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  1. #11
    Locked and Loaded
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    not telling you...


    Nice knowing you.


  2. #12


    Everyone, please do yourself a favour. Most Japanese *kids* are rude to us because they think we are rude for not speaking in battle. Conversation in battle, with your opponent is a staple of this game. Malkavian, you know that game yesterday where the player kept saying 'Mu'? Yesterday I caught him in another lobby, moaning at a friend that you never spoke, and maybe you were 'one of those gaijin'. We are all getting a bad rep, so let's try to counter it for the sake of peace on ep 3.

    Eum, you got flak yesterday (I was there) because you started speaking English. Which is fine, but it would have been OK if gaijin had not already been rude. For example, the Brazilian player who uses pouillys and spams symbol chats in battle. The French player who tells people to 'FUKK OFF'. The English player who is rude, talks racist shit behind text block, and abuses their partner if they start talking to the opponent.

    Japanese people are not inherantly rude. But westerners have a WELL DESERVED reputation of being so. You know the old adage, of how a woman has to work twice as hard to be paid as well as a man? Well, we have to be twice as polite as these kids on the game, to preclude any assumption we are going to be rude. Because if they think we are going to be rude, they will be rude to us.

    Everyone, please put this in your shortcuts, if you speak no Japanese. Type it in Japanese text mode:

    "Gaikokujinn nann desu kedo. Nihongo wakatte orimasenn. Yorosiku onegai itasimasu."

    This is uber polite. The double n is there because to get the N on the end of words, you hit N twice.

    They will be so surprised at the politeness, they will not abuse you (only stupid kids do this, remember) when they realise you aren't Japanese.

    - Shimarisu

  3. #13


    But why should we be vilified because of other westerners? Why can't they judge people as individuals instead of just lumping us all into one group?

    I'm sort of offended that we even *have* to try twice as hard to be recognized as polite. I'm a kid too, but wow, I don't avoid JP players because of a few rude ones (and yeah, they do exist).

    The shortcut thing helps, yes, and talking in battle would be good... but how are we supposed to know we're being rude if no one tells us (or, if they do, how can we tell if we can't understand it)? =/

    I really, really dislike it when people make assumptions without considering that the other person might not know your customs. It's just unfair that we have to live up to some standard of perfection to make up for the idiots of the world.

  4. #14


    We have to do this, because the game is not out in the west yet, they assume we are not westerners in many cases, just rude. Then they find out, often after the fact that we are westerners, and they get a bad impression of us.
    It's fair for them to asume we aren't westerners, because we should not being even playing this yet.

    - Shimarisu

  5. #15


    On 2004-01-19 12:19, HaLLa wrote:
    Most Japanese really dont like Americans do they?

    (well most countries dont period but thats besides the point)
    You mean on PSO.
    On PSO noone like Americans....
    you remenber on dreamcast what usa players did? spamm all day with racist words nol frezze all day on all ships i remenber hooligans was always in jp ship and told at jp they are monkey : D......
    Who can love usa players on PSO? noone
    most only play for destroy the game.
    I think if jp can have server not connected they are happy. heeh

    I never had problem with jp players maybe because can read jp, but when you go jp ships is impossible to be freeze and noone do spam with simbol chat (or better i saw 1 jp do spam but dunno if he was a real jp player).

    One of my best friend on PSO is from usa but i dislike most of usa players on vega or stupid children who spam all day on antares....

    Im not against all USA players i think you understand this i against with stupid person who play PSO only for destroy it and usually most of they are from USA like all know and i know lots of stupid person from other country too european country so stupid person is in all the world.

    Is hard saw a jp players come play in usa or eu ship sure they are scared : D more easy see a usa or eu players go play on jp ships.

    Most of my friend on pso are jp and all of they are very good person.

  6. #16


    Im not jus ttalking about PSO I just mean in General

  7. #17


    On 2004-01-20 00:10, HaLLa wrote:
    Im not jus ttalking about PSO I just mean in General
    oh too big discussion
    i only know few jp and most are from PSO.

    Like i wrote on other topics dislike a state only for few stupid person is not nice i can dislike most of usa players of PSO but this dont mean i dislike all people of USA

    and i think you dislike too most of people spammer etc of vega? right

  8. #18


    Eum, I just realised, this was a dig at me, and if you are going to play with me, I don't need this.

    Some things you should know:

    1. I do not have an inferiority complex. In fact, do you know what I think of myself? I think, no, I KNOW I am better than 95% of people. This is no accolade, this is fairly easy to achieve - people are shits.

    2. I have a massive sense of pride (see above). People slagging me off is something I wish to avoid. I moved out of a TOWN to get away from it. It literally a case of "How dare you speak to me like that, fuck you, I am out of here."

    3. People slagging me off because of what others said, hurts. "Arion san wa ano gaijin to issho ni imashita." Then they all fling crap - do I need that? I don't want to be associated with others' opinions. And I won't fling crap at people just because somebody else did. It's not a betrayal to refuse to do it if I don't want to. I am UNIQUE, thank you. I don't follow the crowd, to my eyes, the crowd is invisible.

    4. I am fairly famous in ep.3. I DON'T need a crappy reputation. Last night I had lots of people watching my games and booing when I won. I wonder why this is? I'm here to have FUN, not be booed.

    5. I have just as bad a temper as yours. Please don't overstep the line.

    6. If a Japanese player is rude to me, I'm rude right back. One of my favourite phrases on PSO is, " ga gaijin deshou?" Let's not slag off players who are just stupid and immature. It's so easy to find altogether more palatable flame targets elsewhere.

