Guides - Main 22-1b The Great Shadow Part 2/Great Ambition 2

Quest: The Great Shadow Part 2
Dispatched From: Lab Chief
Gained From:  
Prerequisites: Complete both Hunterside and Darkside story mode.
Stage: ????
Selectable Characters: Sil'fer, Kranz, Ino'lis, Kilrya, Viviana, Teifu, Relmitos, Guykild, Orland, Saligun, Stella, Gluster
Rules: Phase Time 20, Dice Minimum 3, Character HP 20
Versus: Amplam Umbra (Deck: The Great Shadow)
Cutscene: All
Ends Tier: Yes

Blue circle: You Red circle: Opponent 1
Dark Blue circle: Partner Orange circle: Opponent 2
Extra Information

This is a boss battle, so prepare for it. Be sure to check out the Amplam Umbra card. Be careful, once the Amplam's Umbra's HP goes below 5, Amplam will use HP Replenish and his HP will go back to 15.