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  1. #1
    The Lone Ranger
    Join Date
    Oct 2002


    Tonight you'll see what happens if they decide to do it.

    *This week*
    From ST: We want to be honest to you,we aplogize for any BSOD,FSOD or any currption your players have subcomed to. To Xbox gamers we aplogize for not stoping the duping concern and hacking in time. In reasponse we made a ssurprise quiz for all ST menbers,out of 150 employees, only 80 of them are competent for the job. So we fired the lazy ones. This is the start of our remaking, to make sure that the customer will always be right. So we've created an e-mail so you,the player can tell us what you want. The e-mail is: [email protected].
    And until further notice the Hunter's License fees for both the Gamecube and Xbox versions will be wavied.
    Thanks for your support.

    Don't worry, nothing will happen to our current project Sonic Heroes. The game will be released on schedule this Winter.

    Sonic Team

    2nd week:
    A news update,since last week we've received 100's of e-mails suggesting solutions to improve PSO Ep.I&II. This week we'll solve the problem of the data corroption and hackers tring to bypass the recent patch on the Xbox version. Since you players want the double save process eliminated,we'll goiug to do it. And also we'll develop a new way to check for saved patches so if the server doesn't see the patch file (like someone who uses a AR to remve the patch) they'll force the system to download the patch again. And rumor has it that we disabled the downloading of patches in the Gamecube version, after the upcoming sever maintanence and patch it won't be much longer. The system we'll implenting is simlar to ones that check for patches in MMORPG's like in Anarchy Online and EQOA. Here's the status of what the we're doing if you don't understand.

    GC verison:
    -We'll reenable to patch process of the cilent
    -Server maintence will begin two days after testing and creation.
    -And the double save will be removed once and for all.

    Xbox version:
    -The addition of the server-side patch checker will have to tested by Microsoft for one week.

    This is just the begining of what we're doing to improve your PSO experence.

    PSO Server Team (Sonic Team).
    That's the end of the first two weeks. If you wanted to see Sonic Team to care for us. Discuss at the discusion topic above this post.


  2. #2
    Blue Harmony
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    France(was:New Caledonia)


    wow .. what a wonderful fantasy.. I like it !

    suggestion for 3rd week :

    _We apologize for the delay, but it seems we will soon be able to link GC and DC servers. Precautions have been taken to insure that no DC hack will be harmful to GC players. Item exchange between versions will not be possible for the moment.

    4th week :

    _We have linked all region servers on PSOX. You can now play with overseas friends just like you could on DC or GC.

    5th week :

    _The link between DC and GC servers proving quite popular, we are now testing linking them with Xbox servers.

    6th week :

    _DC, GC and Xbox servers linked. thank you for your patience and support.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: saffaya on 2003-07-21 05:08 ]</font>

  3. #3


    We all wish this would happen. Of course, doing this would take too much effort for the lazy people of Sonic Team, and would put a horrible strain on their peanut-like minds. Such a pity.

  4. #4
    King of Nothing
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green Bay, WI


    I'd have a heart attack....

  5. #5
    Last Pureblooded ß-type Mystil's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2002


    I'd like everyone that uses dupes banned in the game. Even if that means me included. Then we'd all have to sign back up for online play. And the environment will be MUCH better.

    Too bad all that is wishful thinking.
    Miranda F Newman Fighter (PSO2: NG) Ship 2
    ~Past Characters~
    DC PSO: Silhouette HUnewearl 100 » 102 (Ver.2)
    GC PSO: Silhouette HUnewearl 161 :: Za'leshea FOnewearl 172
    PSU: Eternia F Beast FF15 Lvl142(PC) :: Elemia F Cast GM20 lvl174(360)

  6. #6
    Fate binds us, destroys us.
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    *prays this isnt actually a joke, is actually the real thing* W00TNESS OF DOOM!!!!!!!!!! *goes and plays GC, finds BOC, alot of swearing happens, then Logical2u wakes up* .... $%#@...

  7. #7
    The Lone Ranger
    Join Date
    Oct 2002


    PSO Parody Act II:
    3rd Week Update:
    Today,we've finsihed the server maintance for both versions. So if all of you noticed that there's no double save,you can thank us. =) And for those of you in the European servers we haven't forgot about you too,we've done the same thing to the GC and Xbox versions,with a little help from Sega Europe and Microsoft.