    7. NOBODY TELLS ME HOW TO ACT, UNLESS THEY ARE A LOVER OR A MEMBER OF AUTHORITY. And the latter, only under threat of prosecution. I might listen to friends, but then again, I don't need to. I'm considerate to friends. But if they start to tell me not to have autistic fits in their house, they get a hearty "FUCK YOU". Do you suppose I have friends? No. I have none. I lost them all, because they like their place in middle-class society more than they like to associate with me. Well I have two friends, two autistics and I don't get to see them, they are shut in cases because of getting similar treatment to mine. But do you know what? I gave up caring. It is me and my boyfriend (shunned by his family and friends for putting up with me) against the world.

    8. I am extremely arrogant and I know it. I don't care. It's a survival tactic. I've been abused all my life. My dad used to beat me, and when I was 16 and he did not stop, I beat him back. Why? Because nobody makes me feel small.

    - Posted after my anger overloaded, after losing YET AGAIN to the COM due to consistant 1 defence rolls.

    - Shimarisu

  9. #19


    I wasn't digging at anyone. I didn't, and wasn't trying to insult anyone/any group of people/etc. I was only venting because I felt I was treated rudely by you when you told me to "be more careful."

    I felt I didn't need to be more careful given the circumstances. The entire post was me complaining over Japanese mentality and having to suppress my feelings regarding it. I wasn't aiming for hitting you personally, and I'm sorry having done so.

    However, with that said, if you feel my actions are dangerous to your reputation and so on and so forth, then don't play with me. I'm sorry that you feel such is more important than a "friend" [which is obviously a loosely used term] and their opinions. That's fine, though.

    When I made that comment, I wasn't thinking, "Hm, let's brand Arion with my harsh words because I'm angry." You should know that. That was another huge point in my post. It's supremely fucked up that what I said is a representation of you, because:

    1. You are not my father.

    2. You are not my mother.

    3. You are not my boss.

    4. You are not my teacher.

    5. You, from the way you've dealt with everything, are apparently not my friend.

    I hope [and know] your response to all of that is something along the lines of telling them you were embarrassed by my actions and are very sorry for such, because I most certainly am not. In fact, it's better that we aren't playing together, because, ironically, I do know how to say "I say what I feel." in Japanese. And believe I would say such.

    I'm sorry you felt this post was an arrow aimed for your head, but it wasn't. You're not the victim of anything; I am. Like I mentioned before, your reputation is more important to you, and I think that's a bit shallow when it comes to everything that has happened. We're all individuals, though. Since you're so popular, the fact that you play with one less person won't matter.

    The concept of friendship and camaraderie online is so thin.

  10. #20


    Who said I never wanted to play with you? I never said that anywhere. I said be more careful, because you can EASILY chide somebody without annoying them so much they talk shit about you all over the game.

    I don't want popularity. What I want is to play in peace without BOOOO every time I win. Would you enjoy this, seriously? It's very irritating. I said you were my friend many times. However, I'm allowed to state my opinion to you, just as you are allowed not to follow it. I think you are seriously overreacting here, "Try to be more careful" does not mean "Don't do that, you will give me a bad rep." If you like I can advise you what to say to them (what will work, and shut them up). If they flash symbol chats a lot, it's OK to say "Urusai" for example. It doesn't JUST mean "Shut up" it means "Noisy". Or another good one is "Mimi ga itai desu" (my ears hurt) - good for them talking and talking and talking utter spam. The dog comment just got me a lot of flak, is all. I'm not telling you what to do, just to be more careful. Insult them all you like, it's just not a good idea to give idiots ammo if what they later do angers you.

    There's a reason I posted all that stuff. To show you we think alike. Are you going to blow off somebody who could be a good friend, just because they disagreed with you ONCE? Why do that? If I did that I would have run out on my partner like a thousand times over.

    Per DAY.

    Like I say, if you want to chuck an insult, you could ask me for a good one that's commonly used too among JP players when confronted by idiots. Urusai is good. They can't make lame "I'm a doggie" symbols based on that. Those chats made ME grind my teeth. I nearly said something awful to them. What I said was, "You are not a dog, you are a cat." (chara was called Myuu.)

    Anyway, I thought the plan was to avoid this stupid crap off people? We are both annoyed by it. Zane is making a site for the ship we were going to hang out on. I know Japanese players too, who want to avoid the kids. You aren't going to convince me though, that provoking more of the abuse is a good idea. I hate it and I want to avoid it. Screw my reputation. The whole reason I said that is because they follow me into games. They watch my tourneys. I AM well known and it's NOT too much fun for me. I'm not blowing you off because I'm famous and I want attention. I don't like the attention I am getting, jeez, I'm not that fickle.
    I'm not going to stop playing with you if you still want to play, but there is no need to get so angry over a disagreement. If you want to do that, that will confirm your point about friendships on the internet being fragile. We both have strong personalities that ARE going to clash. The trick is, to say screw it if it happens. Because most of the time we agree.

    It's not your fault btw, that they are booing me. I got a lot of shit after Fantasy Eve wrecked my reputation. I may have to remake my character.

    Can we forget this? I was not angry with you at the time. If I seemed abrupt, it was because I was falling asleep. I DCed and immediately went to bed.

    Oh and what do you mean, the way I dealt with everything? If you mean the apparent ignoring you, there is a reason why I couldn't play with you on Famitsu Cup day, I had to preserve the rank. It slipped every time I paused between tourneys. And afterwards, inviting Tevren and not you to the auction. There was a reason for that too. I felt obliged to him - he had played with me for hours purely to help my rank. It was a crap auction anyway, I think Malk got all the cards, and nothing I didn't already have and could trade to you anyway.

    - Shimarisu

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