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  1. #71


    Little bits of melted metal dripped off of now smooth spikes, slipping down the the dusty ground leaving burned bits of scrap to cool in the night's shade. A multitude of such objects formed a ring inside of a grid, the middle of which being pushed out to allow passage of an individual. The final drop from the rapidly cooling hole in the razor-wire topped fence fell upon a footstep long spent.

    There was another print proceeding this, and then many more. Tracing along the disturbances, they snuck through the complex where the Pioneer 1 rested, sticking to the shadows and where cluttered shrubs provided some shelter from visibility. Then the marks became deeper, with tiny dunes piled up at the edges because the maker had broken into a run. A scorched, black splatter upon marked the event of a photon bullet missing its mark. Going still deeper into the confines of the defiled protective grid, we find a figure, a mere blob of dark grey against black. Her sensors had flared at the low pitched whistle of the attempt on her 'life', and now she peered over at the guard tower studded in the perimiter. As she sat upon her heels in the silhouette of a small outpost, Siva pulled forth the Guilty Light and set it's sights upon the moving shapes, somewhat blurred by the tower's external lights. A series of three cross-hairs became perfectly aligned, their final green liminous symbol not even wavering when the weapon was fired. Only taking a moments notice to the white orb that brightened the air, the android let their screams confirm that she had indeed hit her target.

    Cover was blown, she would have to move quickly..

    * * *

    Kirsten disregarded the new recruit taking a pop-shot at a moving shadow, they had been edgy for a long time, with all the attacks on the south side of the security circumference. North side had been quiet all night, and this wasn't the first time the tense soldier had fired at something inanimate.

    "Calm down will ya James?" She said over her shoulder, taking a fleeting glance to where his shot had landed just the quench the slight unease in her own chest.

    "I swear I really saw something this time!" The youth said, barely entering his adulthood. Kirtsen dismissed it witha wave of her hand, and turned to look at the Pioneer 1 in its support structure. The nights cool embrace over Coral slackened as pink rays of dawn began to paint the eastern horizon. The entire field of stars had winked out, but the moon was all but gone. Struggling to shine through pre-dawn light, its mere sliver of an essence was visible. So when a streak of white collided with her side, all she could do is gape in silent horror. Amror, flesh, bone sizzled before giving in to the intense heat, and the force of the explosion sent her flying over the railing of the guard tower. Kirsten's burned corpse hit the ground with a sickening thud, snapping charred bones and tainting the white sand a crimson red. the two other members in James' company had become a paste as well, though he survived, one leg lost and a flaming back where his reward for living. The foul acrid odor of burnt hair and flesh clung to his nostrils as he screamed, while tears coursed down his hot, blistered face as he clawed at his waist for the comm. unit resting there. After gasping out a distress message, the man passed out due to an intense wave of pain coursing through his body. He died with his eyes staring listlessy out, not knowing, thinking, or even dreaming of the nightmare that would befall the future.

    * * *

    "Celt inactive, Siva active, 500 beats remaining."

    "Well, that doesn't sound to pleasant.."

    "Apparently, this Siva was looking for Celt, and not recieving a response has activated 'Eclipse'.. whatever that is."

    "I know that Jonathon. What I want to know is what is at the end of this countdown."

    The man at the computer terminal sighed, as closed his eyes tiredly. Blue light from the monitor etched out the details of his face, showing the effects of many sleepless night. Here he was, with an old friend, confined in this infernal base while his daughter was waking up at home, where he was supposed to be for her birthday. But the attempted infiltration of the base outposted to the south of the Pioneer 1 and its 'stand' has everyone put on high alert. From out of the dark pits of his eyes, Jonathon spottedthe red flashing light, indicating a distress call. Hitting a succession of keys, he was confronted by the helpless whimpering of a man in unbearable pain. A brief request for back up, saying that the offender was heavily armed, and then the message died away to static. The commander donned his jacket and pointed to some of his lackeys,

    "Get some of our men down there ASAP. Come with me, Jonathon, I think we've found our goddess."

    * * *

    Siva turned as another flash greeted the photonic explosion her weapon had caused, in order to create more confusion, she had destroyed another two guard posts. But she used a ballista style of attack, therefore causing cunfusion on her whereabouts. The RAcaseal quickly skirted across the expanse between her and the next outpost, a green photon bullet ripped along her right side, missing her, but still too close to ignore. Stopping immediatley and kneeling down, the android fired off three shots in a triangle, one desecrating the doorway of the structure, the second collapsing the roof, the final landing squarely in the middle of a mans chest, since he had made it out the door before it and the space above was caved through in a decimating display of power. Blown off his feet, shreds of human body scattered, most little more than burnt scraps of paper. Running again, she was assailed by another two guards coming out of the back exit. Siva twirled around, jogging backwards, and let the final blast fly, annihilating one and heavily wounding the other, who was left to bleed to death while choking down his own blood.

