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  1. #11


    Sad to hear that. You think things would evolve with time. Damn hillbilly rednecks.

    However, if you really wanted to test out Hollowtip's a song by Fishbone, Living Color, or Dead Kennedys. That would really prove it...especially Dead Kennedys.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: RuneLateralus on 2005-02-13 18:43 ]</font>

  2. #12


    I don't like how you make fun of short people, I think I'll go cry to some "authority."

  3. #13
    Crazy Awesome Old Potato Man Guy HAYABUSA-FMW-'s Avatar
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    Apr 2002
    PaRappa Town


    On 2005-02-13 23:13, 00JOE wrote:
    I don't like how you make fun of short people, I think I'll go cry to some "authority."

    Love the sarcasm here, and it is an issue but not nearly an issue of the one in question.

    Using a fact about the band director's appearance to demean him isn't justified, but is acceptable considering InfinityXXX's anger here.

    This is Rants after all, right?
    I again wish you the best InfinityXXX.
    I thought about PM'ing you but you're coming back to this topic anyway enough.

    Remember that this is Black History month, go enjoy some good music, have pride in the fact that African American heros get to shine in this month more than they do get to in any other month.

    ESPN commercials showing "the Path we tread" are kickass. Especially the recent one I've seen about a Gold medalist fighting the Nazi rule at the time by winning 2 Gold Medals in the Olympics.

    He later went back home and made a living by racing horses and dogs in a White dominated America. He maintained his composure by saying "I do realize its embarassing and demeaning but I have 2 gold medals, and you can't eat gold medals!"

    Ray- starring Jamie Foxx is one of the biggest movies of the last year.

    Malcom X- was just re-released on DVD; Denzel Washington gave a perfomance worthy of an Oscar. Spike Lee was interviewed and said that a lot of times actors win awards for movies based on previous performances. While he won for Training Day, he should have really won for Malcom X.

    Martin Luther King Jr. will be taught to new generations of young school kids as an advocate of non-violent resistance putting him in a class of individuals such as Mahatma Ghandi.

    Its 2005 already.
    Leave all the hate in the past.

    A Nas quote from me:
    "...We should take time and think, that bombs and tanks make mankind extinct..." from, Rule (featuring Amerie)

    Not directly the issue here, but one of love for humanity as a whole anyway.

  4. #14


    Okay, I'm just going to be honest about what I think about many of the comments that have been made in this thread because some of what has been said is bothersome to say the least.
    Yes there is racial descrimination within society, this I'm fully aware of, but what is disturbing to me is the fact that many people are promoting infinity's pro active boisterous attitude towards what many may consider a controversial assumption he is making. While I don't agree with how the teacher has handled your situation, putting a racist label on anyone without clear cut evidence is to put it bluntly, bullshit. You're not only jeapordizing his entire teaching career over something that is indefinite, you're distancing yourself from the non-African American society.

    On 2005-02-14 01:03, HAYABUSA-FMW- wrote:

    Love the sarcasm here, and it is an issue but not nearly an issue of the one in question.
    Using a fact about the band director's appearance to demean him isn't justified, but is acceptable considering InfinityXXX's anger here.
    This is Rants after all, right?
    I again wish you the best InfinityXXX.
    I thought about PM'ing you but you're coming back to this topic anyway enough.
    Remember that this is Black History month, go enjoy some good music, have pride in the fact that African American heros get to shine in this month more than they do get to in any other month.
    ESPN commercials showing "the Path we tread" are kickass. Especially the recent one I've seen about a Gold medalist fighting the Nazi rule at the time by winning 2 Gold Medals in the Olympics.
    He later went back home and made a living by racing horses and dogs in a White dominated America. He maintained his composure by saying "I do realize its embarassing and demeaning but I have 2 gold medals, and you can't eat gold medals!"
    Ray- starring Jamie Foxx is one of the biggest movies of the last year.
    Malcom X- was just re-released on DVD; Denzel Washington gave a perfomance worthy of an Oscar. Spike Lee was interviewed and said that a lot of times actors win awards for movies based on previous performances. While he won for Training Day, he should have really won for Malcom X.
    Martin Luther King Jr. will be taught to new generations of young school kids as an advocate of non-violent resistance putting him in a class of individuals such as Mahatma Ghandi.
    Its 2005 already.
    Leave all the hate in the past.
    A Nas quote from me:
    "...We should take time and think, that bombs and tanks make mankind extinct..." from, Rule (featuring Amerie)
    Not directly the issue here, but one of love for humanity as a whole anyway.
    Any form of racial seperation puts distinct boundaries and limits to ones selfhood. In other words, you group yourself within a certain being when everyone (should) live as equal in a physical sense. National pride is something that is learned and practiced, (in the form of lifestyle, language ect.) while ethnic identity is just a physical characteristic that you're born with.

    Those path we tread snippets are more offensive to me than anything. I'm not African American, but I can't help but wonder why this racial seperation is still being reinforced within society. I know it's in good intent, but the seperation is still apparent, it's just different in how it is presented.

  5. #15
    Crazy Awesome Old Potato Man Guy HAYABUSA-FMW-'s Avatar
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    Apr 2002
    PaRappa Town


    Okay fair enough.

