Guilty Light

Available on the following consoles:
Gamecube Xbox Blue Burst

Guilty Light Pictures

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Screenshot 4

Screenshot 5

Screenshot 6

Screenshot 7

Blue Burst (PC) & Version 3 (GC & XBox): Episodes 1, 2 & 4
Description: "A legendary Photon Launcher said to have been created by an outlaw."
ATP: + 240-250
ATA: + 38
Max Grinder: 18
Special: Freezes
Class: Launcher
Required Stat: ATA: 120
Stars: 10 []
Usable By
Section ID Difficulty: Location Monster Drop Rate
Viridia: Vhard:Mines Vol Opt 1/16
 Vhard:Spaceship Gol Dragon 1/16
 Vhard:Control Center Mericus 1/46
 Ultimate:Forest Barble 1/169
 Ultimate:Seabed Dolmdarl 1/183
Greennill: Vhard:Mines Vol Opt 1/16
 Vhard:Spaceship Gol Dragon 1/16
 Ultimate:Caves Migium 1/143
Skyly: Vhard:Mines Vol Opt 1/16
 Vhard:Control Center Mericus 1/46
 Vhard:Spaceship Gol Dragon 1/16
 Ultimate:Caves Ob Lily 1/256
 Ultimate:Seabed Recon 1/3151
Bluefull: Vhard:Spaceship Gol Dragon 1/16
 Vhard:Control Center Mericus 1/46
 Vhard:Mines Vol Opt 1/16
 Ultimate:Forest Barble 1/169
 Ultimate:Spaceship Gilchich 1/214
Purplenum: Vhard:Mines Vol Opt 1/16
 Vhard:Control Center Mericus 1/46
 Vhard:Spaceship Gol Dragon 1/16
 Ultimate:Caves GoVulmer 1/183
Pinkal: Vhard:Mines Vol Opt 1/16
 Vhard:Control Center Mericus 1/46
 Vhard:Spaceship Gol Dragon 1/16
 Ultimate:Caves Nano Dragon 1/117
Redria: Vhard:Mines Vol Opt 1/16
 Vhard:Spaceship Gol Dragon 1/16
 Ultimate:Caves Vulmer 1/214
Oran: Vhard:Spaceship Gol Dragon 1/16
 Vhard:Control Center Mericus 1/46
 Vhard:Mines Vol Opt 1/16
 Ultimate:Forest Barble 1/169
Yellowboze: Vhard:Mines Vol Opt 1/16
 Vhard:Control Center Merikle 1/46
 Vhard:Seabed Deldepth 1/160
 Ultimate:Seabed Recon 1/3151
Whitill: Vhard:Mines Vol Opt 1/16
 Vhard:Spaceship Gol Dragon 1/16
 Ultimate:Forest Barble 1/169
 Ultimate:Seabed Deldepth 1/160

Guilty Light Related Guides
Tycho's Where to find [item name here] Gamecube Xbox
Government Quest Rewards Blue Burst