    And here's a word of warning for those of you who are using these so-called "Game Enhancement Devices" we goot something to tell you, in the next two months your days will be over:No more "duping",xp hoging or any cheating or any kind. The first action we've taken:the "current client check-up" will be the first line of defence angainst you guys. We won't give out the details about how it'll work,but if you've played Everquest before, you know what I'm talking about. So you got two choices as of now:learn how to play this game like a man (or woman) or you can quit if you tring to ice-skate uphill.That's your first warning.

    For others playing the game we'll do another news update some time tommorow.

    2nd week,2nd day:

    About the lay-off part we've posted 2 weeks ago on yesterday we put up a help wanted poster on all main sega websites saying for any professional hackers and server programmers to sign up part time. About 80 people signed up for it.
    In other news in the Xbox version,the automatic system recived around 1,000 users with altered system files,and we've given a warning to reconcider if they want to ice skate up-hill wothout being caught. The next step for both versions will be the removal of word select glich which can crash the either version's client when they send a message on the word select system to someone. What we're doing is when someone or if you're entering a lobby or room,you have to wait 10 seconds before you send a message to a person in the lobby. Again the we have to do the same procedure for different versions we develop the patch,when you enter the main server you have to download a patch when we do another maintenence next week and for the xbox version we have to send it to THEM to test it before they add it and send a auto-update.

    And some good news for players;We're developing a banned weapon list for both versions so those haked weapons you're seeing will be banished for good. If you wan to contribute the list with banned weapons that you've found out,please e-mail us at our new e-mail address [email protected] with the message title "Banned Weapons List".

    Thank you for your support.

    PSO Server Team USA
    -Sonic Team USA/Sonic Team LLC

  8. #8
    Rappy Hunter
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    On the other side of your computer moniter :)


    omg ST is getting off thier butt and doing something. b/c they realized they made a mistake with the cheating FREE PLAY whoooooooohhooooooo LoL

    No HL fee is what im reading right???

  9. #9
    The Lone Ranger
    Join Date
    Oct 2002


    Didn't you read the entire post? I said that it's a parody of Sonic Team's attiude about their game.

  10. #10
    The Lone Ranger
    Join Date
    Oct 2002


    3rd week 1st day:
    We've compiled the list of banned weapons that are used in the game and that includes over 50 hacked weapons involving the use of Action Replay.The maintence for the GC version will start on the following times for the implentation of the list:
    And before the server maintenece the link to the server in question when you select a ship will be removed 5 minutes before the actual start. And as always finish all games before the start of the maintenence.
    And after the maintence will be initating a zero-tolerance policy for hacks and to make sure that you can check if an item is illegal,we'll develping a page that you can upload your save file to check for illegal items. It'll give you a list of all illegal items,under two catagories:One for modified and one illegal items. The modified weapons catagory will show you which weapons that will be reset to their original values for the weapon (i.e. if the weapon was supposed to be 10+ ATP instead of 1000+ ATP,the server will reset the value to 10+ATP). For the other catagory are the tiems that you can't use anymore. So in short you can keep the modified weapons for it to be changed when you ennter the server but the illegal items must be disposed of before you log on into the server.

    For the Xbox version however,the process will be used on the same screen used for paying your hunters licence.And because it'll include the item check the name will be changed from "Purchase Hunters Licence" to "Purchase Hunter's licence/Auxerially Funtions". And when you log on you have to download the patch to your xbox,then you follow the same procedure to check your items,only difference is that you have to go to the options screen to do it.

    2nd day:
    The Mihinro english page is updated with a new look that's simliar to the Japanese version,by the request of customers like you. And also from now on we'll do ten illustrations per day instead of the current 5. That way the both versions will be even in the terms of content. We'll be also translating comments from the japanese page illustrations too.

    3rd day: As of now the new banned weapon list is up and running the website is up. so far over 10,000 saves have been uploaded to the server. About 2/10's of them have illegal or altered data.This is the second phase of the campaign against hackers. And the patch has already been sent to Microsoft.

    2nd week:
    The patch has already been cerified and is ready to be put in place tonight. After the maintanence the banned weapons system and the auto-patch will be put in place. It'll take 2 days to calulate the results,so be please bear with us.

    PSO US Online Team
    Sonic Team USA

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