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  1. #1
    Certified & Licensed PSO Insurance Broker
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    The deepest pits of Hell


    Okay, here's what happened. I put in my 2nd memory card just 5 mins ago and entered the US ships with a throwaway character. I decided to test the doublesave thing and see if it will FSOD me. So...I create a game and join it.

    Here's the subtle change I noticed...the second save now happens when your character is not on the screen. Remember how it was before? You'd join a game and it would save, then your character appeared and the second save would kick in. Now the two saves happen before your character appears.

    I think this is significant...could it mean that Sega modded the save sequence to get the timing right? Could it be the timing of the 2nd save which had corrupted character files?

  2. #2


    mmmmmm i have to see this cause if its true spread the word!!! so everyone can come back

  3. #3


    I'm not good with technalities... But I guess the change is there for a reason. I've personally never had a corruption, but for the sake of everyone else, I really hope this helps!

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Certified & Licensed PSO Insurance Broker
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    The deepest pits of Hell


    It is very easy to see if I'm telling the truth

    Just get a 2nd mem card, make a throwaway char, enter your network info, hop online and join any game. You'll see that the 1st save happens when the screen is black, then the 2nd save kicks in when you see the guild hall. After the save is done, your character appears.

    Prior to this, the first save would happen, then your character appears and you could run around/whatever when the 2nd save is in progress. I know this for a fact because I did it myself before the worm attack.

  6. #6


    yeh the only problem is that they didn't fix all dupe methods.I know of one that still works.

  7. #7
    Certified & Licensed PSO Insurance Broker
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    The deepest pits of Hell


    Guys, my friend just hit upon something with regards to this doublesave. Remember how it was before when it only saved once? You saved when pioneer appeared but your char is offscreen, correct?

    Well, the change now is the second save appears BEFORE the first save. That is, when the screen is black, that's when the 2nd save is happening (the new save Sega put in). After that, the first and original save kicks in.

    Just more food for thought!

  8. #8


    I know what they've done.

    The second save is now BEFORE the original save.

    Here's how it used to work:

    Pioneer 2 loads up, you see the Hunter's Guild, bu before your char appears, the game saves. This was the original save. Then, they added a second save AFTER it, which appeared AFTER your char had loaded and appeared.

    NOW, the black screen that appears after the loading light dance thingy has been lengthened to a second or two, and a save occurs THEN. Then the Pioneer 2 Hunter's Guild appears, and then the original save happened.

    I admit I know NOTHING about the game or code or whatnot, but I'm theorizing that the fsod problem occurred because there was a brief moment between saves where you could move, execute chat bubbles and whatnot. So when the first save ended, and you tried to do something, the instructions you sent to the game got tangled up in the server's instruction to save, because the game wasn't freezing properly. So game falls down go SPLAT, and you have an FSOD.

    If this is the case, the this change SHOULD fix that. But I dunno, it's just a theory.

  9. #9


    Sounds like a good theory to me.

  10. #10


    When exactly was the new way implemented?

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