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  1. #1


    I've been playing around on the internet a lot recently, and with all the popular networking site I've been overwhelmed, inspired, and bored. Pretty much simutaniously.

    The idea is great, sign up, list your friends, join communities, make new friends. All the self promotion however is pretty eye-roll-worthy. I could pretty much sit here and list the major types of people and how everyone seems to be trying so hard.

    It pretty comes down to people trying really hard to sell themselves. "Impress me". The majority of people just try to mold themselves into a certain stereotype -- like the over so popular re.what.society.thinks

    It's overwhelming, no one has a name and everyone is trying to be someone. People have spent their entire lives trying to define themselves and who they are and on the internet it's this reflection of an echo - the person people try to hard to project.

    People desperately trying to find a place and to get attention, the same way everyone else is. It's amazing how rejection, even from an intangible being, still seems so frightful. So we continue to try and impress one another with all the net reasons we should have respect.

    "Look at me, I don't care what any one thinks. I'm independent and free thinking"

    "don't mind me, I'm silly and unique and I'll say random stuff that doesn't make sense pork shimmy shimmy, I like to put things in my nose."

    I went to the mall on Friday, it wasn't entirely my choice, but regardless I expected just to see teenagers in their little posses trying really hard to fit in. I wasn't entirely wrong, but I was happily surprised to see a lot more integration. Being totally stereotypical, I saw cheerleader and jock in the same group as some long haired guy in pajamas, a girl that must have stumbled out of hot topic who has no idea why there are buckles on her bondage pants, and a some guy that just sorta blended into the whateveriscloseby.

    It's nice to see the acceptance. That's all.

    I just occurred to me how stupid the subject looked "redefinition of the id" and how that is sort of a contradiction, but meant for it to sound slightly ironic, but just to point out how we unconsciously try to serve the source of our instinctual impluses and need for immediate satisfaction of primive needs...

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Vanango on 2004-01-04 11:45 ]</font>

  2. #2


    Lonely teenagers trying to make themselves look cool?

    Who would've guess it. Seriuosly, dude. We all fall into one group of people or another. You're looking like the "Must separate myself from the others by pointing out that I know what we're all trying to do."

    I kid. Take no offense.

    I'm simply saying that everybody is probably here or there for the same reason, and some are just more oblivious or vocal about it. Why do you think most of the people on this forum are probably from the same teenage demographic? Also, odds are that as these kids age, more and more of them will leave the forums or other get-together places or at least cut down their usage.

  3. #3


    Trying to be a nonconformist is pointless. Practically everybody is already trying to be one, so trying to be different just lands you right back into conformity.

    There's actually a far fewer amount of people nowadays that aren't trying to be anybody, and just being themselves (which is how people should be).

    ProTip: To damage your credibility, simply call any of the Phantasy Star games "massively-multiplayer."

  4. #4
    La Chupacabra-1/2 Azn Ogre KaFKa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    A Coniferous Oasis in the Mojave Desert


    yep. society sucks.... (oh noes! now im a steryotype 0.0)

    but seriously, most people are in a certian "group" because of OTHER people wanting them to be there. its all how you are seen in the eyes of other people that makes you seem like one or the other.

    myself, i just do whatever i feel like doing at the moment. and if that makes me yet another sterotype, then so be it.

  5. #5


    Social groups can suck my left right nut. I dont want to be classified as anything and i hate people lol. Sterotypes are soo wrong. but anyway yea, people were i come from dont go outside thier groups. we get hurt for doing that. The stoners own the bathrooms, the goths the courtyard and the commons and everyelse to well you get the picture. Yea being a teen in this day and age sucks ass. Id rather sit at home play PSO and watch anime and read manga as opposed to doing anything social. So someone please tell me that Im not alone lol!

  6. #6


    On 2004-01-04 16:00, Temjin-On wrote:
    So someone please tell me that Im not alone lol!
    hm sounds lonily enough..
    heh, don't worry u are not alone in your 'solitute world'.. lol
    Blink & you might miss it! ;3

    Oh, keep sig at 600x180 px & 49KB, yah?

  7. #7
    You have no mommy from now you cry to me
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    Apr 2003


    I'm good at sports and get bad grades in school.

  8. #8


    Atleast some places have different kinds of groups.

    Here, you're either a close-minded hick or my family.


  9. #9
    Humanoid Will
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Standing above Death


    There's a class for everything. There's a class for people who don't belong to a class... if that makes any sense. I fall into the gamer sterotype, plain and simple. I get annoyed by most blonde women (all those jokes are for the most part true...). Basically, it's human nature to want to fit in, to "belong" to a group. Saying you don't have the urge to belong is just putting you right back into a group... the group of people who don't care. There's no escaping the madnessO.o

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