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  1. #1



    Humanity, the greatest factor of the landing party of Pioneer 2. Andriods and Newmans alike affected by the human nature. Love, kindness, and peace, all gave a chance to the better outlook on the three beings. Ragol turning into somewhat of an Eden for them. But on the other hand greed, hatred, ignorance, and arrorgance picked that possiblity apart.

    Seven years after the colonization of Ragol the population of humans, newmans, and new version of andriods grew. After major cities were built in three properous areas of the globe governments were formed. These governments looking horns on different subjects. Each bickering and arguing of these subjects, mergers of governments began to happen to overthrow the other.

    A summit of the remaining governments created a global scale "jury" to watch over all the others. This "jury" considered which actions to be right and which to be wrong. It was the last stand against a war breaking among the newly settled planet.

    After a few short months tensions grew and hatreds flared as two governments now stood highly in the eyes of the newly formed Jury. The Conclave focused on increasing technologie sthe desire not to be mortal anymore, and other practices such as cloning. This idea conflicted with the USR or Unites Species of Ragol. They believed in the morals of humanity and disagreed with the Conclave on many ocassions

    Each side filled with humans, newmans, and androids hating their former bothers and sisters because of different mind sets. The Jury now worried that their angers would become more rebellious by the day. Acts and laws were passed on the two governments forbidding them to do certain practices. These acts only subdued the two for a few years before the first blow was thrown....

    The USR cut off it's shipping of natural resources to the almost barren lands of the Conclave. They found it wrong that they were providing material for the "inhuman" acts that the Conclave was researching. This being seen as an act of war in the Conclave's eyes was dealt with technological superiority. A resource mining city on the outskirts of the USR's borders was bombarded by advanced photon weaponary, invaded, and occupied by Conclave zealots.

    The Jury held a security meeting after hearing of the attack. The USR was vastly unable to try to retake or at least fight back the Conclave at the time began to bolster defences around the area. Until they could build up a formidable army they were at the mercy of the Conclave. It takes four years, a vast amount of resources and hope for the USR to have trained and created a decent army to begin to fight back.

    Several atempts to reclaim Bazine, the mining city, failed miserably. The four year time span let the Conclave build several significant defenses to keep the city under control.

  2. #2


    Pretty good, for a prologue. It might be interesting to see what would happen if Ragol busted out in uncivil war. If you keep posting, I'll keep reading.

  3. #3


    Chapter One: The Beginning of Change

    "GET UP AND GET MOVING!" yelled Major Carton as he strolled into a barracks filled with mostly hunters and less amounts of rangers. The soldiers quickly dressed in their brown uniforms filed out into the courtyard. "MOVE LIKE YOU HAVE A PURPOSE!" yelled Carton again to the tired soldiers.

    The meeting in the courtyard was blanketed with brown. A figure took a stand on a raised platform and overlooked the troops. The guant and old face sulked his head and then raised it again. "As you know, you have been assigned the task of reclaiming Bezine. Though several past attempts ended in failure, we have compiled enough data on how to break the defenses and reclaim what was once ours."

    Cheers and smiles broke the once dead faces of the people as they stood there looking at General Rowley. "You will be moving via dropships to Bezine at 1500. This will give us enough time for the long range assualt to soften them up for you." said the gruff voice of the old general. More cheers broke out as they were dismissed to get ready for the assualt.

    Meanwhile inside a small building of the tiny base "Wolf."

    "Alright, bring them in." said a dark figure sitting in an office chair. eight hunters, two rangers, and two forces walked into the room. Each shady figure staring down the ruff looking dark haired man. "You 12 are going in before the main assualt. You will be going in during the bombardment and your goal is to take down the tech barrier generators." said Jack.

    The eight hunters nodded towards Jack as they grimaced. "You forces, when those barriers are down you will raze everything you can as you retreat back to your vehicles." Amanda, a Fonewearl, and Eric, a Fomarl, nodded as the recieved their objectives. "You two rangers your goal is to take out any of the Conclave's newly created PMG-78s as possible. They will most likely be placed by the generators and other chokepoints."

    Neal a Ramar wearing a black and white suit of armor shock his head. He had a piece of cloth covering his mouth as he figited with his fingers. Dan, another Ramar nodded and placed the objective into his wrist comm. The group left the room with utter silence and began gathering explosives and weapons for their raid.

    Neal walked behind the group as they walked towards the hanger. Dan was talking with one of the hunters, Richie a tall dark skinned Humar using an Agito for it's silence and inabilty to show photon. Each of the tweleve broke into their groups of six. Four hunters, one ranger, and one force. Neal overlooked the map on his wrist comp as Amanda and the four hunters each took a seat on a civilian converted apc.

    Their trip to Bezine would last an hour giving them seven hours to remove the barrier generators and anything else to help the main assualt. The barriers the Conclave created makes it impossible for forces to hit them, but it has a weakness that lets photon pass through. Neal overlooking details of the classified PMG-78s. Fierce defenses which can be run by operator or by electronics, they pack enough punch to pierce through ship hulls and andriods.

