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  1. #21


    i say movies are a bit scarier in the movies since your in the dark and stuff then you suddenly hear something and you freak out but i didnt find it scar at all c'mon seeing a video and you die pfffft

  2. #22
    The man with 1337 in his serial number.
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    somewhere over the rainbow.


    On 2003-10-15 16:38, Demonslayer wrote:
    Cabin Fever, and Wrong Turn,ugly people eating people wow scary.
    Cabin Fever. Lol, he was fingering a gaping wound in her leg and she was getting off from it. Good movie.

  3. #23


    uh ok......get off from a open wound.....thats really ****ed up right there...
    Anyway, scariest movies i have seen are:
    Signs (my bro pissed his pants twice during the movie LOL)
    all childsplay movies (but i mean comon he's a fucking doll, kick him or something sheesh)
    japanese version of the ring (RINGUUUUUUUUUUUU)

    Gay movies:
    american version of the ring (horsey dies heheh)
    freddy vs. Jason

    Funny movies:
    scary movie 1 and 2
    Freddy got fingered(yes its not a scary movie so bite me!)
    and all the arnold swartzenager movies (i cant spell his ****ing name ><)
    thats it

  4. #24


    28 Days Later.

    Biggest load of B Grade-filled crap, I ever saw.

  5. #25


    Blair Bitch Project movies..

    OK all scary movies are gay... except...

    Scary Movie 1 and 2; Ed Gein story was fukken hilarious.

  6. #26
    The little one
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Somewhere in New York State


    *grabs battle axe and chops up the fools who said "Ringu"*


    I feel better now...

    Seriously, though, my friend saw 28 Days Later or whatever and she told me about it. I couldn't decide if it sounded incredibly stupid or just plain boring.

    Darkness Falls, while not horrible, per se, was definitely not a movie to win any awards. The tooth faerie looked cool, though.

    ...I wanna see the remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre...

  7. #27


    Bloody remains fall to ground...and spell...
    R I N G U

  8. #28


    Any scary movie made in the 90's.

  9. #29


    Suprisingly Signs was scary.

  10. #30


    On 2003-10-16 18:12, Jaks wrote:
    Suprisingly Signs was scary.
    That wasnt scary just pour water on that cracker and hes dead you could erase the population with a hose lol

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