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  1. #111


    Standing somewhere up high and actually hidden (all your characters seem to have unwholesomely sharp vision) from the Hunters below, the grey-coated man surveyed the battle. He had seen the boy that had caught his interest being attacked by a Speigel, but his attention was averted when one of the cloaked machines warped behind and attacked him. He now looked about, trying to see what had happened to the young hunter, when his eyes fell upon a stray saber-type laying unactivated near the edge of the bridge.

    Quite more than just a bit disquieted, the coated man bounded from wherever he was down to the battle field and dashed across, dodging Sinows both active and not as he went. Without hesitation he leaped over the edge of the bridge curled nearly into a ball for a short moment as he attached two short straps near the bottom of his coat with practiced skill to a loop of tough fabric on the back of each of his padded shoes. He then extended his legs so that his fall was slowed just enough to keep from breaking his ankles and legs upon landing.

    Even as the man fell he could vaguely make out a small human shape that was apparently just standing in one place. Unless the boy was carrying a scape doll, the man couldn't think of any way he could have survived the fall, at least not until a moment later, when the boy's MAG came into visibility as more than just a misplaced blur.

    The man landed almost silently on the ground behind the boy, who turned quickly around on impulse and winced. Apparently he was still injured. There was an awkward moment of silence before the boy opened his mouth to speak, "Who a-"

    "Quiet," the man cut him off. Unbeknownst to the child, the man was silently probing his body for injuries with the use of his mind alone. The boy attempted to speak again, but was interrupted by the peculiar light-headedness a Resta from the coated man brought.

    "That should keep you alive," the man said briefly. He bent and removed the straps of his coat from his shoes, then stood back up and peered upward toward the the place from which he had jumped. He could still see a few flashes of flame from the Speigels or Bernie's Inferno Bazooka.

    "Who are you?" the boy said quickly to keep from being interrupted again. The coated man turned around to look at him. Two intense green eyes stared out from the shadows of his hat, which for some reason didn't fly off when he jumped. They were keen and perceptive, but in a way they were also soft, with a veiled hint of forgotten compassion.

    "Who am I?" the man asked, "Well now, I don't even know who you are."

    You should with all the time you've spent staring at me, Kira thought to himself. He hesitated slightly before answering with, "Kira." There didn't seem to be any particular concern in telling this man his name, seeing as he couldn't really be tracked down if he didn't have a home (just an assumption, Surankai. If I'm wrong, let me know).

    "My name is Arai," the man replied. With that, he resumed scanning for a path back up to the bridge.

    "Thank you" the boy murmured.

    "It was no great thing," Arai said, shrugging off a jump from at least a hundred feet above and curing wounds that, even with a resta or two from someone else, save maybe Zi'Zuku, would have taken weeks to heal. Kira blinked. Though he didn't intend to keep Arai from hearing his words, Kira was still somewhat surprised that he responded.

    "Why haven't you joined the group?" Kira asked, though he knew it was none of his business. As long as Arai was finally talking, though, he might as well try to get some information out of him.

    Arai didn't answer immediatly. He seemed to have found the path to the bridge he was looking for. When he finally did respond, it was with the words, "For several reasons. The only one I'll tell you is that I don't want the others getting angry with me if I don't help them. I didn't come here to destroy the products of my previous work."

    "Even if that other guy keeps attacking you?"

    "I find our fights rather exhilerating," Arai said with a wry smirk. "You didn't by chance see him with a MAG, did you?"



    __________________________________________________ ___

    That came out a lot longer than I expected. Probably beacuase I started it two hours ago and then sat around, waiting for a reply from Surankai or somebody else who can go online and occasionally making changes or adding stuff to it.
    What happened to Nasca?

    [edit] It's pronounced 'Uh-RI', not 'AH-ray' or something. Emphasis on the second syllable.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Kadou on 2003-09-19 20:29 ]</font>

  2. #112
    Creator Of Worlds
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Closer than you think...


    After the lower level Hunters had been cleared from the Labs, serious work could begin. One of the technicians became excited and called her supervisor over.

    "I think i've found it again. The energy pulse."
    "Er, it appears to be located about one kilometre below the surface of the island."
    "Possibly for kind of underground research facitily, just like the mines. I'll inform Ms. Milarose immediately."

    The more experienced Hunters watched the newbies being escorted out.
    "I hope we get sent down soon. I need some action real bad." Said one of them.