    Sorry, Hollowtip.
    That should be a post completely taken to PM's as first stated in the beginning of my reply.

    I can agree to disagree here though if you'd like.
    I'm probably going to state some common sense facts here you already know but here goes:

    I do understand that there is a double standard.

    A Black History Month but no White History month?
    This is probably the extreme and most offensive example, by opinion.

    American history should be enough, right?
    America was built on the foundation of immigrants who settled the land. There is not a nationality based solely on skin color present here. Americans can sure be any color.

    Myself being part Native American, I have resentment to a certain extent also. Its not really justified considering this was way before my time and I had nothing to do with it. Okay ancestry, but yes, they struggled so that I wouldn't have to.

    In the most extreme cases of anger, everything seems to turn racial? Can we agree on that?

    Nobody is perfect and I completely believe that. It happens.

    Something some single individual of a certain skin color or descent might have done something terrible to you. It will bring about a grudge, to a certain extent, taken in individual cases of opinion.

    Holding on to such grudges are not very healthy in a day to day basis, but when you put it out of your mind it becomes ever a part of your personality. You can't change someone's ways when they grow older and are unwilling to change.

    There are things put in place that are both good and bad towards these causes. Affirmative action for instance. We have all heard horror stories and of the double standards, yet it doesn't seem like the rules are going to be changed anytime soon right? We have to just move on. It hasn't directly affected me so I have no quarrel with it. Others sure can have a different view on it and I don't disagree with them having a different opinion.

    I may be biased and this is only my opinion of what the original poster said, but I think he is justified in thinking whatever he wants in regards to what happened and his examples to support it. I can't sit here and tell him what to believe or not to believe. I wasn't there firsthand and he is only one side of the story. If we don't take his word for it, then there is nothing to discuss here, right?

    Your point is well taken and very valid here also.
    I appreciate that you brought it up and stand behind it.
    Don't be quick to judge, don't always point fingers in the wrong and worst direction immediately upon a disservice to you. You can't be one sided or closed minded.

    The path we tread segments are very one sided, I can agree on that. Upon a second look it is aimed at one particular demographic. Everyone else is left out. Further dissected it is simply 30 second look ins to stories of achievement. It shouldn't matter what the person's skin color is.

    I don't have an answer for that issue in particular. I don't know where I stand on that issue yet. I'll just be middleground from now on and retract my previous statements about it.

    I do think that we agree that there should be equal rights for all. Certain things set everyone back though. Granted we do not live in a perfect world. Stereotypes, racism, and prejudice exist. This isn't a country based on one group of people owning it, as shown in the past, so we have to share it.

  6. #16


    Umm, hollowtip, i'm not the only person in my school distric that has called Mr.Kennedy a racist. People from catoosa has called him a racist, me and multiple friends(white and black) have figured out that hes unfair towards minority student. I talked to my counselor and several teachers and they too say he doesn't treat minorities fair. You see, racism is one of those things where its hard to show evidence. The only real evidence i could bring is a tape of him saying and or justifying his mistreatment of minority students. So the only thing you can go on when trying to show his mistreatment is to gather and collect info from others and from having others observe him. This event has been brought up to our principle and hes going to have a meeting with Mr.Kennedy. When i told our principle he told me that I'm not the only minority that have dropped band since Mr.Kennedy started teaching. He even told me "To be honest, even the white students, some seniors, are dropping band". Hollowtip, please read the events that i've posted and you can be assure that that is MORE than enough evidence to prove that Mr.Kennedy has somethnig wrong with him.

    I also want to say that i have witnesses(white and black)to these events and some of them have told the principal about the events. I also want to say that i just didn't go to someone and start blowing up saying Mr.Kennedy is a racist. When i got my C i did not go psycho and put the racist tag on Mr.Kennedy. Many events built up and i actually sat down and thought about saying Mr.Kennedy is a racist. Like i said in one of my earlier posts, i RARELY RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAREEEEEEELLLLLLLYYYY YYYYYYYYY use the race card and everyone close to me knows it.

    Also , some of the posts were long so i'm not sure if i caught all of it so if i got the ass end then sorry but about black history month................just let us have our damn month XD. But to be serious the reason we got blakc history month was kinda like an apology for the whole slave segregration stuff yadayadayada. Black history month is a reward for us. A reward for struggling and survivin the civil rights movement and for actually sticking up. I mean if no one black stood up for their rights then we'll probably still be where were at so and so years ago =(. The reason why there is no white history month is for, white people really didn't have to struggle for anything.(i mean on the lines of fair treatment and all that stuff). I personally think there should be a month for other races so we all can learn and embrace other races struggles and hardships for freedom and equal treatment. I really would want to learn more about Native Americans in textbooks but textbooks don't talk a lot about em. I heard there was a Native American month and hispanic month. If there is a native american month i think they should get some more recognition.

    Black history month to me is a very fun month for me and reminds me of the past and struggles of others before me and lots of other African-Americans feel this way and really look foward to february. But back on subject with my original post.....I think Mr.Kennedy is gonna be fired next year because too much stuff is comming out on him. Like way back when he got in trouble for saying a racial slur somewhere. Grrrr that man steams my brocolli

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