View Poll Results: How do you feel about the creation of a 3rd party PSO server outside of Sega? Should this be done?

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  • Yes

    82 88.17%
  • No

    5 5.38%
  • Don't care

    6 6.45%
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Results 71 to 80 of 164
  1. #71


    Umm its not exactly cheating...its more like playing the actual game for free...not cheating...get it?? Ill pretty much play on any server other then segas...but the trick is finding them and letting me on.

  2. #72
    Rappy Hunter
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Portland Oregon


    baburay so many people wnat to get on this server why dont you ever reply?

  3. #73


    I think that alot of people might want that anwsered but they think that if they post it he wont let them on his server...I am also curious about that too.

  4. #74


    Because she's in college and has better things to do than just simply please the massses?

    The game is mostly client-side, so monsters and everything as such is not really handled by the server. In fact, the entire system Sonic Team has created is simply a matchmaking server, where people meet, make games, do things, etc. Barely any bandwidth is involved except for in-between characters.

    Not sure how Episode 1 & 2 PC will be handled, since it has server-side saving...means a lot more bandwidth may be needed, and probably hard drive space too. ^_^;;;

  5. #75


    I wonder what her career goal is. Im guess computer programer due to the fact of how much she knows about codeing and all.

  6. #76


    Got hold of one of the lawyers here (finally). Please be aware this is not in any way binding, and in no way admissable in any court of law. This is simply an informal OPINION, not fact, from a professional game industry lawyer.

    And, as always with lawyers, they answer with questions.


    Given that the client connecting to this server will not be modifying game code, it's very unlikely anyone playing on this server will be liable for prosecution. While you're probably in breach of software law, it's unlikely any action would be taken.

    As is probably obvious, the main risk is for the person running the server. If Barubary will charge to play on the server, it almost certainly illegal and highly likely to result in prosecution.

    If the server is free to play on, the picture is less clear. By reverse engineering / decompiling PSO a person is in breach of the laws under which software is sold to them. However, if they are not making commercial profit, simply providing a service for existing software, then it is less severe. Given SEGA have taken down the US DC servers, there is no direct competition for their pay-to-play servers.

    The main issue SEGA may have with this is v2 players that might otherwise move to the GC / XBox versions (or Ep.III) will be playing on this server, hence they lose profit.

    Also, another key concern is the profile, use and image of their IP (Intellectual Property). For example, if Barubary allowed major nasty hacks and cheating as standard, that could damage people's perception / opinion of PSO and would damage SEGA's brand.

    Conclusion... Ask Sonic Team / SEGA.

    There are enough good reasons for them to block / prevent this server, the only people who know how they will react are SEGA themselves.


    Sorry this isn't of more help, but games law (and legal issues in general) is rarely clear-cut.

    Anyway, hope this helps a little, and good luck...


    *EDIT* - Forgot to say - this lawyer has not read the exact details of the EULA (End User License Agreement), and hence anything relvant in that may modify this postition.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Jazhara on 2003-10-09 10:21 ]</font>

  7. #77
    Blue Harmony
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    France(was:New Caledonia)


    I would like to thank for your time talking to your company's lawyer. I'd like to comment some points, please do not take them as offensive.
    On 2003-10-09 10:15, Jazhara wrote:
    By reverse engineering / decompiling PSO a person is in breach of the laws under which software is sold to them.
    That point depends on the country you live in (or server resides).
    Reverse engineering is perfectly legal in Europe (for now).
    The main issue SEGA may have with this is v2 players that might otherwise move to the GC / XBox versions (or Ep.III) will be playing on this server, hence they lose profit.
    That point is highly debatable. Forcing hardware upgrades on customers is not very defendable.
    Also, another key concern is the profile, use and image of their IP (Intellectual Property). For example, if Barubary allowed major nasty hacks and cheating as standard, that could damage people's perception / opinion of PSO and would damage SEGA's brand.
    Excuse me while I roll on the floor laughing at this one ^_^.
    Just thinking at everything that was running wild under SEGA's running the servers (PK, CK, NOL ...) makes a threshold so low it will be difficult to do worse ^_^.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: saffaya on 2003-10-09 10:35 ]</font>

  8. #78


    I dont really think that this will stop Barubary if thats what your trying to do...but then again maybe it might.

  9. #79


    If barb asks Sega then Sega has to repsond. Remember Millenium G200? They were using DC linux kits that I'm sure Sega knew about.

  10. #80



    It's a toss up about if its legal or not. I'd say go on with it, but, the best would be for barubary to ask.

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