  3. #113


    Yes Kira is homeless. He is 9, and if you notice he doesn't chop his enemies in half with one fair swoop of his galdius. He attackes vital points that are unarmored and obvious. The only time he really cut a spiegel in half is when it was falling over, so he used its momentum against itself, carving it nearly in two...

    And where did a poor boy learn to fight like he does and where did he get a gladius from? well with Arai speaking I can tell you that.


    Kira and Arai walked in uncomfortable silence. Arai was thinking,if the boy could ask him questions, why couldn't he? Taking one look at Kira's face, he sighed, then began,

    "Where did you learn to fight like that? I mean, Not every kid like yourself can face sinows head on.."

    "I dont fight them head on, I'd die that way. Growing up on the streets, you have to see weakness' early, or get killed."

    Kira's voice stilled sounded slightly pained, Arai nodded, but Kira's answer brought about more questions, but he didn't wan't to start on those yet. Kira relieved him by continuing,

    "Such as trying not to get caught by the guards, You have to see places they will over look. Or when you have to fight for a dry place to sleep."Arai started

    "Are you-"

    "I have parents, they beat us, and talk about our good for nothing uncle and how he condemmed them to the streets."

    "Why are you avoiding the guards?"Arai was beggining to fall into the deepness of this kids past.

    "My uncle, he's a wanted criminal. They caught me once, asked where he was, they beat me more for lying to them..."

    "You know where he is?"Each question answered brung of five more in its place.

    "NO, but they dont believe me."

    Arai though a moment before speaking again.

    "You said you parents beat us, meaning more than one of you?"He regretted asking the question, because as soon as he did Kira's serence face became wreathed with anger.

    "Yeah, there my ill five year old sister who is on her death bed, and they wont even take her to the hospital because they say they dont have the money, its true, but they are also afraid to be interrogated about my uncle"

    Arai sroked his forehead, this was getting complicated, maybe he should stop here. But something about the kid, sparked his intrest, such strength coming from someone so small.

    "So how did you get here, and with such an expensive weapon too?"Kira sighed before answering,

    "My uncle came to us, he was going to give our parents another chance to join his clan. But they refused, he saw me, and my sick sister, then he spoke to me. He said for me not to turn out like them, a criminal, or a beggar. He gave me that gladius, and my armor and mag as well. The he had his people get me into this quest. He told me that I would have to save my sister, and make myself into something great."

    Arai shook his head, this kid had a mix of anger and thankfullness around him. But one thing was for sure, now that he knew he could never forgett or get uninvolved.

    They reached to top of the rampway leading back to the bridge. Bernie nodded to them as they approached,

    "Thought we lost you"Kira replied

    "Just trying to find my way..."

    Bernie puzzled over what the boy meant, Arai smiled for once as Kira held the gladius.

    Kira knew that things where going to be hard, but he couldn't give up, he couldn't fail like the rest of them...

  4. #114
    Watchin Ya
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    May 2003
    UK (we get everything last)


    Phantom sneaks past the guard standing at the entrance of the teleporter, gets out his spc link ppc mini laptop which he uses to hack into the lock system, after ten seconds it opens. Phantom, a Fomar in a black and red robe, shiny and sleek. His Long ice blue hair hanged below his shoulders, a twinkle in his eyes.

    He ran to the teleporter, a summit moon in his right hand, the end shining like a star in the breeze, he had arrived in a mountinous area. All strange animals hauled themselves at him, he used his adv. techs to slaughter them to kill them off. As they fell amny revived, was this heaven or hell, earth or sky or Living or dead.

    As he rounded all of the other creatures, then next door opened, to another unknown spot, this was the only way to train for phantom. He was looking for something, that something was a need not a want. The only way he could save the one person who mattered to anyone.

    More creatures fell and finnaly a giant boulder with fists appeared, taking swipes but missing, falling. Darkness enclosed the monster to its barbarious ways, its primitive from. With the help of light it could transform, but if darkness took over again everyone would be doomed from the monster.

    It dropped to the ground with a cry and a last breath, as it fell something dropped from its mouth, a special antidote to cure darkness, to let the light in, to transform.

    Im a little late i know but let me join anyway (im always late)

    Edit: Im not online either so sorry if i do summat wrong oh and also phantom goes solo most of the time!!!!!!

