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  1. #21


    Though I've only seen the first movie, I just realized that people were complaining about the second and the third movie of the trilogy... perhaps because of the success of the first one, the second and the third were rushed into production so quickly in order to milk off of the success of the first one, causing the quality of both films to decline?

    Just my observation.

  2. #22
    Supreme Pantless Commander SpikeOtacon's Avatar
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    Jul 2003


    Hey, As long as they get money, they don't care. Why do you think "Enter the Matrix" was so horrible? Because the programmers didn't care to make it an ENJOYABLE game. Much like the movies, the filmmakers KNEW that 'Matrix' equals money. And they half-assed the last two films. It's sad to see it when it happens, but it does.
    I didn't see reloaded, so I have a fairly good idea to not go see revelations.

    She's a summer love in the spring, fall and winter

  3. #23


    I liked Revolutions. I think it is better then Reloaded ( which I also enjoyed ) although the first movie still esily tops both.

    Maybe it's because I am soo used to watching anime ( more speciffically anime like Evangelion )but I never expected the Matrix trilogy ( to be more correct, the story of the Matrix is said to continue in other forms of meia so it is really the End to Neo's story ) to have any proper closure.

    I do agree with alot of teh points made by you all ( to a lesser extnet of course ) but I also feel that alot of the more subtle things from the last two movies probably went over teh top of alot of people's heads.

  4. #24
    Uh..>> My HUnewearl is cuter.
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    <_<...They need a Matrix movie...Where the whole thing is in bullet-time!!!

  5. #25
    I Dream Of Sleep
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    Great Britain


    Matrix Revolutions was ok, just a bit underwelming. The real world was always broing compared to the matrix in the other two films, so setting nearly the whole film in it was a bit of a bad choice. There was no good shoot outs (which we were promised) and the ending just left you with a sort of 'Meh, that it' feeling. You can see how their leaving the thing open for the Matix Online game.

    One thing that really dissapointed me was how un-impressive the final fight between Neo and Smith was. At one point it felt like i was watching an episode of DBZ with all the flying around, and in the end it just ended up as a big grapple match rather then an amazing martial art masterpiece.

    Reloaded and Revolutions both ended up not meeting fans expectations, but it was going to be hard to do that anyway. Reloaded was to talky, Revolutions featured to much of the real world. I doubt they will go down in history as the worst films ever, but neither will they make it anywhere near ebing the best. All they will end up as are fun action flicks that have major chunks in them that you just want to fast forward through to get to the next cool part.

  6. #26


    fig 1.10010101

    Now let's take a closer look at all this so we can better understand what I meant ...

    First off, the ''Deep philosophy'' factor:

    In the Matrix:Revolution, there isn't much more that can be thought about the Matrix, that doesn't mean there is nothing ... well ... sort of. There are a few deep quotes you'll remember from the M:R ... but that's about it. You can'T blame it really, afterall, the big psycological traumatic enlightment that the first Matrix was can't be done over and over again in every chapter of the trilogy. I find it sad that there hasn't been much elaborations about the tons of new things you discover in M:R ... at the end, I end up asking myself ''how was THAT possible?'', seems like they felt like finding an easy way to do things and tell us directly ''well it's the Matrix! Don't ask!'' and I didn't like that ...

    ''CG action'':

    Yup, lot's of it, more then in the second one, and I think that this movie will set a new record for the ''amount of bullets shot in a short period of time'' ... once the sentinels break in Zion ... I think there are like non-stop 1 000 round/sec being shot till ... well ... till something happens lol. And other then the Zion Battle, most of the movie is in CG, even some of Seraphin's (spell?) kicks are clearly CG animated, well, or just fast-forwarded I think the only part of the movie where it isn't CG is when inside the Zion undergroud comand-center base or in a ship ... or somewhere in the Matrix reality, which I have to say isn't something that happens often. Most of the movie is in the real world but ironicly all of the real world is made of CG

    ''Cool Martial art showing off'':

    Remember that cool fight Neo had against Morpheus back in the Matrix? Well don't expect to see anything that cool in M:R. There are fights ... but they don't quite fit in that catgory. Neo seems to have forgotten all about his Kung-Fu Karate, or whatever other arts he learned. Well ... except that one part of the fight against Agent Smith but o well, I guess it's normal for him to forget, he's human afterall :3


    There wasn't a lot of romance in the first one, some more in the second one, and god we reach new heights in the 3rd one. By ''romance'' I also mean ''love'' but ... love is just a word . That is blending with the ''deep philosophy'' since well, the first thing that marked me was something related about love early in the movie ... and not to mention that this chapter of the trilogy is the first that brought tears to my eyes.

    ''DragonBall Z showing off'':

    I guess that explains why Neo no longer fights with his cool martial arts, he must have tell himself ''hey, I can fly and punch trough walls and stuff, no need for fancy kung-fu anymore!'' ... and Agent Smith is just about the same. It's a good thing we get to see Seraphin fight, I mean he gets to do the cool moves ... well ... Trinity does her kick again, but I mean, Neo is like ... damn ... he's Goku and Smith is hmm, Freeza? I suck with DragonBall names anyway. But hey, don't get me wrong, I don't like Dragon Ball, so the HIGH FACTOR for this might be one more reason to see it for someone that LIKES Dragon Balls ... err that sounds wrong, o well. <_<

    So yeah, there you have it, lot's of you might disagree, lot's you might agree ... err maybe not, but one thing is for sure, those are my opinions about the movies, and opinions aren't facts. So who knows? maybe you'll hate it, maybe you'll like it, maybe you didn't even notice all of what I mentioned above and I might have forgotten about other important things as well but hey, I just saw it ONCE, don't expect me to know all about that movie right now

    I really hope you see it though, all of you, it really is worth it to be seen on the big screen.

    Matrix: **** and a half outa 5
    Matrix Reloaded: **** outa 5
    Matrix Revolution: *** and a half outa 5

    That's my rating of the trilogy

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BWS-1 on 2003-11-06 21:06 ]</font>

  7. #27
    John 3:16
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    Aug 2003


    I think what happened was that even though people were excited for the movie to come out, they were also ready for it to be over. When you're glad something is over, you might judge it a little more negatively than you should.

  8. #28
    A little ditty I wrote for the boys over seas!
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    Then, let's toss in a whole bunch of pissed off music, and shatter any cool thought in your head at the end of the movie, by slapping some crappy, white guy wannabe rap, Rage Against the Machine
    Zach De La Rocha isn't white though.

  9. #29


    Revolutions made me want to see Kill Bill 2. ^_^

    I liked it, though.

  10. #30


    I'm going to see it today.....
    the spoilers were too tempting to resist ><

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