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  1. #771
    PSO Assassin
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    England's green and pleasent land.


    Here is how I am able to type in PSO BB, on Windows XP Pro. Steps 1-9 were taken before PSO BB was installed.

    1) Go to control panel from your start menu, double-click "regional and language settings".

    2) In the new window, click the "Lanuages" tab.

    3) Click the "Details" button in the "Text Services and Input Languages" section.

    4) In the "Installed Services" section of the new window, click "Add".

    5) In the new window, select "Japanese" in the first drop-down menu, and the second one should default to "Japanese Input System (MS-IME 2002)". Then click OK. The window will close.

    6) Now click the "Key settings" button near the bottom of the window. If you're prompted to apply keyboard layout changes now, hit yes.

    7) In the hot keys section of the new window, confirm that the "switch between input languages" action is set to Left Alt+Shift. Then click OK and the window will close. Remember that key sequence - Left Alt+Shift.

    8 ) Since you probably don't want the language bar taking up space on your screen, click the "Advanced" tab, tick the "Turn off advanced text services" box.

    9) Click OK, the window will close. You may be asked to restart now. If you're not asked then it's a good idea to do it anyway.

    10) Install, run and patch PSO.

    Once it's done patching, try entering your user ID. If it doesn't work, use the magic buttons, Left Alt + Shift - this is a key sequence so make sure to get it right. On my PC this makes some Japanese characters appear near the bottom of my PSO screen. Now try typing again - if nothing appears, or if Japanese characters appear where you're typing, press the magic buttons again. I usually have to press them twice when I want to enter a user ID, party name or password (chat is usually painless).

    Well, that's how it works on mine. If it still doesn't work, try going to control panel, regional & language settings, languages tab again and ticking the "Install files for East Asian languages" - this was already ticked on mine, it may perhaps make a difference.

  2. #772


    On 2005-05-14 13:35, HiroX wrote:
    hey, my friend is having trouble getting the game to work, she's signed up and everything, the game installed and all. But when she goes to start it up, it makes her computer restart. Is there anything she can do to help this?
    Sounds like she's using Windows XP and is having a critical error, which in result causes her PC to restart instead of showing the Blue Screen.

    I'd suggest her looking in the Hardware profile to see if there are any conflicts going on (check the video card). I'd also suggest that she completely uninstall her video card drivers than reinstall them. Also try reinstalling Blue Burst.

    If there are still problems, post back here for a step-by-step guide to see if we can get it taken care of.

  3. #773


    She says she doesn't use XP. She says she uses Win2000.

  4. #774


    On 2005-05-16 14:35, HiroX wrote:
    She says she doesn't use XP. She says she uses Win2000.
    Can you provide any details on her Processor/Motherboard/Graphics Card?

  5. #775


    Graphic Card = NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro

    Intel Pentium III Processor

    Sorry, she couldn't find out the motherboard, is there an easy way to find out what type she has?

  6. #776
    Svm Inimicus Mali
    Join Date
    May 2001


    This may already have been covered (and if so, just point me to the right page), but has anyone else found their character possessed by the spirit of... someone who wants to go left all the time? For some reason, sometimes I'll wind up just walking around in circles without any directional control over my character. It's not this "auto-run" or "auto-walk" from the keyboard layout PDF at the site (or, at least, the q and e keys have no effect on the problem). Is there a solution?

  7. #777


    Sounds like a badly calibrated gamepad.

    But if you're using the keyboard.. maybe a badly calibrated keyboard.. OH NO!!!

    Creator of Tethealla, Administrator of Ephinea.

  8. #778
    Svm Inimicus Mali
    Join Date
    May 2001


    The thing is, it's off-and-on. I was in the middle of a Forest run when all of sudden I got stuck in the Endless Circle of Dooooooom. And then it wore off for a little while and came back, so I quit. I couldn't get a pad to work with the game, either, but maybe it was trying or something... I'll try playing without my gamepad plugged in for a while and see if anything happens.

  9. #779
    jack of all trades, master of none
    Join Date
    May 2003


    I dunno if this has been asked and answered, but why am I unable to type my userID and password to begin the game. I can click into it, but I can't type anything. Am I missing something?

  10. #780


    On 2005-05-19 13:59, Jehosaphaty wrote:
    I dunno if this has been asked and answered, but why am I unable to type my userID and password to begin the game. I can click into it, but I can't type anything. Am I missing something?
    Try this:

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