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  1. #11


    the maser beam absolutly sucks

  2. #12
    Keeper of Precepts Hrith's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2003


    Same as Vulpes, and Zeroy, you cannot buy stuff in C-mode.

  3. #13


    Yeah, the super-duper CURE/POISON unit... any non-android has Anti level 1 and the androids laugh at poison....

  4. #14
    L:200 Purplenum RAmarl extraordinaire
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    That one place. You know, Purgatory.


    Graviton Plate is the worst item in the game. Evil Curst is a close second.

  5. #15
    known as Epeon88 on
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Rotterdam, the Netherlands


    I've got the ultimate right here.......
    Photon drop offcourse! man how many times did I fall for this thinking i's a cool weapon...>_<

  6. #16


    On 2004-03-01 18:10, Reality_Check wrote:
    Plus, why wouldn't like a Flower Bouquet (However you spell it, I hate spelling anyway)... it's all "British Comedy Style. Hitting random things with a Boquet of flowers. It's HILARIOUS!
    It's not British comedy until it starts shouting "FATCHER!" in a Rik Mayall voice, and its trousers fall down.

    Or it shoots up on heroin, if you've been watching Monkey Dust.

  7. #17


    most things in pso have a use for something, except for teh motherf******g BELRA CANNON. Single worst item ever imo

  8. #18


    Well, it's at least as close to british comedy you can get in this game... But the stuff you said would add a LOT of comedy to the game!

  9. #19
    Chimera of the Sands
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Bagram, Afghanistan


    SWI- Storm Wand Indras. They suck they suck they suck they suck they suck they suck they suck they suck they suck they suck. Need I say more?

  10. #20


    yeah..they suck they suck they suck they suck they suck they suck they suck they suck they suck they suck they suck they suck they suck they suck they suck they suck they suck thethey suck they suck they suck they suck they suck they suck they suck....alot

    You're pinkal right?

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