    Another shot streamed past her, clipping the side of her abdomen, nearly hitting two containers full of plastic explosives. Someone had emerged from the roof, and she let loose andother volley from a high powered sniper. Jumping the side, Siva Raised the Guilty light and fired, watching the projectile arc towards her foe leaving an irridescent trail behind it. The female leaped aside, barely escaping the explosions deadly flare. But the shock did cause her legs to buckle and fold, leaving her vulnerable. The RAcaseal shot again, watching the thin line of light curve like gleaming spider silk in the wind and obliterate the screaming victim with a heated charge.

    Siva dropped the dead energy cell from the Guilty Light's 'magazine' slot, and inserted one of her two remaining. Hearing power surge back through the weapon's confined with a noticable hum, she was off again in her zig-zag line to the Pioneer 1. Out posts where placed at unever intervals that covered a good distance. Since the north side had no real base to protect it, such installments were placed in a frequent two-two pattern. _ - - _ These where all not real buildings, but more of make-shift tombs where a total of one hundred guards took shifts between. Shift changes went easily as the following, you and your team went out with a jeep, and did a basic sweep over your sector, and on the way back soldiers where dropped off at their posts, and the relieved climbed aboard and travelled back to the southern base for either bunking or some other ruitine.

    The android skitted to a halt and paused, resting her back against the cool cement of another outpost. From inside she could hear scrambling around, the guards inside undoubtedly being forewarned about her arrival. Siva retrieved an incindiary grenade from her hip and hit a switch on its side, this she tossed into the open window overhead, then she heard and felt it detonate inside. If the initial blast hadn't killed them, the thick smoke that filled up the room and curled out the windows like a sinuous serpentine beast certainly would drive them out. Sure enough, three soldiers, problably confused, fightened, and ill infromed came burtsing out into the cool air and staggered forth greeting the pre-dawn. Siva scattered the soldiers with one shot from her photon launcher, one survived almost unscathed and managed to fire off a round or two at his demise. One grazed her thigh while the other landed directly in her left shoulder, causing the Guilty light to fall from her grasp. Not having any sort of real hand to hand combat weapon for such a close range, Siva produced the 'glue gun' and fired off a rapid strand of the wire encompassed by gellatin and whipped it at her enemy. With a flick of her wrist she was able to neatly wrap a length of it around the mans head, he raised his hands in a vain attempt to remove the sticky substances, but the wire soon became superheated and ate away at his flesh and bone. A muffled scream was issued, but the android paid no heed. The guard collasped, his body writhing on the ground in a spasm, Siva released the wire, and put the gun back into its harness. A black line was left upon the ground where the length had fell, the soldier now stopped compulsing, his fingers burnt off from the effort of trying to save himself while a hiss indicated that the still quite hot cable was evaporating the mans blood, which was confirmed by a stream of steam rising from his corpse.

    She left the gruesome sight behind, the only thing in her line of vision was the highlighted figure of the Pioneer 1. The sun's golden plate was a line on the horizon, this and her internal clock told her that her short life was already nearing its end.

    * * *

    Queen to B5, check.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sarunakai on 2004-07-19 14:34 ]</font>

  2. #72
    Just your average Numbskull...again
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Somewhere along the Highway of Life


    "I can't believe he took over my job!" Gihaldien murmured as his footsteps echoed the through the hallway. "And even threatened an higher rank officer!" He turned towards the water fountain and lowered his head to take a drink. While replenishing his thirst, he realized something. "Where the hell is everybody?"

    ************************************************** ***

    Drash layed on the ground, the grass absorbing the blood from his left leg. He didn't know where the shot came from, or the person who shot it, but he did know two things: One, he was bleeding quite badly, and two, his enemy must have assumed he's dead, or else he wouldn't be felling anything at the moment.

    "Shhhhhh ...oooot!" he whispered, not wanting to let his opponent know he was still alive. He reached for his radio, sing small movements as not to alert the sniper, if the sniper was still there. He choose a random channel, and began sending a message. "Can anyone .... hear me? Badly... wounded. Probably ... sniper. Might still be here. Ne...ed help..."


