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  1. #11


    The increase in casting speed alone is what I'm looking forward to most, call me crazy!

    Having played Acrotecher for a long time I was so used to firing Techs off so fast, I miss it. I mean, I'm used to playing a Fortetecher again now, but when I first switched back to FT I kept thinking my Har / Quick had fallen off or something.
    Want to play some PSU with some British guys who all have an awful sense of humour?
    Read my blog. Sometimes it has PSU related stuff.

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Aries2384 View Post
    The "point" to the Masterforce class is that Masterforce creates and completes the extremes for the techer classes. What I mean by that.. Is.. If you want to Support, you play Acrotecher. If you want to Nuke the hell out of stuff and have a damn good excuse not to throw out supports, be a Masterforce. If you want the middle ground, all around good techer class, go Fortetecher. Its just that simple. Capiche? And tell me OP.. do you rate yourself "top 5 % of techers" because "zomg my techs are all 40 and ai have 10/10 everything!" if so.. i call you an idiot. The Materials do not become the techer my friend. They help. But they arent everything. For instance.. knowing how to use the best techs for the situation and oh yeah..not using Ground on Ground enemies.. just for an example. Arrogant moron.

    Why do I rate myself in the top 5% well lets breake it down for you little one If some needs a heal I try to give them one unless they are out of range I do my best to do damage with what ever rods or spells I have Equiped , I no none of my rods are 10/10 but I would like to have at least 1, I also give buffs as often as I cant to help other with the damage and all of my skills are maxed just the ones I like.

    Now little one to Contast with most the Techers I have met recenly They don't heal spam some skill they are working on, tell me to pop mates and use scapes as the pick up Booma Claws, Green Photons, and then when I look at the Skill of the techer their Buffs if they have them are like 6 or 7, the Resta is not there, the Giresta is like 14 but yet the never use it, the die and have no scapes yet expect you to have yours, oh and before big boss battles they Dump their inventory of moons, mates and all other stuff. oh and they ill not use a Sol Atomiser or it like to reverse any stat problem the have nor will they use mate.....

    .Sorry 50% of all techers just suck, 40% are marganal, 9% are good and 1% at most are Superb

    For proof look how many people Thank techer for doing their jobs even just a little... Yet no one thanks a Melee for hitting a mob every time they hit it yet every time I am on my Main as a Techer an I heal or give Buffs in a public party Thanks I keep hearing thanks all the time

    so Little one it is my skill in playing not my Equipment nor my skills..

  3. #13


    my techer character is going masterforce (even though all my gear is gona be pretty low) , for 1 reason simply because im a bit tired of babystitting people. this is the same for almost all mmos i played where if you have a certain spell, people have this assumption that you must take care of them for every little thing.

    I know there are certain things require of the job but for other minor things for example ffxi sneak/invis mages have it but people in the pt are too cheap to get their own. think its require of the mages to keep them sneak/invis.

  4. #14


    My only gripe about MF is...teching classes aren't for DPS at all. You want big numbers? Go FM or GM. Even as a Newman, you'd be better off playing those classes.

    MF for me is only for fun and difficulty.

    That being said, who the f*** would want an MF in their party for speed runs? -_-;

  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by buzyb77 View Post
    Why do I rate myself in the top 5% well lets breake it down for you little one If some needs a heal I try to give them one unless they are out of range I do my best to do damage with what ever rods or spells I have Equiped , I no none of my rods are 10/10 but I would like to have at least 1, I also give buffs as often as I cant to help other with the damage and all of my skills are maxed just the ones I like.

    Now little one to Contast with most the Techers I have met recenly They don't heal spam some skill they are working on, tell me to pop mates and use scapes as the pick up Booma Claws, Green Photons, and then when I look at the Skill of the techer their Buffs if they have them are like 6 or 7, the Resta is not there, the Giresta is like 14 but yet the never use it, the die and have no scapes yet expect you to have yours, oh and before big boss battles they Dump their inventory of moons, mates and all other stuff. oh and they ill not use a Sol Atomiser or it like to reverse any stat problem the have nor will they use mate.....

    .Sorry 50% of all techers just suck, 40% are marganal, 9% are good and 1% at most are Superb

    For proof look how many people Thank techer for doing their jobs even just a little... Yet no one thanks a Melee for hitting a mob every time they hit it yet every time I am on my Main as a Techer an I heal or give Buffs in a public party Thanks I keep hearing thanks all the time

    so Little one it is my skill in playing not my Equipment nor my skills..
    You cant spell or speak english, and if you think masterforce has no point then you are not a good techer.

