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  1. #21


    On 2006-02-18 06:23, OdinTyler wrote:
    What game really needs a demo more: Phantasy Star Universe or Sonic Riders?
    I think she may have meant Sonic Riders coming with a PSU demo, like PSO coming with a Sonic demo in the past, not that I would want that. Not really a big fan of Sonic games, and I wouldn't wanna have to buy one just for a PSU demo.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Russ2576 on 2006-02-18 11:39 ]</font>

  2. #22
    Down for the Getdown
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    The 36 Chambers


    On 2006-02-18 06:23, OdinTyler wrote:
    What game really needs a demo more: Phantasy Star Universe or Sonic Riders?
    Well Sonic Riders needs a demo of PSU more than PSU needs a demo of Sonic Riders. That way it'll be like the whole DQ8/FFXII deal. "Awxome! My Demo of PSU came with a free gameof Sonic Riders."

  3. #23
    Native Motavian OdinTyler's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    In PS limbo (need a new game)...


    Well right now I can do without Sonic Riders, so the demo needs to be an independent release. Idk why they couldnt just do it.

  4. #24


    I would spend hours if they just released the character creation demo...jeebus the time i could spend....

  5. #25


    Well as the saying goes..

    "No news is good news."

    .. right? .. RIGHT?!

  6. #26


    Well, I think ST is giving us some times to recover from the shock of the delay previously. That's why they saved the updates for, perhaps, next week. ;]
    Espilonarge wrote:
    "No news is good news."
    Don't ya mean 'No noose is good noose'? ;D

    Blink & you might miss it! ;3

    Oh, keep sig at 600x180 px & 49KB, yah?

  7. #27


    Want to hear something depressing?
    Someone mentioned that this week was the -original- week that the game was supposed to be released, before the first news of the JP delay.

    So, it is logical that ST only prepared these "weekly treat" updates so that there would be enough of them for 1 update each week until the release in Japan. This makes for happy fans because they get their teasers and game mags stay hype right up until the big day.

    However, this would also mean that they are now OUT of updates. They'd only prepare enough to get to the release, so now their supply is presumably gone. There is no way that they have enough pre-prepped content to tide gamers and fans over until their now mythical release. It is now so far in the future, that the entire game could theoretically be revealed before its actual release if they had to keep turning out info each week.

    This delay puts everyone in a bad spot. The hype dies down w/o weekly updates, or else they'd have to waste their manpower devoting guys to cranking out updates rather than trying to duct-tape this disaster or whatever it is they had explode the game.

    The point? *If we get ANY more updates aside from a 'oh it comes out next week' some point in the fall or whatever, it is a lucky, lucky thing.*
    Here's to hoping we are lucky.

  8. #28
    The Local Bartender
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Hell, even I don't friggin know.


    Ugh, this sucks so much. I seriously do not think that they're not doing such a good job as we like. Apparently, PSU keeps getting glitches and stuff, so whatever they're doing, it's really just screwing the game farther into the release date hole, where all the other release dates go once they have been casted away from a certain day to an entire year,

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