    Eh, we are using radios, right? And I assumethey don't give annoucements in the prison, or else the warden would be fully awake. And yes, I am still in kinda writer's cramp.

  3. #73
    The Original Bullet Magnet
    Join Date
    May 2001


    Elairn glanced up from the PDA he held in his hands to see the ambulance hover off with Geki in the back, now in a stable condition. Ha! maybe he should be in the back of it too, that sister of hers had given him one hell of a shock. He could swear that he was buzzing from the small blast of zonde. He just hoped that she wouldn't go get herself killed.


    The RAnewmn looked up at the hunter before him. "Uh yes?" he said. Damn lack of sleep and zonde was really making him very spacey.

    "Sir, the remote turrents have been put into place. they'll shred any non--site personal that gets a little too close. Those rebels won't be coming back through this way again." The enthusastic young hunter said with a salute. Hunters didn't even need to salute military, this kid must have been eager to please.

    Suddenly a huge flash emitted from the far side of the construction site. The radio erupted with the sounds of young men and women screaming for their lifes, only to be cut off as another flash emitted from the north. Frantic voices began to command troops to converge on the area in question. The major rolled his eyes and looked at the young hunter infront of him. "No, they'll avoid our flesh vapourising turrents and try to sneak in the other way! with big freaking cannons by the sound of it. get a team together and we'll head over the-"

    a faint voice came through on De Sol's radio "Can anyone .... hear me? Badly... wounded. Probably ... sniper. Might still be here. Ne...ed help...". He immediately recognised the voice.

    "Drash." he said grinding his teeth. The guy whoes balls he had crushed not a handful of beats ago. Elairn sighed. He could recall seeing the young soldier during the last attack. he knew roughly were he probably was. "Drash, De Sol. Lay still. I'll be there to help you soon."

    "Sir, this guy is a pretty good sniper. Be careful." Drash said his voice still loaded with pain, and a little more high pitched than usual.

    De Sol began to walk towards an errant jeep, whipping his gun off his back as he did, the young hunter still keeping pace. "Son, this guy may be good, but I'm just plain better. Just stop bleeding to death long enough for me to get there!" The Major said jumping into the driver seat placing the gun beside him.

    "How in the name of the holy lights arsehole am i supposed to stop bleeding to death?!?!" Drash yelled in frustration.

    "Will your blood to stop. Out." Elairn said, starting the jeep up. He turned to see the hunter still standing. "kid have commander Jikan lead the team against whatever is attacking the north side. I'll go get that injured troop and be along as soon as i can. Leave a few guys behind to secure this sector." The major yelled, speeding off before the hunter had time to reply.

    Quickily he but the jeep in reverse pulling up the the kid again. "And get on the horn and find Bernie! Hes missing all the action!!" Elairn yelled before speeding off again.

  4. #74


    Crete was just about to leave the corpse of the rebel officer when the radio of the dead hunter crackled to life with the voices of those who were dying to the north. She took the radio from the man and listened to what was going on. From what she could gather there was an attack on the northern side of the complex.

    'that could be those dohan bastards again' she thought to herself as she began to run north, gripping her gun tightly.

    crap i know but its better than nothing right?

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: space_butler on 2004-07-27 07:06 ]</font>

  5. #75


    Roland sat within the small office and waited. The others had gone out to report in to P1 Command Central. He reclined back in his chair, hands laced behind his head, and watched the door. They should arrive any moment now.

    The instant his team was inside, Roland had seperated from the group to locate a suitable place where they could operate in secracy within the base. Once Roland found this abandoned warehouse, he had sent an unencrypted message to Loper, who should be inside the base's main communication center. It was a simple message, requesting a few power cables and comm chips, but in reality it would signal Loper to locate Roland's location via the homing device attached to the HUmar's belt. Once locked on, Loper would send out the coordinates to the other Cross Saint members with the short message 'Report ASAP'. Anyone eavesdropping on this particular channel wouldn't find anything out of the ordinary.

    "Yo, Rage! My main man! WHAZ UP!" Majek yelled, over-extending the pronunciation of each of the last two words. Irritated by the lengthy greeting, Roland sighed and spun around his is chair. Standing there in the doorway, fully clothed in battle attire with eager grins on their faces, were the Rhonwin brothers Start and Majek. Twins, to be exact, and although they looked exactly alike, the brothers were quite different in personalities, clothing attire, preferences, and well... annoyance. It was still hard to tell them apart sometimes, but to Roland the most distiguishing thing about both of them was that one was insanely annoying and the other annoyingly insane. Together, they gave Roland a major headache; however, in lieu of the annoyance factor, he respected the brothers and silently thanked them many times over. Without them, he would probably still be rotting in a Cyprian prison cell instead of commanding a well-respected - and extremely feared - group of psychos, maniacs, and outcasts. Effective and efficient ones, no less. Roland thought to himself.