    Amanda looked over to the silently ranger as she finished a talk with a Hunewearl and a Hucast about the mission. "How come your always silent Neal?" she knew his name but that was about it. He shrugged and inserted a photon charge into his rifle. John, a humar, silently rose and looked over the small squad. "Alright, when we arrive we need to go in by foot. Chad's squad will be coming in about 100 yards away from us so we will meet up around the generators. Neal, you will cover our advance and move in behind as we go."

    Most rangers in the USR military were seen as weak warriors with no other skill in battle besides covering the hunters as they moved forward. Neal shook his head "Alright." The forces on the other hand were admired by their ability to change any situation after they were no longer restrained by the barriers.

    Amanda tried loading a photon charge into her railgun but for some reason it kept draining as she put it in. Neal looked over and extended his hand for the railgun. "You're putting it in backwards." he said handing it back with a new charge inside. Amanda smiled sheepishly as the apc light flash telling them to get ready to move.

    The group piled out of the apc and slightly crept along the ground. Neal placed himself in the prone postion by a piece of wreckage left from the attack years ago. The hunters and Amanda raced forward as Neal brang up the rear. After making it to the streets Neal caught a glance of two hucasts and a ramarl. He gave a warning wave and the squad seemed to vanish into the ground.

    Neal's crosshair was placed right onto the ramarl's skull as he laid there, his finger slowly clasped the trigger firing a round, the thud of the body hitting the ground echoed through the streets as two more shots blazed hitting the Hucasts. The squad rose again and ran into buildings. Neal going ahead of the rest looking for a vatage point, seen shots being fired.

    Chad's squad didn't move as silently as John's and ended up getting into a stalemate with two PMG-78s and a few Racast guards. Dan, Eric, Richie, and Chad were the only surviviors and were about to join there friends. Neal signaled Dan on his wrist comm telling him to keep them busy.

    Neal ran into a destroyed building and fired a round killing a PMG-78 operator. Dan rolled from behind his cover firing a round into the other aclove hitting the other operator and rolled back avoiding fire from the Racasts. "Damn, who did that?" asked Eric unable to do much but use his handgun. "It was Neal. Richie think if I give you gover you could get rid of those Racasts?" "If you can keep them busy then yes I can." said Richie with a grin.

    Dan slid back out firing random shots near the guards as Richie ran, taking cover at each stride to the guards. He snuck up behind one of the hiding racasts and was cut in half by Richie's Agito. The other Racast taking shot after shot trying to hit Dan didn't realize Richie was beside him and was dealt with swiftly. Both squads meet in a destroyed building outlining their path to the generator.

    "I think we should take this route, it has less choke points making it easier for an ambush to happen." said Neal sliding his finger across the map. Sarah, an openminded Hunewearl put her own hand on the map. "No we should go this way because it quicker." she said snidely. Neal shook his head "If you want to get shot then go that way." He took a seat away from the map letting the others discuss the path.

    Amanda took a seat next to him "You know you never answered my question." "Maybe after we get out of here, then I will think about answering it." Neal said standing up and looking outside from a window. After choosing their path the group of ten snuck their way into the base of the first generator plants.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Slicer238 on 2003-12-20 19:33 ]</font>

  4. #4
    Mofo in the Know
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    TDP Treehouse


    i dont like long fan fics...
    i always fall asleep before i can finish

  5. #5


    Hey, that was pretty good. Not much I can say because it's chapter one, but it was good.
    If you don't have any ideas for the next chapter, I'd suggest character development.
    Definitely will keep reading though.

    P.S. I liked the length. It's nice, reading something that feels like a real book instead of a desperate fan's cry for attention.
    Disclaimer: That particular comment wasn't aimed toward anyone in particular; that's just how fanfics are usually seen.

  6. #6


    On 2003-12-20 19:36, badbitz wrote:
    i dont like long fan fics...
    i always fall asleep before i can finish
    Then either take a nap, or don't read it. I don't have any problems with length. The more effort and detail put in, the better the story.

    As for the fic, just a few minor formatting issues, but otherwise good work so far.

  7. #7
    Guardian of Light - Jesus Freak
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    Hey, I like long fan fics. As long as I'm not in a rush and have to let my family online. The one thing that's bad is that I work on them at school and put them in a 200-page notebook. I'm currently on p. 112. It doesn't matter how long it is. It matters how good it is. Keep up the great work!

  8. #8


    o.O I take a break from my comp for awhile and I miss all this.

    Gnarled_Rose: Thank you for idea and feedback. I was thinking about character develpoment after their return, but throwing in tidbits during the fight.

    Hikosaka: Alrighty, be sure to fix those formatting problems when I figure out what they are.

    StormSworded: Thanks for the feedback.

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