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  1. #101
    Friend of the rappies and a girl`s best friend
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    San Diego, California


    Miso-named after character from idea for manga ive been writing...though the idea may be used for a video game or show that i make w/ tgf(the games factory)instead...which comes from the fact i like the name misao,but i wanted sumthin different,then i was reminded of miso(paste-like stuff used in food like miso soup)...the character in the script-like thing is supposed 2 b based on myself...well a part of me neway...i shall b divided in 2 in it...not the main character though...

  2. #102


    Mazinger-X my Hucast is just a char my brother made up.
    Shadow is my story character and my long time Roleplay character, I've written two stories on him (Still working on the second) The first story came up to be 125 pages, the second one now is 37. (By the way if anybody wants to read it ask me.)
    Hope mu Hunewearl is yet another character from my story, she's my friends Krissy's roleplay character, a some sort of sex slave person yeah. o_o'
    Yeha and so ends this little post... Yeah..

  3. #103
    Ruler of Algo and beyond.... ZioTheHoly's Avatar
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    Sep 2001
    Springfield, MO, USA



    ZioTheHoly - Zio from Phantasy Star 4

    Rune - Rune from Phantasy Star 4

    Mieu - Mieu from Phantasy Star 3

    Anna - Anna from Phantasy Star 2


    ZioTheHoly - again Zio from PS4

    BLOODY AXEL - heh I think was thinking of Axel from Streets of Rage

    Chakan - Chakan from Chakan the Foreverman

    SONICR - heh my main nickname

    Karis - eh named after a ex of mine

    Naomi - heh named after the daughter I plan to have...


  4. #104
    Captain of the SS SS
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    Jan 2004
    Off tha coast of Azures fighting Kraken


    Ghostphace - Name I've been rockin a few years on a bunch of games. Plus I like Ghostface Killah from the Wu. SUUU!

  5. #105


    New to pso-world. I hope I'm replying to the correct post. "Reason for choosing names..."

    My characters are:

    Harry P. : Named after Harry Potter for the fact that I wanted a cute little FOnewm. I like to say ridiculous things with him: i.e. "BA BOOM", "Wingaudian leviosa," and "Aloha morah."

    Stigma : Cause I wanted a blueful and couldn't thing of a good name for a HUcaseal.

    Skywanker : Joke character. Nuff said.

    Desmona : From the Disney show the Gargoyles. I really like her, cause she's so smart and wicked.

  6. #106


    WOLFE (HUmar Greenill)-Derived from Beowulf. Just changed spelling.

    Ren(HUmar Bluefull)-Looking for Bluefull Name, got frustrated, typed in Ren (from Japanese Shaman King), and voila, Bluefull.

    ZANGUIL(RAcast Yellowboze)-From Zangeif and Guile, from Street Fighter.

    Ryotsu (RAmar Skyly)-Sounds Samurai-Like.

    Dohkiyn (HUcast Redria)-From Dohkynd, a cool name.
    My name origins!

  7. #107
    %s on weps are for wimps
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    May 2003
    Sears, where else?


    Jackson Arcadia - I thought Jackson was different, besides I hadn't seen anybody else named Jackson until a year later when my cousin watched Pokemon and I walked by at the time Ash was fighting someone named Jackson. And for Arcadia, I don't know.


    Stacy Arcadia - mostly unused female name, and she married Jackson, therefore Arcadia.

    Dex Erez - I jut named him whatever, I was reading a magazine and decided to name him Dex for no reason.

    Grand Finale - this HUcast was going to e the last person I made on GC PSO, I soon changed my mind.

    VIP - Vincent Icarus Prawler, demigod of ice(i don't get how that ties in but, meh.

    Pope - my good FOmar, only uses Grants support techs and Foie.

    Arch - Arch Angels are sometimes evil so I chopped off Angel and made him into Pope's dark twin, Arch.

    Ragnarok - My DC HUcast, he was a total powerhouse, four God Battles and a fully POW Kama MAG. His weapon was a Stag Cutlery because it was the coolest weapon during that era of PSO.

    Hitman - he's a RAmar that uses a normal Rifle and a Suppresed Gun, Negotiator was overused so I came up with Hitman.

    Miranda - No idea how I came up with that.

    Mini Bot 22 - another unit, this one was made for reconisence therefore, a small android. And it came with the Purplenum ID, I really wanted the L&K14 Combats too.

  8. #108
    Keeper of Precepts Hrith's Avatar
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    Jan 2003


    Miranda - No idea how I came up with that.
    1 - Miranda is a name.
    2 - Miranda was a US ship on DC (Miranda 11, was the official JP C-mode ship/block)
    3 - Miranda is a constellation, like all Ship names on any PSO

    ME > j00

  9. #109
    Sitar Hero
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Baltimore, MD/Middletown, CT


    Smoke...hmm, I just thought of it randomly and I used it. ^_^ only one of my characters has an origin. Kibo, came from Kibogaoka, an area in Jet Set Radio Future. haha

  10. #110


    SpiffyDude - That's a no-brainer, isn't it?

    Brid - Wanted to make a Force, and decided Pinkal would be a good I.D. Brid is the name of a character from a book I've read, and it was pinkal, so I went with it. However, there are many people online who never miss the oppurtunity to tell me, "omg!1! u mispelled BIRD!!" Very annoying.

    Sepiria - Japanese name of a character from the video game Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (Which has yet to come out in the USA, it's been delayed nearly a year). It was Oran, I liked it, I went with it.

    Sumiko - Nothing fancy about this one... liked the sound of it, and it was the Skyly I needed.

    Spiffers - Purplenum, and a variation of the word spiffy.

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