    It all started with that jail break. Roland was sentenced to die in a maximum security prison with suspected and proven ties to terrorists that bombed the Yuzakinomi Stadium in Cypria. He was actually innocent, but the 'evidence' in his personal vehicle proved otherwise. With the help of the Rhonwin brothers, Roland had managed to escape the facility. He ended up following Dumb and Dumber to their native homeland of Dohan and soon found out that what the twins lacked in intelligence they more than made up for it in their fighting abilities.

    The three of them joined the military, and boy was that the most fun he had ever had in his life! Straight from the get go Majek, Start, and Roland stood apart from the other trainees. Roland excelled in leadership and heavy weapons usage while the Rhonwin brothers... well, at the time Dohan was short on recruits, so the military kept the brothers for the simple fact that they worked so damn well as a team. Roland eventually gained command of a small squad and his first recruits were, of course, Start and Majek - the main reason being that the brothers bothered the hell out of everyone else and wouldn't listen to anyone other than Roland.

    Roland's squad started at the bottom rung of the popularity ladder. As time passed and after many skirmishes, the unnamed squad made quite a name for themselves by accomplishing missions that other squads simply could not handle. Many soldiers joined and his squadron grew in size. Over time, Roland eventually lost members not because the squad's popularity diminished, but because the soldiers couldn't survive long enough to complete the dangerous missions assigned to the squadron. Roland decided to select the members that he believed were most likely to survive a mission and would prove to be the most useful, effective, and productive. To his disappointment, he ended up choosing only five. Roland eventually overcame his disappointment when he learned that these five warriors, as he liked to call them, were all he needed to accomplish nearly any mission.

    "Hey boss?" Start inquired, waving an ignited lighter in front of Roland's eyes and accidently catching Roland's hair on fire.

    Roland batted the lighter out of his face and started smothering the flames in his hair. "Damnit Match, stop that!"

    "Ya fell asleep wit ya eyes open. I was won'rin if..."

    "Just sit down and shut up! You too, Wraith."

    "Yessir!" the brothers said in unison.

    "And Match?"

    "Yeah, boss?"

    "Please don't set anything on fire this time!" Roland said. "I don't want a reoccurance of last week's forest fire in the Grandola mountains!"

    "Oh. Okay, boss. Sure thing! No fire this time. Gotcha!" The instant Start had settled into his seat he began to play with his pocket lighter - flipping the lid open, thumbing the wheel and igniting the flame, then closing the lid and repeating the cycle all over again. Roland knew he couldn't do anything about that for if he told Start to stop it he would apologize then do it again anyway.

    As he waited for the other members to appear, Roland studied the brothers.

    Majek was tolerable to a point. His voice and the way he talked bothered Roland to no end, but Majek's humor did amuse him at times. His powers as a FOrce were alarmingly potent. Majek had the innate ability to form weapons out of pure Zonde, Barta, or Foie energy but only for a few beats. He had not yet attempted to form a weapon out of pure Megid or Grants, but Roland would bet that if anyone could do it that it would be Majek. Another interesting fact about Majek - and one that scares the light out of Roland on occasion - was that he could will himself to become invisible to the naked eye. Majek will not share this secret with anyone, not even his own twin. And speaking of Dumber...

    Start was legally insane. He absolutely loves fire and anything that burns. His lunatic nature occasionally endangers anyone within a 15 ft. radius of him. Obviously, Start perfers weapons that produce flames; his primary weapon was a flame thrower which he lovingly called 'Chaos Torch'. It was initially believed that Start was too... 'handicapped' to learn any techniques. One day, however, Roland discovered - much to his horror - that his nightmare had come true: Start had learned how to cast Foie, albeit a weak version at that, but enough to cause Roland more headaches later on.

    Roland's thoughts were interrupted when his room door slid open to reveal the rest of the team members and he watched intently as they entered.

    The first to enter was Ulia Transei aka Venom. A rather sad tale she had, one that only he and possibly Massandre has heard. A devastating poison ravaged her and her family. The poison reacted strangely to newman DNA and had a different, horrible effect on each family member. Ulia's skin color had turned to a sickly light-green color. The pupils of her eyes became solid black with a bluish-green color occupying the area around it. Her voice degraded and turned raspy and scratchy; speaking is very painful for her now and she avoids talking because of it, but when she does it's usually to offer wisdom... or spite.

