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  1. #31


    Well, here it is, i didnt like it too much,
    but mabie you will!

    Chapter 6 The Mysterious Stranger

    As the lights went around and around me, I felt a sort of out-of-body experience, while my MAG seemed to hold on for dear life in fear of falling out. As it beeped and whirred I arrived inside the caves. I waited for all of my friends to teleport, too, but they seemed to never make it. But their pipes must have been late, because theirs had opened in the damp caves a minute after mine. Ben, Stevie, and Brendan's Telepipes appeared and everyone seemed to be here. We continued on our mission and started to explore the caves. There were many different paths and passageways. We suddenly found ourselves lost at a four-way passage.

    "This way." We all said at once, pointing in different directions.

    "Well, we can't go all the ways, without splitting up, and that would be stupi-" I started.

    "Yay! Let's do it!" And they were off.
    We all went separate directions. I went towards the east tunnel. As I stepped thrugh the blue metal doors, that seemed fairly new, The surroundings were very dank and kind of hard to walk in. I could faintly hear water running, and a slow, constant rumble. There was also a small stream running through the left side of the room. It was a fairly large room with a surprising amount of cool air. The walls looked like pure rock. Layers of clay were already clotting on my boots. As I walked further, I could hear the water more clearly, but still like it was very far away. It was kind of weird that there would be water in a place like this, with little pools of slightly cooled magma in the corners of the room.

    I moved on to the next room, noting in the notepad that Sean gave me, "The caves must not be suitable for monsters to live because I haven't seen a sign of animal life yet" I hadn't even written the rest when a few demonic looking monsters popped from their dirt grave. They had long arms not unlike the boomas, but at the ends they had long, swords instead of claws. Their bodies were green and some of them were purple.

    "Scratch that last statement"

    Unfortunately, I was in the middle of the room. I grabbed my Cane and started to hack at the monsters, not even resulting in a scratch! I started to feel weak as they slowly made their way towards me. I wanted to run, but my body was too frightened.

    Just then from nowhere, just before they were in line to kill me with their blades, a figure came and took out a weapon id never seen before. It was burning red and it had a gem in the middle of a large yellow club. He destroyed the monsters and turned to me.

    I wasn't sure if he was going to kill me or help me to my feet. He crept closer, and soon he was two feet from me. I tried to back away but before I could, he reached out his hand. I got to my feet.

    "Who are you?" I asked.

    He said nothing and gestured towards the door behind me. As I looked, Ben, Stevie and Brendan came running through.

    "Stop! We won't let you hurt Josh!" Ben yelled at the mysterious person.

    "No! Don't! I think he's a good guy!" I yelled in return. They slowly halted as I looked at the man. He was apparently a force, like me, because he had robes on and he had some sort of magic aura that was putting off a strong mind power that only forces can have. He also had flowing white robes, blonde, long hair and aqua-blue eyes. He had a bandana in his hair going from his forehead to the back of his neck. He was only a few inches taller than I was. He said his name was Mike and he has been watching us from a distance.

    "I am an official from the Ragol Inspective Agency and I was told that you newly accepted hunters had exceptional power. The way you worked together was terrific, and that I should assist you in any way possible."

    "I seriously don't think the person you heard this from was very intelligent" I said as Brendan and Ben were fighting about the item left at the tekker, and Stevie, swinging his sword around like it was a toy.

    "Well to tell you the truth, most hunters that are part of the inspection are loners, so you are the best 'team' that works together, really..."

    He told us that he was assigned to watch us by the principal, and that when we were done, to see him at the hunters guild.

    He opened a telepipe and was off.

    "That was odd." Brendan said.

    "Yea, the principal wants to keep an eye on us? Why would that be?" We discussed for awhile and recuperated our strength at the same time. We sat and I fed my MAG a few monofluids and we were back on the trail, to explore the rest of the caves and to report back.

    After many battles and countless arguments, we made it to a very old looking warp. The red of the glow was faded and the pad was riddled with dirt. The rumbling was quite loud now. "Well, shall we?"

    "Are you insane? We don't know whats in there! It could be dangerous! For all you know, it could kill us all!" Stevie said.

    "Or it could be filled with treasure!" Argued Ben.
    Brendan and I were already in the warp.

    "Come on guys," Brendan said, The caves area was given an easy ranking, or else the scientists wouldn?t let us in here."

    We all were soon in the red lights and headed out to whatever awaited us on the other side of the caves.

    Unfortunately, i havent even started Chapter 7, so if you have any ideas about what should be in my next chapter, feel free to PM me!

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: FOmar611 on 2004-10-04 18:28 ]</font>

  2. #32
    Shh, you dont have to fear anymore.
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    Hehe...I feel old...good description i guess...N E ways, why would the Principal look after u guys??? Its not like you contain super powers to be harnessed and controlled for the goverments purpose hehe well good i guess keep it comin..and edit the title so it has the name of ur fic and the chapter u wrote.

  3. #33


    your strange ._. and you used some of my descriptions..i feel loved

  4. #34


    u r, Zel lol and im starting Ch. 7, so if u can wait... it should b up in 1 or 2 days (itll take that long just cause i wanna get a head start on ch 8 b4 i post ch 7...)

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: FOmar611 on 2004-10-09 16:24 ]</font>

  5. #35


    Chapter 7 IS coming, i swear! Its kinda hard... im welll stuck a little, but ill have it done soon! sorry 4 the delay!

  6. #36


    On 2004-10-11 13:01, FOmar611 wrote:
    Chapter 7 IS coming, i swear! Its kinda hard... im welll stuck a little, but ill have it done soon! sorry 4 the delay!

    why don't you just ask me for help?

  7. #37


    I am finally back on PSOW! I found my old password, and since PSOW was "down" a long time ago, ive gotten to like, chapter 11 or something, but i think its a stinker ill post it when I have time, sorry for the BIG delay!

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