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  1. #1


    ok this will be my first officail fan fic, altough it is just the prologue can people PLEASE read it and give me some pointers before i start chapter 1


    "Danth! Danth!" shouted an old man as he ran towards a tall Humar

    "Yes, grandfather what is it" replied Danth

    "Where are you off to Danth, it is the middle of the night" as he said this a vehicle flew overhead brightened the street on which they spoke.

    "I'm going to the hunter's guild, grandpa, I know you hate the guild but, I need something to pass the time until we land" Danth told the old man

    "Danth, we are never going to land but, how about you do me a job, instead of someone else's from the guild"

    "Ok, what do you need me to do?"

    "Well, I've been reading the old texts-"

    "Not those stupid myths and legend again grandpa, please"

    "Just wait and listen Danth please," pleaded the old man, "the text tells of a bracelet that can move time forwards or backwards, depending on the wearer's wishes"

    "Fine, fine, fine, I'll do it but just to make you happy grandpa," replied Danth after thinking for a while, "where can I find it"

    "I'll set the location in the teleporter, you'll find it in a shrine inside a mountain"

    The two walked towards the nearest teleporter, upon reaching it the old man quickly typed in the location, Danth walked into the teleporter, seconds later it activated, the last thing he heard before emerging in a strange mountainous region was a faint good luck from his grandfather...


    I hope who ever read it liked it

  2. #2


    It's a good beginning, but that's all I can say for now.

  3. #3
    If all else fails, get the flamethrower
    Join Date
    Apr 2003


    Sounds interesting, maybe i'll read more if you continue it.

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