    Following close behind was Massandre Halena aka Frost. A cold-hearted woman in more ways than one. She won't talk much about her past, but what Roland could gather she was abandoned as a young girl. As time passed - or due to lack of details from her - Massandre developed an obsession with the Barta techniques and trained to become a FOrce. Everything about her is completely blue: eyes, hair, clothing, etc. Her soft skin is cold to the touch and as pale as a corpse, yet she is very much alive... and warm...

    "... and beautiful."

    "Oh, thank you Boss! I didn't know you cared!"

    "Wha...?" Roland blinked and found himself staring at a burning flame and a goofy, grinning psychopath. "Damnit Start, sit your ass down!!"

    "Sorry, boss! Right away!"

    Giggling from Massandre and a sort of hissing sound from Ulia. Roland blushed, shook his head, and cleared his throat. "Alright. So far, everything is going according to plan. We must maintain a low profile and learn the layout of the construction yard, guard locations, etc."

    "Basically any useful information," Ulia added.

    "Exactly. Everyone know their role?"

    "We drive supplies around the base!" the Rhonwin brothers said in unison.

    "Western gate... guard duty," Ulia replied, wincing a bit.

    "My duty is to help aid a docter by the name of Hailin Stone." Massandre answered.

    "Good." Roland said, pleased. "We'd better cut this gathering short as well and get back to work. If you need to contact me, find our comm droid Loper in the communications room and give him your message. Be careful not to be seen together when you leave here."

    They all nodded and got up to leave. "Massandre, stay for a bit."

    Massandre stopped and turned to face Roland as the rest of the squad left. "Yes... sir?"

    Roland stared long and hard at her. Suddenly he stood up and broke into a smile. "Yes... I agree and I do."

    Massandre blinked and squinted her eyes, uncomprehending. Roland pressed a button on his BEE communicator and a familiar message began to play. When it dawned on her, Massandre threw her arms around him in complete joy. Their lips locked and they embraced each other. Roland pulled back and looked into her eyes. "I love you."

    "As do I," Massandre replied, smiling.


  6. #76
    The Original Bullet Magnet
    Join Date
    May 2001


    Hail Stone wasn't a typically angry man. He loved all gods creatures. He would love nothing more than to frolic aimlessly through a field full of flowers and laugh joyfully. But right now he felt like taking a hop skip and a jump into the battle field and tear the Dohian rebels limb from limb with his teeth. During their little assualt they have attacked a storehouse that was full of newly repaired construction droids. Now they were quite un-repaired. Damn he hated those rebels. Why couldn't they just blow up other shit? Not the damn droids... he wasn't going to be able to take a break for a long while. And worse still, the next shift in the repair bay had just started and the new girl was late.

    Hail sighed, rolling his swivel chair across his lab to the BEE system. He pushed a button. "Yes Doctor." a young man replied.

    "Crag, where the hell is that new girl?!? She 15 minutes late and I'm gonna need a hand with this Goliath construction bot!" The doc yelled into the BEE, venting his frustration on the poor guy on the other end.

    "You must mean me." A cool voice said. Doc Stone looked up. A young lady stood in the doorway. For some reason he felt a chill go down his spine. He surveyed the woman before him. Blue. That was all he could think of. Her hair, eyes, clothing all blue. Hell, her skin even looked kinda blue!

    The Doc wiped his brow with his sleave, the sweat that clung to his forehead now beginning to absorb into his lab coat. The Repair bay was always too warm. Yet this Girl looked perfectly comfotable. The Doc realised his gaze had been noticed. He decided to forego any smurf or smurf-ette jokes he had lined up and just cut to the chase. "Bout time! Your late!" Is all he said walking towards the young lady, offering his hand for her to shake. She reached out to greet him.

    "Sorry, but there is still some sort of attack going on... I didn't want to be ending up in the medical bay instead Doctor." She said, releasing his hand. It wasn't the real reason for her being late, simply her desire to linger with Roland for every precious beat she could. But on her was from the warehouse, Massandre had seen some sort of giant firefight going on in the distance. Seemed like as good an excuse as any. But it worried her a little. They hadn't been told about this new attacker. Maybe it wasn't part of the Dohaian resistance.

