract from another gamers experience we should really all just live and let live. pretending you're a better player for using hacks is just plain absurd. hell, i'd kinda welcome a total dupe wipe just to hear all the players who've used nothing but hacks since signing on and begging for free stuff bitch and whine at how much their playing actually sucks when they die every other sec.

  3. #13


    On 2003-09-10 12:30, Logical2u wrote:
    Then this FO joins in with a psycho wand, but he leaves...
    I think he had a Psycho wand, but it was weak.
    I'm not going to deny the fact that they're the most duped FO-item next to Dark Bridge, but it seems like there's some prejudice here against certain items. A Purplenum with enough TP and Ryuker can just keep piping for about... 2 hours and 48 minutes until a Mil Lily hows up and drops it.

    But yeah, that Ranger did seem goofed up. A good general rule of thumb is, "If it's not possible with a 150 POW/DEX/MIND mag, 50-75 mats, and some good units; it's not legit." But even then, it's no excuse to go around pointing fingers. Instead of going Salem on him, you could've said: "Can you please not use that item? It seems a bit unnatural, and it's kind of unbalancing for the rest of us."

    It's not like he turned you into a newt. (And if he did, I assume you've gotten better.)

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