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  1. #1


    Quote Originally Posted by FOnewearl-Lina View Post
    If you stay away from prefixes, Dread, Domina, and aim for cost to performance, most of the 4 star units are 3000 meseta each right now so you can still gear up without breaking the bank?

    Capsules, they've been dropping in price ever since the reward period ended.
    grinding weapons is like idk around 100k+ or something, Lv3 pot is around idk 200k? Multi weapon is 100k+ (or was it 200k for 4*s?), base weapon will only cost a lot of you care about minmaxing but even some of the cheap 4*s with the good fixas are mostly cheaper (but if youre super casual, you shouldnt be bothering with the high level fixas), each unit is roughly 400k ea to +40, affix caps vary on whether youre forcing 1 cap at a time or max for best %: all that but with multiple classes and multiple weapons. 900k (weeklies+reactors) a week with no shop? this is going to take a couple of weeks to get geared and done with (I'd argue over a month)

    then comes the phasion game, 900k wont get you far in this, Globals market is so fucked right now thanks to dumb GM or Mod who said it was okay to Red Box farm on top of Meseta sellers, JP is somewhat relatively fair but either server requires you not to spend for a couple of weeks or more to just get one hair or alternatively go for all the cheap stuff no one wants in the 20-300k departments. SG scratch lol we all love Goroa stuff right?

    What I mentioned was speaking from a f2p view, without a shop or w/e, its difficult to sell anything youve accumulated over time. got that God drop atk 5 fixa Straga Katana? too bad you cant sell it without spending actual cash on prem or monthly shop in a game that shouldnt really be making a bunch of cash in its current state.

    theres barely any other alternatives to making meseta without having to spend countless hours farming for capsules that you RNG gives you, farming for that good Fixa drop when only about 2/5 Fixa stats matter and farming S/G Primm Swords and hoping someone buys them on mass in less than a couple of days.

    You have a couple of options:
    1. login, do weeklies, collect Alpha Reactors, don't spend every day/week, dont even play the game beyond this if you want meseta
    2. farm for countless hours in a dead game for RNG drops and pray they sell somewhat quick
    3. open your wallet, give in to Segas continued bad practices and give them money they don't technically deserve atm
    Cast - Gt 50, Fg 20, Gm 25
    PSO2 NGS
    Quote Originally Posted by the_importer_ View Post
    Tell you what mate, I'll decide when my topic goes into the QQ post or when it needs to be it's own thing, and you can do the same for yours. Alright, cool. Cheers

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by ArcaneTechs View Post
    give in to Segas continued bad practices and give them money they don't technically deserve atm
    That's the point. IDK why people still keep throwing them money. Personally this and IP block stops me to buy a Prem like I used to and stopped about a time around Luster release.

    Quote Originally Posted by ArcaneTechs View Post
    farm for countless hours in a dead game for RNG drops and pray they sell somewhat quick
    I'd say: farm for countless hours in a dead game for TRIALS appear and pray about UQ happens somewhat quick

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