    Hail wiggled his fingers a bit. She was even cool to the touch. "Well thats understandable. And please, don't call me 'Doctor'. nobody bothers with formalities around here. Just call me doc, or Hail." He said leading her over to the off-line droid that was in the middle of being repaired.

    "Wait. Your names Hail Stone?" She said, a small smile crawling across her lips.

    "My parents had a cruel sense of humour. lets just get to work shall we?!? This hunk of junk has to be ready to work on the south west thruster tomorrow." He said blushing slightly at attention been drawn to his name.

    Massandre gluped looking at the complex insides of the droids. It was going to be hard to bluff her way through this and resist the urge to turn the Doc into a giant ice cube.

  7. #77
    Customary AWESOME Title Solstis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I Missed the Ground


    Rigis had little problem with the Dohanian rebels. Apparently, they were now in full retreat, and did not expect to encounter anyone as they fled towards the hills.

    Finding himself uncharacteristically kind, Rigis decided to just cap the rebels in the arms or legs, effectively removing any threat. Splash, however, appeared to operate on a different set of standards.

    Just a few moments ago, a swarthy rebel armed with a saber had snuck behind Rigis, planning to stab the operative in the back for an easy kill. Splash, with his great sense of hearing, intercepted and knocked over the rebel with a blast of Zonde.

    To finish the poor fellow off, Splash sprung into the air, flipped a few times, and landed feet down on the man's chest, Splash's arms outstretched. To seal the deal on the now crushed rebel, Splash whipped out his handgun and delivered a photon bullet squarely in-between the man's eyes.

    Rigis watched the entire spectacle openmouthed, quite fortunate for the young lady that he was about to plug a photon bullet into, who escaped.

    Before Rigis could consider a reaction, such as a slow clap, a message from Dr. Liap interrupted him.

    ...Incoming Message from *******

    "Something is wrong! Get to the Pioneer 1 ASAP!"

    End Dialogue....

    Rigis' BEE communicator blinked via a green light diode for a few moments before fading out. Without looking up, Rigis whistled at Splash, getting his attention.

    "Let's go!"

    They weren't too far away from the complex now, and it would be only a few beats until they were inside. The plan was for them to pose as guards at the Western gate.

    Dr. Liap, through his odd and far-reaching connections, had already placed the two into the complex's databases.

  8. #78
    Fate binds us, destroys us.
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    Ardo was not having a good day.
    He threatened superior officers, lost several captives, got yelled at by at least 2 senior officers, had a major repair bill to front covertly, lacked any food for the last several hours, had alot of explaining to his bosses, and also nearly murdered one of his annoying marine counterparts.

    It would've been something to write home about, had his home not been right on the UGC's warpath into Dohan...

    Ardo silently locked the door Gihaldien had slammed open, and opened the cell. The man inside had the trademark purple dohanian eyes, and could not see into the shadows around Ardo's face. Ardo tapped on the voice modifier near where a Hunter's section ID would be on his armor, and sat on a metalic folding chair.

    "What is your name, Rebel?"

    The pain was obviously in serious pain, since he had recent stitches (That Ardo had caused the wound was of no small amount of guilt on his soul) and some were leaking blood slowly.

    However, the man managed to muster a grimace, and spat onto Ardo's covered face. The neopream coating just let it slide off into a sickening PLOP on the floor.

    "I asked once. I'll ask again politely. What is your name, rebel, please?"

    The man obviously lacked any more spit because he just insulted Ardo in old Dohanian instead.

    "Dha'rudh!" (Jerk!)

    "I think that was uncalled for. My name is L.O.G.I.C., Leader of Gamma Infiltration Commandos."

    If that scared or impressed the man, he did not show it.

    "Oh come on man! At least tell me your name."

    "I am Derrin."

    "That works, I spose. What were you trying to do?"

    "The holy crusade will not be stopped!"

    Ardo sighed. A holy crusade was how Dohan always justified wars. Geurilla or otherwise.

    "Yes yes, holy crusade, yadda yadda. What were you trying to do."

    The man looked shifty, and looked like he was making sure there were none of his superiors behind him.

    "Since I'm sure it's already started, we were distracting you so we could set explosives inside the 'No Fly Zone' and get them into the Pioneer 1."

    Ardo was silent. His eyes were the size of dinner plates.

    "... Well. That sucks. Er, anything else?"

    "That is no name, Mr.Logic. I would like to know you real name."

    Ardo started to walk away as the last sentance came out.

    He glanced around and turned off the voice modifier before replying. "If you must know, my name is Melnikov."

    For some reason, the man was surprised...

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