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  1. #11


    On 2006-03-09 15:49, Eihwaz wrote:
    PSOBB still has weird item glitches too, though not on the level of mass corruption. A friend of mine lost his S-Rank Twin that was in his bank due to some weird glitch.
    Technically, that's an item synchronization error.

    Mostly, it occurs with items that have been dropped on the ground, and can't be picked up afterwards.

    In other words, the item is there, but not there

    Anyways, back to FSOD.

    Yes, it is quite irritating sometimes, depending on the serverity of the attack. Some attacks might be pointless and don't damage the character at all while other attacks can wipe out character's inventories of items that aren't equipped. Some attacks, however, can wipe out weapons that are equipped...

    Basically, just be careful with who you play with and where you play.

  2. #12


    If a PSO-W Admin allows, I can teach you all how to back-up your memory cards onto your computers. I just need the Okay since I'm not sure what is allowed and what isn't here.

  3. #13


    On 2006-03-10 04:22, Pobega wrote:
    If a PSO-W Admin allows, I can teach you all how to back-up your memory cards onto your computers. I just need the Okay since I'm not sure what is allowed and what isn't here.
    Forum rules prevent you from providing those directions. Also, do not ask the user to PM you. That would be considered a rules violation too.

  4. #14


    Alright, I was just waiting for the "No" or "Okay". I just won't answer PMs sent to me then, no biggie.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Kecleon Inc


    FSODs aren't caused by crowded lobbies, it would be one person who is sending you a bad packet or something, forcing your game to lock up.

    Unless your GC can't spin discs a-ok, and crowded lobbies means a lot of characters to load, so then your game crashed in that way

  6. #16


    Yeah, but I think what he means is crowded lobbies attract FSODers.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Kecleon Inc


    That's probably what he meant, but some people I know got the wrong impression, and thought lots of people could simply cause FSODs. Just wanted to clear it up for anyone.

    Or something.

  8. #18
    Drazikka:FOnewearl;uprisi ng ruler of the dragons
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    i only have 1 controller so i get my friends to wander off while i hide my items in a certain place in pioneer2.then ,once i came back and my items wer i started asking who had them and no one said they i figured someone was lying,then my friend told me to pick up my stuff,which wasnt there so he did it for me,he picked up something that wasnt there then he stopped moving,and i couldnt talk or leave to the lobby so saved and quit and came back and they gave me my stuff and said they wer still moving and i had never said anything,
    what is that glitch called,i really wanna kno cause its happened to me twice already

  9. #19
    Scotty Chan
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Southend-On-Sea, Essex, England


    FSOD doesn't happen much now, and I apologise if I'm breaking any rules by mentioning this, (but I'm not explaining the method), you can get anti-FSOD codes and programs.
    Personally I haven't been FSOD in over a year, except once by the stupid servers crashing on me, (and losing an Elysion to boot).

  10. #20
    courage is solid
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    mountain area!!!! destroying gibbles's way of life


    On 2006-03-10 23:12, ScottBull wrote:
    FSOD doesn't happen much now, and I apologise if I'm breaking any rules by mentioning this, (but I'm not explaining the method), you can get anti-FSOD codes and programs.
    Personally I haven't been FSOD in over a year, except once by the stupid servers crashing on me, (and losing an Elysion to boot).
    i want you too clarify fsoding is rare right so i need not worry? i would like to thank you for making me less scared of losing my chars and items where can oyu find these so called anti fsod codes?
    ratchel-fonewearl-138, chaostorm-hunewearl-152, kairi-ramarl-135, cloud-humar-62 amateratsu hucast 42 darksonic -racast 64

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