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  1. #21


    On 2005-11-26 11:12, Lord_DS wrote:
    Want the last V-Jump Scan ? here it is

    Would it be possible for you to post a better scan? It is hard to make out the details on that.

  2. #22


    sorry the scans aren't from me and i haven't found better ones...

  3. #23


    Looks like a chocobo got a taste of Rafoie, yet isn't on a Thanksgiving/Christmas Dinner platter yet. O.o

  4. #24


    Looks to me more like Sega is taking a good-natured rib at Final Fantasy by making their own "Chocobo-like" creature look extremely stupid and comical.

    To me, it looks like the real-world results of the repeated imbreeding you do in FFVII trying to get the Golden Chocobo.

    Feed men, and then ask of them virtue!

  5. #25


    On 2005-11-26 12:30, Ryna wrote:
    On 2005-11-26 11:12, Lord_DS wrote:
    Want the last V-Jump Scan ? here it is

    Would it be possible for you to post a better scan? It is hard to make out the details on that.
    They're not complete page scans, but Jeux-France has posted four high-quality scans of some of the images from this issue. Aside from the Flowder and Lunga, the main focus in on an enemy called a SEED Vance. Other screens show pictures of SEED's attack on the celebration at the beginning of the game as well as Leogini and Ethan taking on a SEED Vance at the Colony.

  6. #26
    Native Motavian OdinTyler's Avatar
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    It is so NOT a chocobo. Sega has had plenty of animals in their games before. Some you can ride, some you cant. Space Harrier? Panzer Dragoon? Theres a long list. You could say the Runga looks like a dragon but the head & tail very much remind me of various forms of Chaos from Sonic Adventure. Definitely a Sega creation. I love how you can run on it & it breathes what looks like fire. I always wanted an animal you can run on the ground with (other than the dragon) in Panzer Dragoon.
    This landrider might be just what I was looking for. I just hope they come in other colors besides pink. The hovercraft Ive seen in now white & blue.

  7. #27


    Not a chocobo! It does look sort of like one. But I don't think that chocobo is where ST got the runga idea from. FF isn't the only game that had two-legged creatures that you can ride on. I think it's more original than that. I don't think that just cuz it looks (kind of) like a chocobo that is where ST got the idea for a lunga. FF isn't the only place with creatures like that...

  8. #28
    Native Motavian OdinTyler's Avatar
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    As has been said, other games have unique creatures. Square isnt 'the be all & end all' of RPGs. Just wish ppl wouldnt keep comparing to FF. PSU is gonna take off in popularity. Seeing lackluster sales & thoughts of FF XI, it should just...take off...

    I just think that it was a mistake for FF to go online & especially in the way it did. It couldve been so much better. Oh well. Ill stick to PSU & be happy.

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