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  1. #1


    This requires making a patsy character who's sole purpose is to lose.

    Create a deck on your patsy character using Ino'lis, orginize it so she has alot of lower teir weapon cards at the begining of the deck all consisiting of 6 hp or less for our purposes.

    Once That is done save the deck and then set up your deck for your real character. Chose Break for your deck and make the first seven cards as followed

    1-2. Hilde Bear
    3-7. Foie, Zonde, or Barta (any asortment)

    Once that is done you don't have to care what other cards are in the deck as long as those are your first seven in that order, save your deck and go to set up the match between yourself and you patsy/dummy character.

    Chose Which ever Stage you please (I perfer Caelum A because of the music) and change the following two Rules

    Minimum Dice Role To 6
    Deck Shuffle To Unactivated

    Once that is Done Start the match.

    The Following Steps in battle will give you a gaurenteed S-Rank Against your Dummy Character Every Time

    1. Depending on who goes first do the following actions
    Ino'lis: Equip two of your weapon cards a 1 point card and a 2 point card, then move yourself across the screen so you're infront of break and end your turn.
    Break: Bring one of your Hilde Bear Cards into play so it is either to the left or the right of you, if Inolis is already infront of you Attack with your Hildebear and then end your turn.

    2.This one is also Depending on who goes first after this step it doesn't matter who goes.
    Ino'lis: Equip one or two weapon cards (Depending if you she got hit) so you have three and then end your turn.
    Break: Bring out your other Hilde Bear at this point and have them both attack her weapons destroying two of them, end your turn obviously.

    3. From this point on your duty consists of making sure ino'lis has three weapon card equiped on her at all time, with break you attack with your two Hildebears that are on either side of you and with break you use one of your techinque cards for the third attack on her third weapon.

    4. Step three is repeated until Ino'lis is dead, never attack her when she doesn't have a weapon equiped becuase it will cause your s-rank to go down. Also make sure to only attack with break using technique cards, i'm not sure why its just a faux pa.

    Viola you have an s-rank every time unfortunately it doesn't gaurentee great cards every time, However the first time i did it i got a sheild of delsaber and a yamato. Repeat till your hearts desire better cards will be awarded according to the level of yourself and your patsy.

    (There you go an easier to understand walk through)

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Kurosatsu on 2004-04-14 15:24 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Kurosatsu on 2004-04-14 15:37 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Kurosatsu on 2004-04-15 03:08 ]</font>

  2. #2
    Pink Haired Gothic Lolita Arislan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Phoenix, Arizona


    Woah. You may want to make a passing acquaintence with Mr Period, Mr Comma, and Mr Paragraph. That was hard to read.

    Overall, works pretty well, but it's kind of slow. Using the Rika's Claw deck with 2 players causes an S rank, both players winning, and therefore more cards. Do keep in mind that you want to play bth 1P and 2-4P offline multi, since different cards are only available in certain modes.

  3. #3


    that can be sorta cheap but oh well.
    another one to do is have a dummy char who has 3 reg rappys 3 poisen lilys, 3 claws and three migium and hidomm.(and any other 1 cost cards you have)

    then have you playing as silfer with the first three cards being 3 swords and 1 partisan.
    just kill all the level one monsters then kill the dummy.

    there S rank.

    oh yeah and it has to be an unshuffled deck.

  4. #4


    Um.... is it me, or shouldn't this be in the Cards, Decks and Quest Discussion?
    I'm still around.

  5. #5


    It's a lot faster and more productive to get a A rank without a Dummy character than a S rank with a dummy characterm IMO, expecially with my A rank method.

  6. #6


    On 2004-04-14 09:37, -Nisshoku- wrote:
    Um.... is it me, or shouldn't this be in the Cards, Decks and Quest Discussion?
    I wasn't sure which topic to put it under.

  7. #7


    it's abit off topic but if you want quick EXP and Cards just pit your best deck against Reiz's Creature=0 deck. It got me a yamato after the 5th time. I don't recomend it, i say just play the normal way.

  8. #8


    On 2004-04-13 22:47, Arislan wrote:
    Woah. You may want to make a passing acquaintence with Mr Period, Mr Comma, and Mr Paragraph. That was hard to read.
    Is this version easier to read?

  9. #9


    I found out one. Be Sil'fer and have your dummy char as endu. Endu's Deck is in this order : 2 rag rappies, and then 3 slashes. Then just fill up his deck with random cards.

    Sil'fers deck:
    1. Chainsword
    2. mag
    3. Sword Attack
    4. Slash
    5. Native Guard or just guard(either one should work)
    6. Akako's wok (not sure on spelling)

    Set Rules : Min roll 6
    Max roll 6
    Deck shuffle OFF

    Level : Unguis Lapis

    1. Have endu go first (if sil'fer has first turn skip it)
    2. Do not set any monsters and just go forward 3 spaces ( you should be infront of silfer) and end turn.
    3. Have Sil'fer equip the chainsword and mag and end turn.
    4. Have endu place rappies to the left and to the right of him (so there all in a line.)
    5. have a rappy attack with 2 slashes and have sil'fer defend with the defense card.
    6. Then on Sil'fer's turn have her equip akiko's wok.
    7. have her 1st attack endu with just the wok.
    8. Then attack with the Sword attack and slash.

    BAM there all dead insta S grade!

    Hope this helps!

  10. #10


    The only difference between A and S rank is a card or two, now think about the time it takes to get an s rank with a dummy character compared to get an A rank with zinger's method.....

    Also Zinger I modified your strat a little to suite what cards I have, and if you replace chain sword with Yasminkov3000R and replace SW attack with GN attack you end up doing 1 more damage... and have you tried using a SW Guard istead of Guard? that might get you an S rank with your strat if its able to block reiz's attack.

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