
Item Category Icon
Item Summary
Description: A Yohmei-made long blade with a unique form, containing the power of a creature that lives far to the west of the Gurhal System.
Versions: Ambition of IlluminusPhantasy Star Portable

Haktora Details and Findings
Rarity: 9 9 Star(s)
Rank: A
Brand: Yohmei Corp Yohmei Corp
Weapon Type: Sword
Requirement: ATP 480

Item Stats
Acc: 150 End: -
Att: 880 Ment: -
Def: - PP: 410
Eva: - Tech: -
Rarity: 7 7 Star(s)
Rank: A
Brand: Yohmei Corp Yohmei Corp
Weapon Type: Sword
Requirement: ATP 254

Item Stats
Acc: 225 End: -
Att: 447 Ment: -
Def: - PP: 440
Eva: - Tech: -

Drop Locations
Drop Type Enemy/Location Note
Enemy Bal Soza Enemy Level: 40 to 59, Version:Phantasy Star Portable
Job Class: Protranser/Acromaster
Enemy Bal Soza Enemy Level: 40 to 59, Version:Phantasy Star Portable
Job Class: Hunter/Fighmaster

Haktora Multimedia

Contributed By: CJ Johnny Ambition of Illuminus
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