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by RedRaz0r View Post
    You cant spell or speak english, and if you think masterforce has no point then you are not a good techer.
    When the hell little one this the fourms ever become a Speak & Spell and English lesson?

    oh and if someone is a Master Driver does that mean they don't know how to break well just turn and stomp on the gas real well?

  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by trust_kill View Post
    Enjoy getting one shot.
    Actually thats a good point, a Masterforce might get one shot, but a GOOD master force won't be hit. A combination of higher skill and lv 50 techs is supposed to prevent that.

    Quote Originally Posted by buzyb77 View Post
    Why do I rate myself in the top 5% well lets breake it down for you little one If some needs a heal I try to give them one unless they are out of range I do my best to do damage with what ever rods or spells I have Equiped , I no none of my rods are 10/10 but I would like to have at least 1, I also give buffs as often as I cant to help other with the damage and all of my skills are maxed just the ones I like.
    Why should all techers have to heal? just because they don't it doesn't mean they're any worse. Now if they're AT or GT and don't heal there might be som issues, but its not necessarily an FT's job.
    Quote Originally Posted by buzyb77 View Post
    Now little one to Contast with most the Techers I have met recenly They don't heal spam some skill they are working on, tell me to pop mates and use scapes as the pick up Booma Claws, Green Photons,
    This is an argument about teching, what do drops have to do with it?
    Quote Originally Posted by buzyb77 View Post
    and then when I look at the Skill of the techer their Buffs if they have them are like 6 or 7, the Resta is not there, the Giresta is like 14 but yet the never use it, the die and have no scapes yet expect you to have yours, oh and before big boss battles they Dump their inventory of moons, mates and all other stuff. oh and they ill not use a Sol Atomiser or it like to reverse any stat problem the have nor will they use mate.....
    Most of those are problems with general population of PSU, not just Techers, and again, says nothign about their ability to play the class.

    Quote Originally Posted by buzyb77 View Post
    .Sorry 50% of all techers just suck, 40% are marganal, 9% are good and 1% at most are Superb

    For proof look how many people Thank techer for doing their jobs even just a little... Yet no one thanks a Melee for hitting a mob every time they hit it yet every time I am on my Main as a Techer an I heal or give Buffs in a public party Thanks I keep hearing thanks all the time

    so Little one it is my skill in playing not my Equipment nor my skills..
    I will continue to thank an FT for heals, it is not their job unless they want it to be. I often two-man sakura with a friend whose FT, and I NEVER expect him to heal me. If I get in over my head its my fault, not his.

    You are requiring all techers to use you play style, thats just arrogance. Some of us prefer not to play a class that does everything. Fortetecher was orgianally designed as a strong offensive tech class. Now masterforce is taking that to an extreme, making FT the middle of the road. PSU is not a game that requires a constant healer, unlike competitive or high pressure MMO's such as Guild Wars. Even so, the same holds true. I would not get mad at a monk for playing a smite bar I will only get mad if he is incompetent at it. The same way, I will not get mad at an FT for not even having buffs or healing on his staves, I will only get mad if he cannot use what he does have.
    Last edited by Kumlekar; Aug 24, 2008 at 09:19 PM.

  8. #18


    masterforce is better than fortechter. if you wanna stay in the top 5% for forces, you will need to make the switch or else you will drop down to the bottom 5%.
    Quit PSO2

  9. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
    masterforce is better than fortechter. if you wanna stay in the top 5% for forces, you will need to make the switch or else you will drop down to the bottom 5%.
    Ug when will people stop seeing this as a "One is better than" issue. Its two different play styles, end of story.

  10. #20


    Because people will always wanna justify that the class they have chosen is better, when people don't realise in life, people choose things that they prefer or like, and not because its nessacarily better.

    If people wanna just nuke, be a Masterforce.

    If you like healing and supporting a group, be a acrotecher like I did with my Newman.

    If you want balance between the two, pick fortetecher.

    Please don't go around expecting every techer class to be doing all the healing, everyone chose their class to do different things. At the same time if the entire group is dying, some people who can heal might wanna thrown down a healing spell or two sometimes. But I don't believe that all techers should immediatly become the white mage of the group just because they can use techs.

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