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Neoluke12 on 2003-09-20 14:24 ]</font>

  5. #115
    Creator Of Worlds
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Closer than you think...


    NeoLuke, don't worry about it, theres room for everybody!
    The group came to a halt outside the massive blast doors of the tower. Unlike the previous 2 towers there was no teleporter located outside to conveniently beam them in.
    After several tries to hack the door's control panel proved fruitless, Bernie questioned the group, "Anyone have any ideas?"

  6. #116
    Fate binds us, destroys us.
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    Bernie and the group halted outside the military blast doors.

    "Any ideas?"

    Logical2u shook his hand in the air.

    "Blow the door down... every military installation has a weakness... beit structural or computer. "

    "How do you know its a military installation?"

    "Uhm... because. Check my file when this is all over."

    The green ramar took out another inferno bazooka and nodded at Bernie.


  7. #117


    Kira smiled as the huge metal doors fell free from their frames, personally he would of done it in a neater fashion though. that man was definatly military, maybe he quit or something. He knew how to distinguish guard from citizens or hunters, he had grew up running from them...

    "What are you all gawping at, lets go" Bernie sounded mildy impatient. Kira and the others entered the first room of the tower...

  8. #118


    I'm back all! ^_^
    hmm... wonder where nidra went off to?
    arai joined up with us... i'm not sure weather Zi'Zuku aproves or not
    Phantom! good to see ya! ^_^
    oh, wait, my turn
    *creeeek... THUD!*
    the large metal blast door fell to the floor revealing a large spiral steady incline.
    Zi'Zuku shot a quick glance at arai. i still dont like this... he thought.
    Suddenly arai looked at him. Zi'Zuku immediatly averted his eyes, and continured walking.
    they begun the steady incline. a few monsters warped in.
    "what the heck is that thing!?"


  9. #119


    Heeeey, how come nobody ever write about greebo?

    welll... I haven't posted in a while, and I have no clue what we just found, but anyway...

    *Before the gate boom*

    Greebo was the rear gaurd for the group. He took it as his solomn duty to protect the huters from rear attack. Actually, he just didn't like to overwork him self... Or work at all... or do anything but eat...

    *RUMBLE* "EARTHQUAKE!!!!" Several of the hunters dived to the ground, trying not to fall off the edge of the dam.

    "Sorry, that was my stomach..." Geerbo received some dirty glares as the ones who had hit the dirt got up and brushed themselves off.

    Speaking of angry looks, the man in grey and the face masked Force seemed to be looking at each other a lot. Greebo wondered if anyone would miss one of them. They were looking a little tasty.

    They reached the steel doors, and Greebo suddenly shouted "I AM HUNGRY!" and lunged at the two. Fortunately, the were disracted by the collapsing door, and Greebo only got a few more bad looks from the disgruntled hunters.

    They walked a little farther, And several monsters appaered. "WHAT THE HECK IS THAT THING?!"

    Geebo considered the creepy monsters. "GREEBO HAS FOUND SUTABLE FOOD! PREPARE TO BE ASSMILATED!" He plowed through the peeps in front of him, bent on consumption.

  10. #120


    Well, I'm back from a day wasted on socializing and homework. I just read through, and it doesn't seem like anyone has misconcieved Arai yet, so I guess I don't have to correct anybody. Oh, if Zi'Zuku has/had a Nidra, then why didn't you mention it, -Z?

    "We have assembled a small military force to apprehend him, ma'am," a random underling from the Lab was saying to Natasha, "That renegade Hunter will be brought here for inquisition and persecuation shortly."

    "Why?" Natasha asked.

    The underling blinked, "Well, uh-"

    "Why don't we just let him do the job if he wants to? He's not harming anyone."

    "Er, he may pose a potential threat to the party of Hunters that is already on the island, and-"

    "So what? The Hunters are warned that their lives are at risk in their proffesion when they join the Guild. If they die, we can't be held responsible."

    "I suppose so, but someone may become upset and attempt opposition."

    "Anyone who tries to go against us will quietly fade away, and no one will question their disappearence."

    Arai was not particularly interested in destroying the creatures that had just appeared, and with Greebo's appetite, no one had to worry. Rather than uselessly exerting himself, he leapt up to the rafters near the cieling and began repeatedly driving at the locked exit with blasts of basic telekinesis.

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